
[Being rewritten]

Gremmy lives on the streets and has never gotten anything good. Well, that is about to change. He stumbles upon a mysterious figure standing behind a table. The figure tells him that he can take one of the potions. Gremmy takes it and finds himself in the body of the Quincy Gremmy Thoumeaux. As he begins to understand what is happening he begins to make his own plans and refuses to be a pawn in the Quincy King's plans. _________________________________ The other account was also mine and I got a mess and decided to post it here. This is not a copy or something. It is mine.

Cedric_7512 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Central 46

At the 12th Division Headquarters, Kisuke and Tessai transported the Captains and Lieutenants for Kisuke to heal them. 

"Hollowification is one of the outcomes I arrived at as I studied how to strengthen the souls of Soul Reapers. 

In the process, I created a material that instantaneously destroys and then creates the boundary between Hollows and Soul Reapers. 

I will use that to treat Hirako and the others.", Kisuke told Tessai.

"What is that material?", Tessai asked.

"I call it the Hogyoku.", Kisuke says and shows Tessai a small, bluish-purple orb composed of a unique substance. 

'What is this sensation of pressure? Is it Spiritual Pressure? No, it's not the same. It is "presence." The presence this stone possesses is trying to push away my presence. What on earth is this? What has Urahara created?'

Tessai was internally thinking. 

"Can Hirako and the others really be saved using this?" 

"No.", Kisuke answers.


"I've already told you. The method is a gamble. The likelihood that Hirako and the others will return to the way they were by using Hogyoku is, even a generous estimation, about 20 per cent, I'd say."

"Twenty per cent?"

"If the series of vanishing soul cases was Lieutenant Aizen's doing, then I'd assume that he never even considered the possibility of treatment for Hollowfication. There is no other way, but this."


The night passed and the next morning had come and with it some troubling news. 

Kisuke Urahara woke up and looked at the group of Captains and Lieutenants. The result of their work ... was fruitless. It had not worked to turn the Shinigami back to the way they were.

"Urahara.", Tessai said.

"I'm sorry, Tessai. It failed...

... I need to go outside to get some fresh air.", Kisuke said and then walked outside. 

He stood in the courtyard of the 12th Division Headquarters and tried to wrap his head around the fact that he had not managed to turn the Shinigami back. He is dismayed.

Then at that moment, some guards appear and surround Kisuke.

"What's going on?"

"Captain of Squad 12, Kisuke Urahara! And the Kido Commander of the Kido Corps, Tessai Tsukabishi! A warrant for your arrest has been issued by Central 46! Come with us!"


Tessai and Kisuke are brought to the Central 46 compound. Both of them are handcuffed and standing before all of the 46 members of the Central 46. 

"What is the meaning of this?", Kisuke asks. He asks that but he already knows. Kisuke is smarter than most people give him credit for at this point. 

"I don't recall giving you permission to speak. You have been summoned here for an inquest. You are not to speak other than in response to a question. Is that understood, Captain of Squad 12?", a member of the Central 46 asks arrogantly.

'Inquest? Am I being suspected of something?'

"I apologise." 

"Where were you last night shortly after midnight?", a member asks.

"In the forest of District 6 in West Fugai district.", Kisuke answers.

"Were you there conducting Hollowfication experiments?", another member asks.

This startles Kisuke and he turns to the member who said that.

"Just a minute! Who told you such a thing?"

However, he is not given an answer.

"You tested Hollowfication, the results of your evil research, on the Captain of Squad 5, as well as seven other Captain class members in the Fugai district.", someone else said.

Kisuke was not prepared for this. He suspects how this came to their attention, but how it was possible to make them all believe it ...

"So it is true?" 

Kisuke remembers what Aizen told him. He understands what happened. 

"Who was it?", Kisuke asks again.

"You do not have the right to ask questions.", someone says.

"Was it Lieutenant Aizen?", Kisuke asks them.

"That makes twice, Captain of Squad 12. The next time, we will add to the charges.", a pompous prick states.

"That was all his doing! We went there to rescue Hirako and the others!"

"When your lies go that far, they become comical. The Lieutenant of Squad 5 never left the Seireitei last night.", another member tells Kisuke.


"We have the statements of 124 squad members and one Captain. Although another one refuses to confirm this, he is also brought here as we speak. That leaves no room for any doubt.", the member says.

"Who was the one that refused to confirm this?", Kisuke wants to know.

"This is now the third time, Captain of Squad 12. Your sentence will be adjusted accordingly."

"That can't be true.", Kisuke says.


The doors open and someone is brought in. It is Captain Fushiguro with guards. Although funnily enough the amount of guards is way lower than those that brought in Kisuke and Tessai.

Kisuke looks at Toji with wide eyes. Toji looks as unbothered as if he was taking a dumb. And that is what he just might do today. He looks at Kisuke and sees his surprise and ... hope. 

But Toji won't help him today. At least not actively. He walks to the centre and stands next to Tessai. He nods at Kisuke.

"Yo Kisuke. Fancy seeing you here today. What happened?", Toji asks.


"Captain Fushiguro you have been summoned here for an inquest. You are not to speak other than in response to a question. Is that understood, Captain of Squad 3?"

This time the tone is filled to the brim with mockery. So much so that you can almost hear his laughter.

"Ah, we got a funny one eh? Now Kisuke... what happened? Where is Rojuro? And the others?"

