
"Marvel's Ancient Echoes: My Life on Earth"

In an alternate MCU timeline, a boy finds himself reincarnated into the Marvel Universe during the time of the Mahabharata. Let's see how he will change the course of both the epic tale of Mahabharata and the Marvel Universe. *------------------------------* I am new in this field, I write this myself and ask chatgpt to correct the grammar and spelling mistakes and English is my third language and if you want to give me some suggestions please feel free to Thank you.

IAmUnknown · Komik
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23 Chs

21."The Weight of Choices"

Though navigating change often presents formidable challenges, it is an inherent part of the human experience, subject to the complexities of circumstance, determination, and adaptability.


As Bhishma approached, his imposing figure struck fear into the hearts of the Kauravas. While most fled at the sight of him, Suyodhana, Sushasana, and Bheem stood their ground. Amidst the chaos of battle, Bheem's mighty push sent Suyodhana and Sushasana stumbling towards Bhishma. Suyodhana, in a mix of anger and desperation, found himself at the feet of the revered warrior.

Bhishma, with his eyes filled with compassion and wisdom, extended his hand towards Suyodhana, offering him a moment of respite from the relentless violence surrounding them. Yet, fueled by his rage and determination, Suyodhana attempted to break free from Bhishma's grasp, his muscles tensed with defiance.

"Suyodhana, cease this futile struggle," Bhishma's voice echoed with authority, tempered by years of experience and righteousness. "What manner of behavior is this?"

But Suyodhana, consumed by his thirst for vengeance, refused to yield. "Release me! Today, I shall end him," he declared, his voice trembling with intensity.

Bhishma's brow furrowed in concern as he tightened his grip, urging Suyodhana to reconsider his actions. "I implore you, Suyodhana, heed my words. Violence begets only more violence."

Yet, Suyodhana's defiance only grew stronger as he struggled against Bhishma's hold. With a sudden burst of strength, he managed to break free, his body crashing to the ground in a heap of frustration and realization.

As he looked up, his eyes met Bhishma's unwavering gaze, filled with a fear. In that moment, the weight of his actions and the consequences they bore descended upon him, leaving him shaken and uncertain. Slowly, he rose to his feet

After rising to his feet, Suyodhana's gaze met Bhishma's with a mixture of fear and apprehension. However, before he could utter a word, Bhishma's voice thundered with anger, echoing through the tense silence.

"Impudent prince, like a fallen fruit, your wisdom diminishes with each passing moment," Bhishma's words carried the weight of authority and disappointment. Suyodhana, Sushasana, and Bheem hung their heads in shame, unable to meet Bhishma's piercing gaze.

"How dare you behave in such a manner within the premises of the palace! You shall be punished for this," Bhishma's voice was firm, leaving no room for argument or defiance.

Just then, Yudhishtir approached Bhishma, his hands folded in a gesture of humility. "Pardon us, Pitamaha. Even Bheem had instigated Suyodhana; he is equally at fault as Suyodhana," Yudhishtir's voice was respectful but tinged with a hint of concern.

Bhishma's gaze shifted to Bheem, who kept his head bowed in shame. After a moment of contemplation, Bhishma spoke again, his voice softened but resolute. "Then both of you shall be punished. Standing in front of the temple overnight will be your act of repentance."

With a slight pause, Bhishma's tone softened, a hint of compassion seeping through. "Now, all of you need to go back to your abodes. Go," he commanded, dismissing them with a wave of his hand.

As the others departed, leaving only Yuyutsu, Sushala, and me behind, the atmosphere seemed to soften, the tension dissipating like mist in the morning sun. Sushala, no longer crying but still visibly shaken, cast a hesitant glance towards Bhishma before her small frame propelled her forward.

With a burst of emotion, she ran towards Bhishma, her tiny arms wrapping around his legs in a desperate embrace. Bhishma, initially taken aback by the suddenness of her action, felt a surge of tenderness flood his heart at the sight of her vulnerability.

