
[ Naruto The Status Screen Special Edition ]

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3 Chs

1. System Unlocked.


Congratulations Lucky Chosen Soul. You have been chosen to be transmigrated. All personal knowledge has been wiped .Only non-personal knowledge has been kept. This is to help your integration into your new life. You shall awaken in your new apartment as an orphan. You have one year to injest two DNA samples. They shall be the basis for purifying your DNA. This will be a genetic change that will not affect your appearance. Your status screen will not activate until you acquire the necessary DNA. Good Luck.


After I finish reading the message I wake up in a small bedroom, on a small bed in a small body. Oh boy this doesn't seem right. Looking over my body I am maybe 3.5 feet tall. I feel like I should be older but I guess this is part of the whole being a new person thing. Getting out of the covers and walking to the door I look around my small room. I have a sliding closet and a bathroom attached.

Entering my bathroom I get a good look at my self. I'm a kid but my face is pretty handsome, i have black hair and green eyes. I stand at around 3'6". I am a pretty average kid all things considered.

Leaving the room I walk into the halleay I notice a washer and dryer to my left and a door that leads to my bathroom on my right. Leaving the hall I come to the classic build that a one bedroom apartment has a livingroom/ diningroom with an attached kitchen. My livingroom has a sliding glass door that leads to my own little patio.

Walking out to my patio I gaze out at the village for the first time. I know where and when I am. This is Konoha I am in Naruto. That means crazy ninja gods. But looking at the village and the Hokage monument I am pretty sure this is at least before Naruto's chunnin exam. Hopefully I have time to train I am only 8 so I won't have to fight for sometime. But if that happens I want to at least be able to defend my self.

Walking back in I see 5 things on my coffee table. A book titled 'Chakra for Beginners', three scrolls rolled up and an envelope full of money. I open the three scrolls. Two of them look like sealing scrolls or something the other seems to be a letter.

Dear Haru Reitsu,

Now that you are the age to enter the Academy. I do as I have for all my ninjas who have sacrificed themselves for this village. I personally write a letter to every orphan to explain what their parents have left them. Inside the scrolls are the possessions of your parents. This includes jutsus, training methods, fighting styles and weaponry. Your family did not own any property. All wealth has been taken. This is an agreement all Konoha shinobi take. If you and your partner die in exchange for all your wealth Konoha will take care of any orphaned children. We will provide them a career path, a monthly pension, a fully equipped apartment and any possessions that your family owned. Even the Uchiha clan which was recently massacred everything that is not a part of the clan has been taken. This helps us not only nurture the future generation. But it also allows us to use the resources towards the villages infrastructure. I thank your parents for their courage and honored sacrifice. I wish you well in the academy. Remember it starts next Monday 6 A.M. meet in front of the Hokage Building.

Best Wishes,

Third Hokage

Hiruzen Sarutobi

Looking at the calendar on the wall I see today is January 3rd Sunday. That means tomorrow is my first day of the academy. I decide to first look through the chakra book. After reading through the first chapter it talked about how there is a ball of energy within your mind, yin chakra, and a ball of energy within your torso, yang chakra, and the fusion of that energy is Chakra, yin-yang chakra. In order to unlock your chakra you must mix all of your yin and yang chakra. After all of it is mixed your body will naturally produce your Chakra ,yin- yang chakra, instead of them separately.

I sit down on my couch and try to focus on the energy inside of myself. I think on the energy if it truly part of myself it is probably moving through my body so I try to feel for any tiny fluctuations and the harder I think the easier it is to feel the mental energy until I can find where it is centered. That luckily only took 30 minutes. It hits me then if I can find my mental energy by thinking I wonder if I can feel my physical energy by working out. I test my theory right away by going to a clear space. There I start doing reps of 10 of various exercises push ups, sit ups, burners, squats, stretching everything I can think of. As I grow a bit fatigued I start to feel traces of the yang chakra course through me. Seeing progress I decide I'm gonna either pass out or I'm going to find my yang chakra core. Luckily it only takes me 3 breaks and two hours before I finally locate where my yang core is. Looking at their sizes I immediately notice that my yin chakra is around 4 times the size of my yang. Then it hits me even though I don't have personal memories I do have a lot more knowledge than an eight year old will have. That's fine that just means I'll have good chakra control but not a lot of Chakra. After I get my DNA profiles I should be able to generate a lot more chakra. If I can maintain that type of control with a massive Chakra I could throw around ninjutsu like Kisame.

