
"Very Pure, Very Ambiguous"

Ethan Parker, a struggling student, stands up for what is right and acquires a pair of magical contact lenses. Through these extraordinary circumstances, he meets Caleb Foster, the King of Assassins. Caleb passes on his legacy to Ethan, making him the fifth-generation King of Assassins. From that moment on, Ethan's life becomes rich and colorful.

rogers_caidyn · perkotaan
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44 Chs


Amelia opened the bathroom door and glanced toward Ethan Parker's room. Ethan Parker was startled, thinking Amelia had discovered his misdeed. However, when Amelia turned away, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued peeping.

Ethan Parker watched as Amelia entered the bathroom and came out a while later, followed by a long-haired beauty dressed only in her underwear and bra. Her chest and buttocks were slightly smaller than Amelia's but still perfectly proportioned. Her freshly bathed skin glowed with a translucent tenderness, resembling a white, delicate taro. Her abdomen was flat with no hint of flab, and her long legs, even without stockings, were ready to slip into a skirt!

Ethan Parker swallowed hard, feeling his lower body stir again. Such a stunning beauty! How could he not have noticed her clearly earlier? Just as he wanted a clearer view, the beauty turned her back on him and walked into her room.

Ethan Parker noticed a small butterfly tattoo just below the beauty's right buttock!

To have a tattoo in such a place? Clearly, she wasn't an innocent girl. Damn it, such an enticing little chick; she was probably someone who had been with countless men!

Ethan Parker regretted not opening the bathroom door directly earlier. But why was Amelia living with such a woman? Based on the tattoo alone, Ethan Parker immediately labeled her as a delinquent.

With a bang, the door across the hall closed, and Amelia turned to walk towards Ethan Parker's room. Ethan Parker quickly pretended to be examining the room.

"Ethan Parker..." Amelia pushed the door open and was surprised to see Ethan Parker, interrupting her mid-sentence.

At that moment, Ethan Parker was bent over, looking at a package of tampons on his bookshelf! Heaven help him; Ethan Parker was just trying to look occupied and hadn't noticed what was in front of him!

However, Amelia was very sensitive about it. Those tampons were ones she had bought from the supermarket downstairs when she got her period. After returning home, Evelyn told her that tampons might damage her hymen, so Amelia, frightened, asked Evelyn for some sanitary pads instead. But Amelia didn't want to throw the tampons away. They had a shelf life of twenty-four months, and she figured she might give them to Evelyn if Evelyn ever got a boyfriend. So, they ended up on her bookshelf.

"What are you looking at?" Amelia asked, seeing Ethan Parker still intently examining the tampons, showing no embarrassment at her entrance.

"Just looking around," Ethan Parker said, still oblivious to the fact that his actions had nearly pushed Amelia to the edge. But since Amelia asked what he was looking at, Ethan Parker instinctively focused on the object in front of him—tampons!

Ethan Parker broke into a cold sweat. This could be a disaster if Amelia thought he had a particular fetish! But Ethan Parker, being Ethan Parker, had a remarkably quick reaction.

He calmly picked up the tampons, turned to Amelia, and said, "Amelia, do you have any medicinal alcohol here? I got punched earlier, and when I checked, I found some bruising. I thought these cotton swabs could be used to apply the medicine!"

"Huh?" Amelia was caught off guard. He mistook them for cotton balls! Could he really not know what they were for? Amelia was suspicious but saw no trace of insincerity on Ethan Parker's face and believed him. After all, tampons were not as well-known as sanitary pads, and it was normal for a guy not to know about them.

"These are expired. Let me find some real cotton balls for you!" Amelia said, snatching the tampons from Ethan Parker's hand.

"Really? They don't look like they've been opened. Let me check the expiration date," Ethan Parker said, reaching for the tampons again.

Amelia quickly threw the tampons into her wardrobe, shut the door, and said, "No need to check. I bought them, so I know!"

Ethan Parker was just pretending and didn't really intend to grab them. Seeing Amelia's anxious reaction amused him. But he maintained a casual demeanor.

Amelia, afraid he would rummage through her things again, didn't close the door. She hurried to the living room, grabbed the medicine box, and rushed back.

"Where's the bruise? Let me see," Amelia said, taking out the medicinal alcohol and real cotton balls.

"Uh... I'll do it myself," Ethan Parker said, pointing to his stomach, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Hurry up and lift your shirt. Are you shy? The doctor shouldn't be shy!" Amelia said impatiently. Without thinking, she blurted, "I've seen you naked. Are you still afraid to show me your stomach?"

Ethan Parker stared wide-eyed at the beautiful teacher before him. That was a bit too ambiguous, wasn't it?

"We're siblings. It's no big deal!" Amelia tried to stay calm.

"Can I see you then?" Ethan Parker's mind was sharp, even if he looked stunned.

"No! I'm the sister, and you're the brother! It's natural for a sister to see her brother," Amelia argued.

"Oh," Ethan Parker said, knowing he had already shocked Amelia enough for one night. He obediently took off his jacket and lifted his shirt.

"That serious?" Amelia exclaimed, seeing the bruising on Ethan Parker's abdomen.

Ethan Parker rolled his eyes. Of course, it was serious. That guy was obviously a boxer. How could it not be? But for the old Ethan Parker, such injuries were commonplace.

Amelia carefully applied the medicinal alcohol to Ethan Parker's bruise. When she accidentally pressed too hard, Ethan Parker's abs tightened, revealing a four-pack.

"Not bad. You do have some muscles," Amelia teased.

"Do you think I took down those two guys by accident?" Ethan Parker said proudly.

"Getting beaten like this and still putting on a brave face," Amelia said, stopping herself from using an inappropriate word.

"Putting on a brave face, right? At least I can still put one on. Those two can't even do that now!" Ethan Parker retorted.