
My story

My name is Majiko and many call me a prodigy, at magic at 5 I can cast a intermediate spell, Im now 7 years old and I live in a peaceful town I always wanted to just stay inside our house but my parents told me to go outside to make some friends that can help me at some point.

When I go outside one person look at me and said can we be friends,of course I accepted it's the reason I go outside,he told me he's name is Kanji,he's good at sword he's a prodigy like me but I'm a prodigy at magic but he's at sword.

Everytime I go out I always go to his place to talk, play outside, eat together, before you know it were best friend i train him at magic he train me at sword.

Both of us always talk about our dream, I wanted to be the best mage in the world, he wanted to be the best swordman in the world, both of us always go to the ruins close to the village it's like our hang out place.

I'm now 10 years old, me and Kanji are still friend both of us wanted to go at a adventure all around the world to experience the places we want to go to, it's the portal to the underworld.

Both of us are now 15 years old, we decided to go to the cave close to the village, while we're exploring, Kanji found a hole that can fit us, while we're crawling we found many drawing around the hole at the cave when there's space for us to get up we saw a rock with a symbol it's not like any other symbol it's different both of us touch it then everything around us is cracking and the last thing I saw is white.