

Veronica_Kang · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1


Alexa- damn dude am getting late already.....

Alexa slightly whispered to herself as she ran throw the roads as she was late for her work

"ALEXA" a sweet melodies voice echoed in her ears

she quickly recognized the voice and turns to greet the person

alexa- hey Denver wassup?u know we are late for work....


denver-yeh I guess so let's just hurry up



they both then walked for what felt like 15 minutes and stopped at the place

which says.....


alexa-oh my my I almost died today let's get inside (said which trying to open the main door)


denver- hey don't you think you sometime get too restless?(he slightly pushed the door )

the door opened and both of them walked in...

alexa- actually you know what these days the pressure is much more then usual like managing studies and the job simultaneously is hectic and this lead me to this so called restlessness (she laughed)


denver-(staring at her with out uttering a word)


alexa- do you think am a joker denver?


denver- huh??


alexa- why are you staring at me like that ?


denver- ohhh it's nothing I was just in a deep thoughts


alexa- is something bothering you?


denver- umm actually....(he was cut off by the ring of alexa's cellphone)


alexa- ahhh excuse me hehe..


she went to a corner and picked up the call


alexa- good morning sir

it was her manager....

(referring manager as M)

M-greetings of the day Miss alexa are you at the workplace?


alexa- yes sir


M- ohh glad to hear it I wanna inform you that denver took a day off today as he Is sick


alexa- am sorry for interruption sir but denver is already here


M- it's totally impossible he is here with me are you daydreaming alexa?


alexa- but ....i will call you later sir


as she hungs the call she quickly turned to look at denver but he was nowhere to be seen

at this point alexa was practically scared not because denver was not there but because if denver is with the manager who was with her...


she rushed to the table where denver or to say the mysterious person was sitting and found a piece of paper with something written on it

"you are as beautiful as you were when we first met ....hoping to see you soon again princess

your's - X

To be continued...