
Ch 19:Training

Hajime began the training.

First he gave the Haulia two Kodachi each, (small katana) he also taught them the basic moves he knew.

The Haulia's specialty is stealth, so Hajime taught them group combat strategies focused on surprise attacks.

Meanwhile Shia was being trained by Yue.

On the 2nd day of training something irritated Hajime. The Hauulia tribe was doing well in training. They were even managing to defeat some magical Beasts without too many injuries.



A Haulia killed a monster.

"Ahh, forgive this sinner."

He clung to the dead monster as if it were a dead friend.


"I'm sorry, but I need to do this."

The Haulia kept apologizing for killing the monsters and even cried. Hajime already had Veins pulsing on his forehead. At this moment a Haulia called out to Kam.

"Boss! Don't say that! We are all sinners!"

"That's right! We have to wait for our judgment!"

The Haulia encouraged Kam by saying that everyone was a sinner.

"That's right! In the name of her death( magical beast that looks like a rat.) we will advance through death!"

Kam spoke this and cheered up all the Haulia. Hajime couldn't take it anymore.

"What kind of nonsense is this? You guys are overreacting! Just kill quietly! By the way don't call the Magic Beasts 'she'. That's disgusting!"

The Haulia were all saddened by Hajime's words and one even said "poor little things.

A boy approached Hajime, but out of nowhere jumped back.

"??? What was that?"

"Ah, yes I almost stepped on the flower-san. Thank goodness. If I hadn't noticed I would have crushed it. It would have been so sad."

Hajime's face began to tremble.


"Yes! I really like flower-san Hajime-niichan! I don't want to hurt them with our training."

All the Haulia seemed to agree with the boy. Hajime's hair fell down and hid his expression. Then he asked in a whisper.

"Sometimes you guys moved strangely. Was it because of the flowers?"

They made some random jumps sometimes. Or dodged anything.

"No. Of course not."

"Hahaha you're right right?"

Hajime realaxed at Kam's words.

"It wasn't the flowers. It was so we wouldn't step on the bugs."

Hajime's expression collapsed and he began to sway like a bewildered ghost. The Haulia didn't understand. Hajime stopped swinging, he crushed the flower and


All the Haulia were saddened by the flower, but were startled by Hajime's laughter afterwards.

"Ahhh, I finally understand. I was too soft. It's my fault it was a mistake to get my hopes up haha and to think you guys were paying attention to the flowers and insects haha how inexperienced I was. Fufufufu hahahaha."

The laughter was frightening. It was as if Hajime had snapped.


Kam called out to him and the response was.


Kam flew off with the rubber shot. The other Haulia were going to ask what happened, but


Everyone was greeted by rubber bullets. They were with tears in their eyes and Hajime declared....

"You f*ck, from now on you as*whole must kill the Magical Beasts as if you were going to die! Stop noticing the flowers and insects! If you don't I will kill you! If you understand hunt like crazy now!"

They stood in shock and Hajime gave them another wave of shots to resolve.

"Shut up you little shit! Every time you say something useless I'll destroy more flowers! If you don't want that, go kill magical beasts now!"

After that in the sea of trees wailing cries could be heard. It was a training that caused the worst fighters to be changed both in body and soul. It was hell on earth.


10 days later

Yue and Shia trained for a long time, they made a bet for Shia to become more determined.

In today's training Shia and Yue fought and Shia finally managed to make a scratch on Yue's cheek

Shia had the ability to strengthen her own body with her mana. She had trained this ability with Yue over the past few days and got really strong.

"Yue-san will keep her word right?"

Shia won the bet as she managed to injure Yue. So she wanted Yue to fulfill the bet.

"Yes, don't worry, and I don't even think you need my help. Now that you won't be a nuisance anymore he probably won't mind."

Yue's promise was that she would help convince Hajime to take Shia on his trip. It wasn't as if Shia planned to take Hajime away from Yue, she liked Yue as much as Hajime. She wanted to be together with both of them. Obviously she liked Hajime in a different way, but she had no problem being with Hajime while he was with Yue.

