
"Heavenly Cultivator in DxD"

Tadashi Jin was just an ordinary high school student—until a fateful encounter with Truck-kun sent him hurtling into the afterlife. Faced with the chance of reincarnation, he meets a mysterious Random Omnipotent Being (ROB) and makes three ambitious wishes: unrivaled cultivation talent, a mysterious chat group with special missions, and the ability to retain his memories. Now reborn in the world of High School DxD, Tadashi finds himself equipped with extraordinary powers, a luxurious new life, and a clear goal—become the strongest being in the realm and build a harem that rivals the legends. But the road to power isn’t without challenges. I don't own anything but my OC so don't sue me!!!!

Krampus069 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 7: Shadows of the Past and a New Mission

Chapter 7: Shadows of the Past and a New Mission

Tadashi sat in the back of the classroom, his eyes forward but his mind elsewhere. The day had been like any other, full of whispers and stares from the girls who hadn't stopped talking about him since he transferred to Kuoh Academy. He had tried to stay low-key, but that was difficult when every girl in class kept sending him glances and whispering about the mysterious new student. It wasn't anything new to Tadashi; attention like this had followed him before, but it was annoying all the same.

What bothered him more was Issei Hyoudou, sitting a few seats over, glaring daggers at him. Tadashi could feel the jealousy radiating from Issei. The boy had been irritated since Tadashi walked in on his first day, and it wasn't hard to see why. The girls who usually ignored Issei were now giggling and sending heart-eyed looks at Tadashi, and it didn't take much to pick up on Issei's inner frustrations.

Issei's muttering didn't help either.

"Another pretty boy to steal the spotlight... just great," Issei grumbled to himself, though Tadashi easily heard it. The bitterness in Issei's voice was painfully obvious.

Tadashi felt his irritation grow. He had dealt with types like Issei before—guys who thought everything was about girls and how much attention they could get from them. Issei's obnoxious nature, the way he constantly ogled every girl in class, and his general cluelessness grated on Tadashi's nerves. It wasn't just that Issei was loud; it was the fact that he was so completely unaware of the world around him, ignorant to the supernatural forces swirling just beneath the surface of Kuoh Academy.

"Idiot," Tadashi thought, his patience thinning every time Issei muttered something bitter under his breath. "Why does he even exist? Loud, dumb, and completely useless."

Tadashi had always disliked people like Issei—overly perverted, obsessed with their desires, and completely unaware of the bigger picture. There were more important things going on in this world than impressing girls, but Issei didn't seem to have the intelligence to grasp that. He barely even registered as a blip on Tadashi's radar.

As the teacher droned on about something Tadashi wasn't particularly interested in, he let his attention drift. He extended his senses, allowing his cultivation energy to spread out gently, feeling for any supernatural presence in the area. The faint but undeniable aura of devils lingered in the air, especially near the Occult Research Club. He had already suspected it—Kuoh Academy wasn't just any normal school. There were devils here, and they were watching him.

That much was clear.

Tadashi didn't bother to suppress his awareness. He knew they were keeping tabs on him, but they didn't seem to have figured out what he was yet. They could sense something was different, but they hadn't made any moves. Still, it was only a matter of time before they did. The energy near the Occult Research Club was particularly strong, though faint enough to keep the average person from noticing. To Tadashi, however, it stood out clearly. Rias Gremory and her peerage were curious about him.

At that moment, high above, Rias Gremory was indeed watching. From the window of the Occult Research Club room, she looked down at the courtyard, her sharp blue eyes focused on Tadashi as he walked through the school grounds during a break. Something about him didn't sit right with her. She had sensed it from the moment he arrived—there was something unusual about him, something that didn't fit into any category she could recognize.

"He's not like the other students," she murmured to herself.

Akeno Himejima, standing beside her, noticed the focused expression on Rias's face and followed her gaze out the window. Her lips curled into a teasing smile as she leaned against the window frame, her usual calm aura surrounding her. "What's caught your attention, Rias? Someone interesting?" Akeno's voice was smooth and playful, as always.