Looking at the time I decide to just make myself a quick lunch. Then I got back into trying to unlock my Chakra. I noticed even though I had more mental energy than physical energy it was easier to detect and move it. I decided to move my physical energy to my solar plex keeping it in a ball as compact as I could make it. Until it was a 1.5 inch diameter sphere. Then I carefully pulled my mental energy until it was near my physical then I slow started to spin the sphere of physical energy. A thin stream of mental energy started to flow towards the physical energy sphere. As it merged the sphere seemed to slowly form a smaller sphere inside of it. This new sphere was much denser and took a huge mix of mental to physical energy to produce the small amount. The sphere was spinning this had two purposes to mix the two energies and to help make the newly formed Chakra as dense and strong as possible. I noted that around the half way mark the new Chakra started to form faster and the faster it formed the quicker I noticed how exhausted I was getting. I sat there for hours feeling the mental energy slowly slipping away until only the stream that now looked like a straw remained. It was almost complete the Chakra was moving faster than I had seen it. The force of the spinning was the only thing that kept it from bursting out. Just as the last of the energies merged I felt all of the Chackra in the Sphere burst around my body as I blacked out from exhaustion or pain, probably both.

I come to sitting on the couch facing my TV with only the light coming from outside. I expected my body to be sore or something but I feel great I feel the best I've ever felt. That's when I notice my Chakra pumping through my body in tune with my heart beat. I can barely feel wisps of my Chakra circulating through my Chakra System. If the feeling Sasuke got when activating the curse seal was anything like this. I can almost see why he went to the Snake Sanin.

I feel starving. I should get some food in me before school starts. I make a steak and egg breakfast. After a delicious meal I notice it is 3:30 A.M.. I decide to take a shower and get dressed. After finding my clothes. I look at the envelope of money inside I find $500 the cost of an apple is $0.05 and a bowl of ramen from Ichiraka is $3-5. This meant $500 is alot to get each month so around four years is $24,000. That is almost half the cost of a Chakra Blade. There must be hundreds of orphans every decade in Konoha. The fact that each one gets this is amazingly generous. It also shows the future value of orphans in Ninja Villages.

I decide to see if I can move my chakra consciously. It takes around twenty minutes to get it start to slowly move as a trickle. I will it towards my right hand as fast as I can while trying to keep it stable. until I get it to my hand. Looking at my hand I can see a blueish hue covering my left hand. Seeing my success I cut the flow. Then I start looking through the Chakra book until I find out how to unseal a sealing scroll. For most all you have to do is apply a small amount of chakra it says the amount required to make a single clone.

Since I have time I decide to unseal my parents scrolls. It takes about 20 minutes to unseal both. then I decide to look through them. My father, Taru Reitsu, left me a personal letter. 4 d-rank, 7 c-rank, 5 b-rank , 2 a-rank ninjutsu, The Strong Fist Taijutsu Style, his training notes, a few sets of weight and resistance seals. Though he was the first shinobi in his family he was fairly successful and became a jonin before dying in the Nine Tails attack. My mother, Kira Reitsu, it turns out was a third generation ninja. Her grandfather was one of the first citizens of Konoha to join the Ninja Corps. Her father carried on the tradition and so did my mother. So from her I actually got a bit more ninjutsu ingnoring the same 4 d-rank I got 5 d-rank, 12 c-rank, 9 b-rank, 5 a-rank ninjutsu, her grandfather's taijutsu style with her father's notes added to it, my mom's personal kenjutsu notes, her personal sword, a few pieces of Chaka Paper, a couple books on fuinjutsu, some on chakra control and nature manipulation.

After looking at everything it was 5:30 A.M. I decided to head to the academy after putting everything away. When I reached the Academy next to the Hokage Building I saw a large crowd of children with their parents around the edges. I hurriedly made my way to the front where I could see the school officials.

" Please state your name, age and whether you have unlocked your chakra or not. " A chunnin says with a smile on her face.

" Haru Reitsu, I am 8 years old and I have my chakra unlocked. " I say trying to look serious.

