
CH 1

Chapter 1: The Mundane World

In the heart of the city, amidst the cacophony of daily grind and the incessant hum of

technology, Wong Kai's life unfolded in a series of monotonous events. His apartment, a

cramped space filled with the detritus of a tech enthusiast's life—computer parts, tangled

cables, and an impressive collection of vintage video game consoles—served as both his

sanctuary and his prison.

Wong Kai slouched in front of his computer, the glow of the screen casting shadows across

his face. Dressed in a faded graphic tee that had seen better days, jeans that were frayed at

the edges, and sneakers that had traversed many a mile, he epitomized the image of a

young professional lost in the digital world. His fingers danced across the keyboard with

practiced ease, a skill honed from years of coding and gaming, yet his expression betrayed a

sense of weariness.

The digital clock on his desk flickered to 11:00 PM, its red digits a harsh reminder of the late

hour. Wong Kai leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes wearily. The room around him was

cluttered, a reflection of his chaotic work life. Half-empty coffee cups sat forgotten on the

desk, alongside stacks of programming books and notepads filled with scribbled codes.

His phone buzzed, breaking the silence. It was a message from Zhang Wei, his best friend

and co-conspirator in various tech ventures. The message read, "Still up? Found something

weird online. Check out 'Cultivation Catastrophe' forum. LOL."

Intrigued and with nothing better to do, Wong Kai navigated to the forum. The screen loaded

to reveal a world he had never imagined, filled with tales of Qi cultivation, martial arts, and

spiritual enlightenment. It was a stark contrast to his reality, where the most excitement he

got was debugging code or beating a high score in a video game.

Zhang Wei, ever the skeptic, had stumbled upon the forum by accident, and his curiosity had

led him down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories and fantastical stories. He had shared it

with Wong Kai partly as a joke and partly out of genuine interest. Zhang Wei's own

environment couldn't be more different; his workspace, a sleek modern office filled with the

latest tech gadgets, was the antithesis of Wong Kai's cluttered apartment. Yet, in this

moment, both were connected by a shared sense of curiosity.

As Wong Kai scrolled through the forum, a part of him scoffed at the outlandish claims.

People spoke of harnessing energy from the universe, of meditating for days on end, and ofachieving feats that defied logic. It was a far cry from the empirical world he lived in, where

everything had a logical explanation and could be quantified and analyzed.

Yet, as the night wore on, a seed of curiosity was planted in Wong Kai's mind. What if there

was more to the world than code and technology? What if the ancient art of cultivation could

offer him something his current life could not?

With a mix of skepticism and a burgeoning sense of adventure, Wong Kai decided to delve

deeper into the world of cultivation. It was a decision that would take him on a journey far

beyond the confines of his apartment and the digital realm he knew so well.

As dawn crept through the curtains, casting a soft light into the room, Wong Kai realized he

had spent the entire night immersed in the forum. He was tired, yes, but for the first time in a

long time, he felt a spark of excitement about the possibilities that lay ahead.

Little did he know, his mundane world was about to intersect with something truly