Kneeling down to her level, Bhishma's stern countenance softened into one of compassion as he met Sushala's tear-streaked face. His weathered hands reached out, gently wiping away the remnants of her distress from her cheeks, his touch soothing and reassuring.

"What happened to our little princess? Why is she crying?" Bhishma's voice, though firm, carried an undertone of concern as he sought to comfort the young girl.

Sushala's lips quivered as she struggled to find the words to express the turmoil within her heart. Finally, in a voice barely above a whisper, she spoke of her fears and uncertainties, her innocence laid bare before Bhishma's wise gaze.

Sushala's voice trembled slightly as she recounted the events of the day, her words woven with innocence and concern. "I come here with brother Yuyutsu and Prince Avalok to eat mangoes and play a game," she began softly, her eyes darting between the faces of those gathered around her. "But then I saw brother Bheem and brother Sushasana arguing. I tried to tell them not to argue, but they didn't hear me. And when brother Suyodhana arrived, they started to fight, and seeing them, I became scared."

Bhishma, with a compassionate smile, gently patted her hair, his touch a soothing gesture of comfort and understanding.

"Sushala, you don't have to be scared," Bhishma's voice carried a reassuring tone, his words aimed at alleviating her distress. "Didn't your brother Yuyutsu and Prince Avalok accompany you?"

Sushala nodded fervently, her trust in her companions evident in her gesture. Bhishma's gaze then shifted towards Yuyutsu, his expression conveying a silent request.

"Yuyutsu, I want to speak with Prince Avalok alone. Can you take Sushala with you and return to your mother's side?" Bhishma's request was delivered with a sense of authority, yet softened by his concern for the young girl's well-being.

Yuyutsu nodded in acquiescence, his demeanor reflecting a sense of duty as he turned towards me. I met his gaze with a nod of agreement, understanding the importance of Bhishma's request.

"Come, Sushala," Yuyutsu said gently, extending his hand towards his sister. "Let us return to Mother's side. Everything will be alright."

With a final glance towards Bhishma, Sushala allowed herself to be led away.

As they left, I couldn't contain my smile, turning to Bhishma with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "So, Mahamahim Bhishma, what brings you to seek the counsel of a mere child like me?" I inquired, trying to hide my eagerness beneath a veneer of composure.

Bhishma's gaze met mine with a depth that hinted at the weight of his thoughts. "I have some questions brewing in my mind that I believe only you can shed light upon," he responded, his tone measured yet laden with significance.

Intrigued, I leaned forward slightly, waiting for him to articulate his queries. "Is it about Karna?" I ventured, sensing the direction his thoughts might be taking.

To my surprise, Bhishma's expression shifted, registering a mix of astonishment and acknowledgment. "Yes, indeed," he affirmed, his voice carrying a gravity that mirrored the solemnity of the topic at hand.

With a steadying breath, I encouraged him to proceed, my curiosity now fully piqued. "What is it that you wish to know?" I inquired, sensing the importance of his inquiry regarding Karna's lineage and potential as a future ruler.

Bhishma hesitated for a moment, as if grappling with the weight of his words before finally voicing his query. "I have pondered upon the fact that Karna was born prior to Kunti's union with Pandu. Given this, is it appropriate to consider him as a contender for the throne, despite not being of the Kuru lineage?"

His question hung in the air, laden with implications that extended far beyond the confines of our conversation. It was a question that delved into the intricacies of lineage, legitimacy, and the very essence of kingship.

Hearing Bhishma's inquiry, I maintained a composed demeanor, yet my response carried a weight of seriousness. "Mahamahim Bhishma, please forgive me for what I am about to say, but it's imperative that I speak candidly," I began, choosing my words carefully.

Bhishma, ever the stoic elder statesman, reassured me with a nod. "You need not worry, my child. Your words will not be taken to heart," he responded, his tone offering a hint of understanding.

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I glanced up at the sky, feeling the weight of what I was about to express. "Mahamahim, the notion of Kuru bloodline is a noble one, but it's a concept that's fading with time," I began solemnly. "After King Vichitravirya, the direct lineage of King Shantanu seems to have waned. The purity of Kuru blood in the veins of the rulers of Hastinapur is now a matter of history, not lineage."