" Wow do you really? Did your parents help you with that? It's a pretty big achievement for a non-clan member to come to the academy with their Chakra unlocked. Do you mind if I check to make sure? " She says with a curious gaze.

" No, see I'm an orphan. I managed to unlock by myself after reading the book provided by the Hokage. You can go ahead and check" I say with a smile.

Reaching over the table she puts her hand on my shoulder and closes her eyes for a couple seconds. When she opens them she looks surprised and is giving me curious glances before looking through my paperwork again. After looking through it she goes and talks to the head of the Academy. He comes over looking pensive and then personally checks my Chakra. Now he looks surprised and walks away disappearing.

Following the Academy Head we see him walking towards The Third Hokage. " Lord Hokage. An orphan has signed up for the Academy. He has already unlocked his chakra and has nearly double what a non-clan member usually has. With your permission I would like to make him one of the few non-clan members in the main class. Here is his file. "

Glancing over the file the Hokage looks deep in thought looking through Haru's basic family history and information. Both of his parents were Jonin, nothing special but still they made Jonin. His potential should be atleast Jonin in the future. And he has unlocked his chakra in less than a week alone. That shows not only some talent but the hard work needed to polish that talent. If Hiruzen had known that Haru did it in a single night he would have said he has the makings of a prodigy.

" Yes, he may join the class. But if he falls into the bottom 30% of the overall class drop him to the ordinary class." Hiruzen said this a straight face. Once he was alone he allowed a small smile to make a small ember had been lit he must nurture it so it isn't snuffed out.

Once the principal returned he let the teacher know I was to be placed in the Elite class. All Clan children were in it, every year. This is a pretty big deal. Returning to me she let me know once the Hokage finished his speech I was to go to class 1- A immediately.

Walking around waiting for the speech to start I see Naruto making over to him. I see him glance over but looking timid. I walk over to him and wave. I decide to introduce my myself, " Hey. My name is Haru Reitsu it's my first time going to the academy I'm excited. "

Looking shocked that someone is talking to him he hesitates for a second before finishing with a smile, " Hey Haru. I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I'm gonna grow up and be the Hokage. "

" That's an amazing goal Naruto. Are you practicing hard to become Hokage? " I ask in actual curiosity.

" You actually believe in me? Of course I work hard but it's hard for me to understand and no one helps me. " He whispers to himself before finishing slightly louder.

" Well if you want. We could train together and help each other get stronger. After class we can train together. And if we are in the same class we can help each other even then. " I say smiling showing teeth.

" Awesome. I got my first friend. This year is different. This is the year of Naruto Uzumaki. " He screamed happily.

After that we talked about likes, dislikes and hobbies. I found out he already has his plant. He got it when he was 5 and moved into his apartment. Apparently he joined the academy last year with the clan kids but was the dead last.

Soon the Hokage came and game a speech about the Will of Fire and how it's true purpose was to help the young grow strong to protect the future young. It was about the sacrifices necessary to achieve peace

After the speech everyone went to our classes and Naruto was surprised I was in his class. We sat together but today was quiet. All he talked about was the founding of the leaf by Hashirama. How using his strength he gathered nearby clans by treaty or force. During class when Naruto fell asleep I pulled a hair from his head to wake him up. At lunch I saw Naruto hadn't brought food so I gave him half of mine. I took that time to also swallow his hair.

* User has ingested DNA. Do you wish to use the DNA as 1st of 2 as your basis for purifying your DNA.

Yes or No? *

Choosing yes mentally the screen says accepted and disappears. Since I have some free time I look around and see Sasuke looking grumpy. Since I planned to get the DNA as soon as possible I brought a slightly salted sliced tomato for Sasuke. Walking over to Sasuke holding a big juicy slice of tomato.

" Hey Sasuke. You should try this tomato it's delicious. " I offer him putting it near his face.

He seems to struggle with himself before biting it. Seeing that I quickly pop the rest into my mouth as I put an arm around his shoulder leading him towards Naruto and my food.

* User has ingested DNA. Do you wish to use the DNA as 2nd of 2 as the basis for purifying your DNA?

Yes or No? *

" It looked like you liked that Sasuke here you can have the rest Naruto doesn't care for Tomatoes. " I say as I mentally click yes.