However, once again Kisuke can't answer Toji as a member of the Central 46 bloats.

"How dare you, Captain of Squad 3? You are in front of Central 46 and you will speak only when you are spoken to. We hold all the authority here. Understood?"

"Is that so? Well newsflash prick, might makes right. And also sad sods that don't do anything and seal themselves into this sad room, don't give me orders. So why don't you sit on that turd you call a face and shut the f*ck up?!"

For a moment the entire room is dead silent. And then everyone starts to scream and shout and yapping about how dare he this and how dare he that ... it is all quite confusing. 


In that moment a messenger comes in and tells everyone the news.

"I have information to report!"

This calms the room down somewhat. 

"Numerous traces of Hollowfication experiments were found in the research wing of Squad 12's barracks!"

"That settles it.", a member says.

Three knocks are heard.

"I will pass the sentence! Kido Commander Tessai Tsukabishi! For the crime of using a forbidden technique, you are sentenced to imprisonment in Underground Prison 3: Shugo!

Captain of Squad 12, Kisuke Urahara! For the crime of conducting research on and applying taboo phenomena to deceive and cause serious injury to your fellow squad members, you are sentenced to eternal banishment to the World of the Living after you have been stripped of all Spiritual Power! 

Furthermore, the pitiful captain of Squad 5 along with the other seven Captain-class members, who became the victims of your heinous experiments will be dealt with severely as Hollows!", the chief judge or something declares.

Before he can get to Toji's punishment, Kisuke interrupts him.

"But that's ... Just wait a minute!"

The door is slammed open and a person stands at the entrance. 

"Who are you?! Who gave you permission to enter the conference room while proceedings are in progress?! Leave this place immediately, lowly oaf!" 

The figure flashes to the middle and stands next to Kisuke and Tessai. Two guards try to attack the person but are immediately knocked out. 

The person then breaks the cuffs and frees them. 

"C-Capture them! Intruder!"


"Isn't anyone there?!"

All the guards are knocked out and lying on the ground. 



This leaves us with only Toji still standing there with his handcuffs still on. He has a smile on his face. 

"Yare yare ... that was quite the spectacle. I must say, front-row seat, live action ... really great. But the audience is just awful. You must be some of the worst people I have ever met."

"Captain of Squad 3, Toji Fushiguro. You must have collaborated with them to free them. This had to be your doing!"

"Oh wow. Yes, that makes sense. I make the plan and then they leave me behind. Do you honestly believe that I have anything to do with this?"

"Yes. We will not be disrespected by such a lowly, incapable and weak Captain that has ever had the position. You will be removed from the seat of Captain and be sentenced to prison!"



"Hahahahahahahahahaha, you guys ... hahaha ... are so stuck up and arrogant for ... ahahahaha ... absolutely no reason that it just makes me laugh."

"T-This will have consequences!! You-"

A ginormous pressure fell onto every member of the Central 46 at that moment. 



"W-what .. is this?"

"You are right ... it will have consequences. It's Newton's third law ... every action has an equal reaction."

The pressure increased, making all the members be pressed on the ground and their chairs obliterated.

"I wonder ... how much will each of you manage to take ... before your organs pop like balloons and we have ourselves a blood feast..."

Groans were heard from all around as Toji increased the pressure slightly every second. 

Then Toji stopped. All the pressure ceased and the Central 46 members could breathe again. 

"T-this will-"

"Yeah yeah, consequences and whatnot. Now prepare for some fun pain!!!"


From all around the hall there was screaming as Toji activated their pain receptors and gave them the worst imaginable pain they could imagine. And then he had the ground grow spikes and tentacles that he made all the Central 46 members get slowly crushed by.

"Oh I didn't say it was enjoyable for you ... But I enjoy watching."

With 46 consecutive crunches, all of the members were squeezed and popped to death.


... and then ... everything turned back to the way it was before. 

Every member found themselves back in their seats, without any blood or gore on them. They were all perfectly fine. Except their minds. They now had quite a bit of trauma ...

"I'm sure you're all confused right now. No, that was not an illusion, no that was not a trick. All of that truly happened. And just in case you thought about it ... you won't be able to tell anyone about it. 

I modified your brain so that you can't tell anyone about what happened today. That is the power of the Squad 3 Captain, which is me ... Toji Fushiguro.

So you better remember that, because if you pull another one of those unjust shit like that ...

... I will return ... for judgement!!!"

And with that ... Toji left the building, leaving a bunch of traumatized men scared shitless. 



In the Underground secret training facility that Kisuke built were a few people. 

"Th-Thank you. Yoruichi.", Kisuke said. 

"You don't need to thank me. I'll even save the swift kick I was going to give you for not saying a word to me last night for later.", Yoruichi said.

"I brought all eight of them here. And the new Gigai prototype you were working on as well. Get started on it.", Yoruichi said.

"Yoruichi, may I ask why you didn't free Captain Fushiguro?", Tessai asked her.

"Haaa, I did ..."


"She did do it. I saw her break her cuffs before she Shunpo'ed away.", Kisuke said.

"But I clearly saw that they were unbroken when I left. And I left the last of us.", Tessai said.

"That's because ... he didn't want to leave.", Kisuke said. 

"He didn't want to leave?"

"Yeah. I guess there is more to him than meets the eye.", Yoruichi said.