Yue knew this and also liked Shia. She wanted Hajime to have other people to cherish and she also knew that she would always be Hajime's number 1. So she didn't mind Shia going with them.

"Hehe that's nice, thanks Yue-san. Why don't we go find them? They must have finished their training by now."


Yue agreed and they headed to where Hajime and the other Haulia were.


When they arrived at the spot Hajime was standing with his arms crossed leaning on the tree. He sensed their presence and waved.

"Yo. You two. How did it go?"

"It went very well Hajime-san.


"Hajime-san listen to me, I managed to beat Yue-san! It was a great Victory! It was magnificent!"

Hajime gave a gentle smile to the excited Shia. And asked Yue.

"Is that true?"

"It was just a scratch."

"But those were Victory's conditions!"

She puffed out her chest with pride.

Yue told Hajime about how strong Shia was and how fast she grew.

"She has great potential." Yue finished like this.

"She's really a monster. Well, it will be easier for her to protect herself like this."

Hajime knew that Shia planned to separate from her family so as not to harm them. Since she was a 'taboo child'.

Shia approached Hajime.

"Hajime-san er... I have something to talk about. Please take me on your travels!"


"An immediate answer!?"

"Look I already told you that you can't depend on us to protect you."

"No... It's not that. It's just that...

Shia looked embarrassed to speak, she was all red, but she continued.

"I want to be with Hajime-san! I love you!"


Hajime was surprised by the sudden confession, he didn't even treat her well when they first met and he only started calling her by name recently. Before he always called her 'miserable doe' or 'pitiful doe' however before they started training Yue asked Hajime to treat Shia better. So he started calling her by name and tried not to be so cruel. Only that was no reason for her to fall in love with him.

"Is that serious? Are you sure you're not getting caught up in the moment."

By 'moment'he meant him saving Shia and his family.

"It's not that. No matter what the situation, my feelings won't change. I was happy that you saved us, but that's not why. I also wonder why it's you, but even I don't know. You've only started to call me by name recently and you're still pretty cruel. Yet I love you! And I can't change that feeling."

"I'm not in love with you, yet you want to come?"

"The future is not absolute, you know."

"Well I guess that's okay then. From what Yue told me you have a lot of potential. My brother probably won't mind. If Yue allows you you can come with us."

Hajime turned to Yue as if to ask.

"Nn... That's fine with me."

"That's settled then. Welcome aboard Shia."

Yue more than anyone else watched Shia working hard to get strong. This was the only way she could go with them so she really worked hard. And Yue who spent 10 days with her became very close to Shia.

"Hehehehe thank you Hajime-san."

Shia was happy and put her hands on her cheeks as she laughed in happiness.

After that they started to discuss their future plans. While they were doing that the Haulia came back from Today's training.

Shia looked at them happy to see her family again. She was going to talk to them, but swallowed dryly because of the atmosphere around them.

Kam who saw Shia, showed a small smile and then turned to Hajime and spoke

"Boss. About the Magical Beasts did we get them in time?"

"Boss!? Dad why does the air around you seem strange?"

The Haulia ignored Shia and showed high level magic beasts in their hands to Hajime.

"I said one would be enough."

"Yes. Only while we were doing that, their companions appeared and showed murderous intent and we politely accepted the challenge."

"Yes. They were reckless."

"We didn't let any escape."

"Even though they were so noisy. That was funny Fufu."

"Well that will serve as a warning."

There were several disturbing sentences spoken with fearless smiles on their faces one of them even licked the blood on his Kodachi. Shia could only be stunned.

"Who?.... What happened Hajime-san!? Why are father and the others like this!?"

"Se...calm down! It was the result of training..."

"No matter how you look at it, they are different people! Stop looking away!"

"There's not much difference."

"Have you gone blind!? Before they didn't even want to see guns! And now I saw someone calling his knife Julia! That's scary!"

The Haulia tribe members were looking at them in confusion. But Shia's outburst was normal. The Haulia were more muscular and brutal. They even took Hajime as their leader, even though Hajime didn't want that they kept calling him 'boss'.