Rias didn't take her eyes off Tadashi, narrowing them slightly. "The new transfer student, Tadashi Jin. There's something... off about him. I can't sense any Sacred Gear, and there's no trace of magic. But he doesn't feel like a normal human either."

Akeno raised an eyebrow and looked at Tadashi again, this time with more scrutiny. She shrugged lightly after a moment. "He looks normal enough. But if your instincts are telling you something's wrong, I'd trust them. Do you want to approach him?"

Rias shook her head, turning away from the window. "Not yet. We'll keep watching him for now. I don't want to risk exposing ourselves until we know more about him." Her voice was calm but tinged with caution. She was no stranger to threats, and though she didn't yet know what Tadashi was, she wasn't about to take any chances.

Akeno gave her a playful smile. "Always so careful, Rias. You know, if you keep watching him like this, you're going to make me jealous."

Rias smiled slightly but didn't respond. Her mind was too focused on Tadashi and the strange energy she couldn't quite place. She would wait, and observe, and when the time came, they would confront him if needed.

Back in the classroom, the day dragged on as Tadashi considered his next move. The Occult Research Club hadn't made any moves on him yet, but it was clear that the devils had noticed something. He could feel their presence watching him. He wasn't too concerned, though. If anything, it was mildly interesting. He'd have to meet them eventually, but for now, he was content to let them watch from a distance. Let them wonder.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the day, and Tadashi packed his things, glad to finally leave the classroom and escape Issei's glares. He was about to head home when the familiar Chat Group interface appeared before him, lighting up with new notifications. Tadashi checked the messages, as usual.

Scarlet Monarch: "Umu! I declare that I shall lead our next mission to glorious victory!"

Maki: "You don't even know what the mission is, Nero. Calm down."

Unlucky Hero: "I've got a bad feeling about this. What if it's something super dangerous? I'm not ready for that!"

Tadashi shook his head, chuckling at the usual banter. Nero was always so full of herself, acting as if every mission was hers to lead, while Subaru was his usual panicked self. Maki was the only one with a level head, as always. But before Tadashi could type anything, a notification interrupted the conversation.

[Ding! New Mission Available]

Tadashi's eyes narrowed as the details of the mission filled his vision. This time, it was different from the usual tasks they'd received.

Mission Objective: Operation to Retake Wall Maria

World: Attack on Titan

Details: Assist the Survey Corps during the mission to retake Wall Maria. Neutralize Titans and ensure the survival of key members of the Survey Corps. Failure to assist will result in dire consequences.

Tadashi stared at the mission details, feeling a surge of excitement and caution. Attack on Titan, huh? That was a brutal world, filled with towering, man-eating Titans and soldiers constantly battling against impossible odds. The mission was set during one of the most dangerous events in the series—the operation to reclaim Wall Maria. It wasn't going to be an easy fight.

Tadashi let the information sink in before checking the group chat again. As expected, the others had already reacted.

Scarlet Monarch: "Titans! Ha! We shall conquer them with ease. Umu!"

Maki: "Titans? These things aren't normal enemies. They're gigantic and extremely dangerous. We need to be careful."

Unlucky Hero: "We're going to die! This is it! There's no way we're surviving this! Why do we always get the deadly missions?!"

Tadashi smiled faintly. "Relax, Subaru. We've handled dangerous situations before. We'll get through this." He closed the interface and took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself. This would be his first real challenge since arriving at Kuoh Academy, and he was more than ready to test his abilities against the Titans.

As he walked home, he couldn't help but think about the Survey Corps and the brutal world they were about to enter. It wouldn't be easy, but this was exactly the kind of mission that would push him to his limits. It would be a true test of his strength and a chance to see what the others in his chat group were capable of in a life-or-death situation. The battle for Wall Maria was about to begin, and Tadashi would be ready.