
"Within the Ancient"

When two world meets and a unexpected meeting unfold between two lovers separated by destiny. After saving a world once, now through thick and thin they once again try to save earth from other world beings from world domination. "Till we meet again, love."

SleepZy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 2

"Alexander Bloodheart"

As I sat down in the brightly lit vacant room, I could see several men looking at me across the room. Do they think I am not aware of them? I know an ordinary person can't see through the mirror but does this world not have individuals possess with abilities.

Several minutes later, a man who have ask me the same question many times over the short period entered the room again.

"Now I don't want to keep you here forever but what purpose do you have coming into the country, Are you an immigrant or a criminal escaping convict?"

Just like before I said the same exact words of wanting to meet like their leader or they would in trouble soon. The questions ended after a while and hours later the door opened again.

However, this time a strange middle aged looking man dressed in white entered.

"I am making a gamble with you. You don't seem to be from this country, let alone from this era but we found out seismic activity when you so call "fell out of the sky" So what exactly are you?"

As I stood up and approached him, his companions seemed to be nervous about what's happening. Maybe they have an idea of what's happening, he also looks like the most authoritative person I have come across. Should I just show him everything, I am getting tired of waiting.

I could just kill him if he is hostile afterwards. Even if he proves to be useful, it's better to hide some of it.

I slowly held my hand out and touched his forehead for a second. As he gasps for air, his companion took out what seems to be weapon and started pointing at me. "Professor Blanc, are you alright?"

However, the professor stops them and looks at me, his face now pale as an undead looks at me in disbelief.

After gathering his breath, "Tell me this is not a magic trick, if what you showed is true then this world is nowhere ready for it."