Hajime dodged questions so Shia changed his target.

"Dad! Everyone! Go back to normal please!"

Kam who Was being swayed by Shia just said.

"What are you saying Shia? We just woke up to the truth of this world thanks to the boss."

"The truth?"

"90% of the problems can be solved with violence."

The other Haulia nodded.

Before Shia shouted. A small shadow came out of the mist was the child who liked flowers.

"Boss I have something to report!"

"What is it?"

"I saw some bear men setting up an ambush near the Big Tree. They're not many, so I don't think it was the city that ordered them."

"Ahhh I see, that's interesting. Well?"

"Chief. Leave it to us! The Haulia want to prove their worth!"

"Well... how about Kam?"

"Hahahaha don't worry. We won't show something shameful."

After that Hajime made a big, inspiring speech that ended with "show them that the Haulia tribe has been reborn!"

"Sir, yes sir!"

"What do you wish!?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"If they are enemies what will you do!?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

They went to attack the Bear Men while repeating those words.

And Shia...

"I lost my family....

...Pal-kun to you?"

Shia tried to ask the boy who loved flowers.

"Anego. Don't call me Pal anymore. Now my name is Baltoferd Certain Death."

He left a Chunii name and went to the battlefield.


"What the fuck is that!?"

The Bear Men were perplexed. They had come here to kill the boy who would have used some trick to knock out their boss. Yet before they could.

They were attacked by the Haulia.

The Haulia launched a well-organized sneak attack that caused them to get lost and fight in disarray. Some even wondered if these really were the 'weak' rabbit men.

The Haulia kept saying things like "come on come on" or "scream like the pigs you are" and laughing during the fight.

After a while there were only a few Bear Men left and the Haulia surrounded them.

Kam approached them and spoke

"Anything else to say? O strongest tribe? Kukuku."

Regin Who was the leader of this group approached them and spoke...

"Please let me take the blame, I am the one who made them come. Let them go and punish me as you wish."

His subordinates started a commotion, but he didn't care. To this man wanting to sacrifice himself for his men Kam.

"I refuse."

"Uh!? Why!?"

"Why do you say so? For you are our enemies are to be killed. And it is also fun to mock your arrogance! HA HA HA HA"

"These guys..."

The Haulia really seemed to revel in this. They were completely out of control. They were going to go on the attack, but....


Someone appeared in front of the Haulia. It was Shia

"Stop it right now!!!"

Shia positioned herself between the Haulia and the Bear Man and shouted.

"Please! Get back to normal now!"

"Shia Please get out of the way. Otherwise we can't kill those guys back there."

"No! I won't allow that!"

"Shia? You're not going to join our enemies, are you? Depending on the answer..."

"No! I don't care about them! I care about you! You're getting degenerate!"


Kam let out a confused voice at Shia's words.

"You guys shouldn't like that! Dad your faces during the fight looked just like the Empire soldiers'."


The whole tribe was shocked. They received a bucket of cold water. Just being compared to those who escfsvized their race they realized they had gone too far.

"Shia I... was..."

"You seem to have calmed down. Good."

At this moment Hajime arrived. He said he was going to let the bear homesn get away this time. That would serve as a favor that Faea Baelgen owed him.

He also apologized for overdoing the training. Which made the Haulia.

"Someone take care of the boss!"

"The boss is decoupaging! We're lost!"

"You bastard! Who are you and what have you done to the boss!? Haa!"

"Yue-dono! Do you know healing magic!? Please use it on the boss!"


For now rubber bullets have been launched.


"All right Kam and the others stand back. We don't know what might happen."

Hajime and the others were currently standing in front of the Tree. They found a rock in front of them that was probably the entrance.

"Ok. Good luck."

The Haulia(minus Shia) walked away and Hajime tried to activate the stone. The stone glowed and something appeared written on it.

"Hajime-san what is written there?"

"Maaa. That really sucks."


"From the looks of it we need to complete more dungeons before coming in this one. It really sucks, but there's nothing to do."

"Nn. It's really boring."

"Well let's get going. We have to wait for my brother."
