
"The Thirsty Vampire" - Don't you Dare to Read

Today, at 12pm in the afternoon me(Alicia),my younger sister (Meesha),and my Friend (Sabrina)who lives with us since Our parents left us as they died in the unforgettable accident decided to go on a Adventourous Trip . My little sister Meesha is fond of vampire stories and always read books of Different Peculiar Vampires and the weird thing is that she falls love with the creepy Vampires. I always said her - That there's nothing like Vampire exists on the earth Meesha darling but she always get annoyed and say to me that sis look one day you will definitely believe that Vampire exists in actually and I will prove you. And after listening these stories of her me and Sabrina laughs too much. Now the time is 2pm we all have to go for the trip at night so we started to pack our Important things to carry with us at the trip.

We three got ready till 7pm and put all our Bags and things in the car . Meesha and Sabrina sit on the backseat of the car and I just starting the car but suddenly a weird thing happens a dead dog with a white body as it doesn't have a drop of blood in its body lying ahead our car . We all Come out from the car and get very very afraid after seeing the dead body of that dog and in a shivered slow voice Meesha said that sis....Alicia I-I I think the vampire of my book killed that dog and I get annoyed and scolded Meesha -just shut up you and your duffer stories ...

May be the dog died because of some issues or dissease in its body but Meesha said that no sisy- I ,I read in the book that Vampire sucks all the blood from a body and it becomes white as even one drop 🩸🩸of blood doesn't exist.