Looking directly at Bhishma, I continued, "Your commitment to finding the right successor is commendable, but it's essential to acknowledge that the choices made in the past have led to the current state of affairs. By upholding the oath you took, you inadvertently limited the pool of potential successors, excluding those who could have brought stability and prosperity to Hastinapur."

Pausing to let my words sink in, I added, "This isn't an accusation, Mahamahim, but rather a sober acknowledgment of the consequences of past decisions. The responsibility for the turmoil in Hastinapur doesn't solely rest on your shoulders, but your actions have undoubtedly played a part."

(A/N Please refrain from posting any negative comments as you read this 🙏😌)

Feeling a gentle push forward from within, I met Bhishma's gaze squarely, the weight of my words echoing in the stillness of the moment. "We're bound by the threads of the past, Mahamahim, but we can't allow ourselves to be shackled by it," I continued, my voice steady yet earnest. "The choices made by our forebears have set the stage for the present, but dwelling too much on what's behind us only serves to obscure the path ahead."

As Bhishma listened intently, I pressed on, a sense of urgency infusing my words. "The question of who will ascend the throne of Hastinapur is not just about lineage or blood ties; it's about the future of Hastinapur and Aryavart. And in that uncertain future, we must be willing to entertain possibilities that may not align with tradition or expectation."

With a slight pause to gather my thoughts, I added, "Consider Karna, Mahamahim. His lineage may not fit the conventional mold, but his virtues and capabilities are undeniable. To dismiss him solely on the basis of his birth would be to deny the potential for growth and progress that lies beyond the confines of tradition."

I could sense the weight of my words settling over Bhishma, the gravity of the decision ahead pressing down upon us all.

"कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥" (From Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, Verse 47)

'Karmanye vadhikaraste, ma phaleshu kadachana.' It means that you have the right to perform your duties, but you mustn't be fixated on the results. It's like planting seeds without constantly worrying about how many fruits they'll bear.

'Ma karmaphalaheturbhurma.' Don't think that you alone are responsible for the outcomes of your actions. Life is a complex web of causes and effects, and your role is just a part of it.

And most importantly, 'Ma te sangostvakarmani.' Don't let the fear of failure or the lure of success paralyze you into inaction. Keep moving forward, doing what you know to be right, without being consumed by attachment to the results.

In essence, embrace your responsibilities, perform your duties earnestly, and let go of the outcome. That's the path to true freedom and inner peace.

This is what we can do Mahamahim do understand"

Hearing my words, Bhishma nodded solemnly, his expression reflecting the weight of his thoughts. "You are right, Prince Avalok. I understand now. It is my duty to fulfill my responsibilities and observe how events unfold in the future," he replied, his voice heavy with contemplation.

A sense of relief washed over me as Bhishma acknowledged the validity of my perspective. With a warm smile, I responded, "I'm glad you understand, Mahamahim. Shall we make our way to the palace then? I believe Yuyutsu and Sushala are expecting me."

Bhishma agreed with a solemn nod, and together we began our journey back to the palace, the weight of our conversation lingering in the air like a silent specter. As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that our exchange had opened a door to greater understanding and introspection.

However, amidst the seriousness of our discussion, I remembered the simple joy of sharing moments with loved ones. With a playful grin, I added, "But before we go, Mahamahim, allow me to indulge in a small pleasure. I couldn't resist bringing along some ripe mangoes for us to enjoy on the way."

Bhishma chuckled softly, his demeanor lightening at the mention of the sweet fruit. "Ah, mangoes! A delightful choice, Prince Avalok. Let us savor their sweetness as we journey back to the palace," he remarked, his tone warmer now, infused with a hint of anticipation.

With that, we continued our stroll, the aroma of ripe mangoes filling the air as we shared laughter and companionship on our way back to the palace. Despite the weight of our responsibilities and the uncertainties of the future, in that moment, all seemed right with the world.

(happy ram navami,

ram navami ki hardik shubhkamnaye 😃)

(Words count:2172)