


Yadil1_yadil · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs


"I feel sad reading your writing." Akbar said looking at Riri's face.

"Yes, just like the writer feels. I miss my mom very much." said Riri, looking down sadly not seeing her mother.

"Oh yes, my father has photocopied your mother's data. There are probably 500 sheets. It's in my bag." Akbar said remembering that today he was ordered by his father to help Riri.

"Let's spread it out now." said Riri impatiently, hoping she could find where her mother was now.

"Okay, you wait here! I want to take Bintang to my mom." Akbar said then went to his mom.

"Mom, Akbar wants to help Riri spread his mother's personal data. Who knows, his mother can be found." Akbar said to his mama. His mama was busy applying powder because she had just taken a shower.

"According to mom, Riri's mother is already a victim of the disaster and has died. Why are they still looking for her? According to mom, just let it go." said mom without thinking about Riri's feelings.

"Hush, don't say that, mom, no one ever said that Riri's mom died. Riri's mom just hasn't been found yet. Maybe she's still alive and living somewhere else. It's understandable that Riri's mother is old." Akbar said defending Riri's mother.

"Yasudah is up to you, the important thing is that you don't go far to spread the paper." said mom while grabbing Bintang.

"Alright Akbar, goodbye first, ma, assalamualaikum." Akbar said while greeting his mother.

"Walikumsalam. I hope I can find Riri's mother."

Akbar took the stack of papers in his bag and went out to Riri who was waiting for him.

"Yuk! bismillah, Ri!" Akbar said, encouraging Riri.

The two of them exited the building's courtyard and started down a small street. Every person he met was given a paper with Riri's mother's personal data.

"You are strong, Ri, walking." Akbar asked looking at Riri.

"Yes, I'm strong, God willing." Riri said with a smile.

They both walked hand in hand. Now they reached the big road. The scorching sun made them not despair.

Now they were in the evacuation center of the mosque. Their feet entered it politely.

"Father!" exclaimed Riri who was face to face with her father.

Father held Riri's wrist.

"How are you, son?" asked the father as if he wanted to shed his tears. because his eyes looked red. The father's voice sounded sad.

Riri just looked down, feeling sad to see the look on her father's face.

"Riri is fine, sir." said Riri without looking at her father.

"Yesterday I was looking for you. You live in the evacuation center of the sports hall, right?" asked her father to make sure Riri could live comfortably.

"Yes sir, Riri lives in the sports evacuation center." said Riri swallowing her saliva with difficulty. She actually wanted to cry this time.

"Then what are you doing here?" asked the father with his eyes looking at Akbar and the papers that Riri was carrying.

Father took the sheet of paper and read it.

"So you haven't met mom, Ri?" said the father with an incredulous look.

"Yes, sir, since the stunami and earthquake my mother has not been found. Riri hopes that mom can be found and is still alive." said Riri trying to see the father's face again.

"Ya Allah Kartika..." said the father looking up imagining his ex-wife's face.

"Riri, I want to continue spreading this, sir!" said Riri softly. She was stunned by the father's sad expression when he heard mom's news.

"Haven't you been hurting your mother all this time? Then why are you sad to hear that your mother has disappeared and hasn't been found. Could it be that now you have regretted your mistake?" said Riri silently.

"Yasudah here I ask for the paper. So that you can participate in spreading it. Hopefully mom will be found soon." said the father with his hands up.

Riri was happy to see her father and his kindness. Riri hopes that the father will always be in goodness.

Riri immediately gave the pile of paper to the father.

"Thank you, sir." said Riri trying to smile at her biological father who had disappeared without a trace.

"Ri, if you want. You and your wife will live in your wife's house which will soon be finished renovating. Maybe in about two days it can be occupied. You can live with your family." said the father by looking at Riri.

Hearing that, Riri thought that this time father had changed. He had cared about her.

"Thank you sir, for your kindness. But Riri still feels at home in the refugee camp." Riri said with a lie. In fact, she was not comfortable in the evacuation center. But she felt bad about having to live with her father's mistress.

"That's it then." replied the father with a bow. He actually wanted to be able to live with his first child.

"That's all right, sir. Riri continues to spread this with Akbar." said Riri then left the father followed by Akbar.

"Ri, if I say you come live with your father." said Akbar who was sitting on the floor of a closed shop. They had finished

"I feel bad for my father's new wife. Besides, I also want to find my mother until I find her." said Riri with great determination.

Akbar looked at Riri's eyes that radiated seriousness there.

"I salute your spirit, Ri." Akbar said, smiling at Riri.

Somehow Akbar's smile made Riri's heart cool, even though the weather was hot.

"Thank you, Bar, for helping me all this time. From looking for my mom at the city hall and until now." said Riri recalling Akbar's kindness.

"You're welcome, Ri. Uh, are you thirsty?" asked Akbar who was thirsty while stroking his throat.

"Yes, I'm really thirsty..." Riri looked up at the hot sky.

"Alright, then I'm going to buy some klapa ice first." Akbar said standing up. Then he went across and bought some young coconut ice.

"It's really good, really fresh." Riri said and sipped the ice again.

"Yes, it's really fresh. Let's sit down first, rest for a while." Akbar said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Yes. Anyways, eat ice while walking. Let's sit here first."

Elsewhere Iyan was hard at work. He was painting the wall with his sweat that had soaked into his gray shirt.

"Hem. Akbar and Riri must have been alone together on the street again spreading Riri's mother's personal data. Let's just let it go. I'm not worthy of Riri anyway. Akbar is more everything than me." Iyan said with a frown.

"Yan, it's lunch time, let's eat!" Akbar's father exclaimed.

"Oh yes, I'm ready!" said Iyan enthusiastically.

"Alhamdulillah, I finally got something to eat. After working so hard." Iyan said to himself. He felt very grateful