
"Within the Ancient"

When two world meets and a unexpected meeting unfold between two lovers separated by destiny. After saving a world once, now through thick and thin they once again try to save earth from other world beings from world domination. "Till we meet again, love."

SleepZy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 4

"Louis IX Blanc"

George is a theoretical person; he wouldn't easily believe but however he is also sometime over the edge when it comes to extraordinary findings.

"So why do you keep insisting on meeting me... your name?"

"Alex.. Alexander Bloodheart and the reason is for me to confirm if you are someone trustworthy for our princess to negotiate with." in the same carefree voice he had shown before.

"Negotiate what exactly as you may know our council doesn't even trust let alone your princess and I believed it is our obligation to check whether you are trustworthy or not, Alex."

"Your majesty, I may sound rude, but we could have sent our whole army down the portal that I came from and easily subdue your country before you even make a move. For the negotiation, it is for us to help your country from the Diabos and for us to have a safe base in your country to progress further in Diabo subjugation."

His words are always carefree but carry a two-way sword whether it be a threat or a cordial gesture, I can't tell.

"You may be thinking why we insist on helping your country? This is because the portal that I came from is a two-way portal that goes straight to our capital, meaning it is also a threat to us."

Maybe I should ask him to show what George has seen, only then can I decide what to do or else it would be a dead end.

As if he read my mind, he approaches and suddenly touches my forehead. Alerting the bodyguards, only for George to stop them.

Destruction and darkness, a world where thousands of Diabos floods cities for thousands of years. If a world such as his is once reduced to this kind of destruction, Earth wouldn't even stand a chance. Neither do we have individuals with these abilities or the military strength to withstand this.

"I will meet with your princess." reluctantly as I may sound this seems to be the only option right now.

Sweat. My hand shakily traced my face and all I could feel was my sweat. I haven't felt this amount of fear in my life.

As I recall what I have seen, maybe I am getting confused with everything going on but why did I see Juliette in his memories.