
"Very Pure, Very Ambiguous"

Ethan Parker, a struggling student, stands up for what is right and acquires a pair of magical contact lenses. Through these extraordinary circumstances, he meets Caleb Foster, the King of Assassins. Caleb passes on his legacy to Ethan, making him the fifth-generation King of Assassins. From that moment on, Ethan's life becomes rich and colorful.

rogers_caidyn · perkotaan
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44 Chs

Let's Talk in a Corner

"What did you say?" Amelia clearly heard Ethan Parker mutter. She hadn't been a teacher for long and was especially sensitive to students challenging her authority. Seeing Ethan's defiance, she became angry. "I'll call your parents and have them come to the school!"

"Heh," Ethan Parker sneered.

"Why are you laughing? Did you hear what I said?" Amelia was shocked that Ethan laughed at the threat of calling his parents. This method, which veteran teachers had recommended as a sure-fire way to deal with problematic students, seemed ineffective for the first time.

"Amelia, don't you think constantly calling students' parents is a sign of a teacher's incompetence?" Ever since middle school, Ethan had been strongly against calling parents.

"Huh?" Amelia was taken aback. To her, calling parents for misbehaving students was perfectly natural. But what Ethan said made sense. If teachers always relied on parents, what were teachers for?

"I was hasty. You're right. Constantly calling parents does reflect poorly on the teacher! So, starting tomorrow, you'll come to my office every evening, and I'll tutor you in math," Amelia decided.

"Huh?" Now it was Ethan's turn to be speechless. He stared at Amelia, wishing he could slap himself. Damn it, why did he open his mouth? One sentence had ruined his after-school free time!

"Alright, you can go now!" Amelia waved her hand dismissively, tossing the copied test paper back to Ethan. "Think it over. I don't need to grade it."

Ethan took the exam paper and left the office, stuffing it into his pocket. He didn't care about the grade, but what was he going to do tomorrow?

Being alone with a beautiful teacher was every boy's dream. Young, pretty, and cheerful, Amelia was a hot topic among many boys, who often stayed after class to ask her questions. But Ethan wasn't happy. He liked the idea of being alone with her but hated the thought of studying.

However, his worries were soon overshadowed by the excitement of his newfound abilities. "I have a superpower now, right?" Ethan thought. Even though it relied on the special glasses, it still counted.

Returning to the classroom, Ethan saw Logan Carter approaching him.

"Ethan Parker, let's find a corner to talk," Logan said.

"Talk?" Ethan was puzzled but quickly understood Logan's angry demeanor. This guy was standing up for the school belle!

"Let's go!" Logan said, glaring at Ethan. Unlike others, Logan wasn't afraid of him.

"Sure," Ethan snorted, thinking, Who the hell are you to lecture me?

Before Logan could say anything, Ethan turned and walked out of the classroom. Logan intended to push him out, but Ethan's compliance made Logan's aggression seem unnecessary, leaving him feeling a bit embarrassed and angry.

"Logan Carter, Ethan Parker! Where are you going?" Ava Bennett noticed Logan and Ethan talking and sensed something was off. Logan usually didn't bother with students like Ethan, but today he approached him and they were leaving the classroom together. She quickly intervened.

"Ava, it's nothing. Go back. This is between men!" Logan said, trying to act manly.

Ava frowned, "Are you confronting him because of me? If so, there's no need."

"Ava, I..." Logan felt humiliated. He had wanted to defend her, but she didn't appreciate it. Embarrassed, he took his frustration out on Ethan. "This time, I'll let it slide because of Ava. But be warned! Watch your mouth. Ava isn't someone you can talk about!"

Ethan had refrained from lashing out because he felt he had been disrespectful to Ava earlier. But Logan's harsh words ignited his anger. He swatted Logan's hand away and coldly said, "Don't act tough with me. It's none of your business."

Logan, already frustrated with Ava's dismissal, became even angrier. "You toad trying to eat swan meat! Stay away from Ava!"

"Screw you! Keep pushing, and I'll beat you up!" Ethan snapped. He had a reputation from middle school fights, and no one talked to him like that anymore. He was a delinquent and didn't care about being polite.

"You... fine! We'll see!" Logan spat, retreating to his seat.

"Idiot!" Ethan cursed, heading out the classroom door. He had been excited about his new abilities, but Logan had ruined his mood. Ethan decided to visit Mason Black's pool hall.

"Ethan Parker, you're skipping class again!" Ava called, seeing him leave before evening classes started.

Ethan's heart skipped a beat. Could she have a crush on me? Why else would she keep bothering me? Before, he'd never think this way, but now, with his new abilities, his confidence soared. In those fantasy novels, didn't heroes gain superpowers and then get all the girls and money easily?