* User has successfully chosen 2 different people's DNA as a basis for purifying your DNA. *

Feeling happy but not showing it I chat with Sasuke about how Naruto and I are going to train together after school and he can come if he wants. He declined but if we get stronger. I know he will join. The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly. I mean I know the basic story but Iruka talks about specific battles that Hashirama had to fight to found Konoha.

The rest of the day is just more lectures. I can see why Naruto skips classes in the Anime. After school I take Naruto back to my place. To pick up a The Strong Fist Taijutsu. It takes us as hour to get the basic katas down. After training those for two hours. We started to just punch and kick trees for another hour. Calling it a day I invited Naruto back over to my place.

I made a dinner of steak, mashed potatoes and vegetables. Naruto tried not to eat his vegetables, but after lying to him that if he doesn't eat them he may never grow any taller. He ate them quickly. Saying good night to him. I finally got to look over my original status screen. Tonight while I asleep my DNA will be purified and I will change fundamentally.


Haru Reitsu ( Unpurified)

HP: 20/20 ( End × 10 )

SP: 25/25 ( (Str+End)÷2×10 )

CP: 30/30 ( (Chk×10)÷2)

Str: 3

End: 2

Spd: 3

Dex: 2

Chk: 6

CkCn: 0%

Chakra Natures:

Water Lvl 0

Earth Lvl 0


Civilian Born: Your CP total is halved.


Waking up in the morning I see the screen above me.


Congratulations your DNA has been purified. Due to your selection you have unlocked your Uchiha, Senju, Uzumaki and Otsutsuki ancenstry.


Holy shit that was better than I was hoping. I don't know how I'm related to all them but I am happy. I can't wait to see my new status screen.


Haru Reitsu ( Purified )

HP: 113/113 (End×10×2.25)

SP: 90/90 ((Str+End)/2×10×2.25)

CP: 608/608 (Chk×10×6.75)

Str: 3

End: 5

Spd: 3

Dex: 2

Chk: 9

ChkCn: 0%

Chakra Natures:

Earth Lvl 0

Water Lvl 0

Fire Lvl 0

Lightning Lvl 0

Wind Lvl 0

Yin Lvl 0

Yang Lvl 0

Yin-Yang Lvl 0


Otsutsuki Heritage (Traces): All chakra natures unlocked. Due to the low amount of Otsutsuki DNA to purify you will not gain the Byakugan or Tenseigan. HP, SP and CP will only get a ×1.5 modifier.

Senju Heritage (Medium): All Senju are born with special chakraallows them to mix their natural chakra types together to make Kekkai Genkai and Kekkai Tota. Due to the amount of Senju DNA to purify you did not gain a Sage's body. CP will get a ×2 modifier. You level up chakra related skills 1/3 easier.

Uzumaki Heritage (Low): All Uzumaki have strong bodies. Due to the low amount of Uzumaki DNA to purify you did not gain any special skills of the Uzumaki. HP, SP and Cp will get a ×1.5 modifier. You level up fuinjutsu and physical skills 1/3 easier.

Uchiha Heritage (Full): All Uchiha have great insight. Due to large amount of Uchiha DNA you have unlocked all capabilities of the Uchiha Clan. You have gained the possibility to awaken the Sharigan. Until you do you level up all skills 10% easier. Your CP gets a ×1.5 bonus.

*Special Notice: After awakening the Mangekyo Sharingan you will not be blinded after using it. This is due to the combination of your purified DNA. You possess the ability to unlock the Rinnegan. *


Strong Fist: Lvl 1 (2%) [ You gain +Lvl% to Str, End, Spd and Dex, while fighting. ]


Holy shit. I thought my family were just civilian ninjas. It turns out I have Uchiha blood not to far away in the family tree. My Chakra is 20 times larger. I am probably super far from Naruto. But I'm probably not to far from Sasuke, Chakra wise.

The next month passed the same everyday waking up and going to classes. Then I would train using seals with Naruto we slowly got used to the strong fist style and after two weeks we started sparring. Naruto is a beast. Even if I can dodge most of his hits. He can tank all of my blows and he keeps coming. It only takes like 5 hits from him to drop me dangerously low on HP. Today we finally start our tiajutsu in class.