
Chapter 4 - Unidentified Call

Lin Yun and An Ya are childhood friends.

They had been in the same class since they were very young and had become friends. The two of them were very close to each other and were inseparable.

Later, for a short period of time, the two grew up and became aware of their gender differences as they entered their adolescence, and their relationship became a bit strange. And because they are not in the same school after going to school, the relationship began to become a little distant.

But one day, something happened that made Anya reappear in Lin Yun's life, and turned everything upside down.

--Anya becomes a magical girl.

She saved Lin Yun and the people around her from a sudden crisis and appeared in front of him like an awe-inspiring angel.

Powerful, resilient, and beautiful.

The childhood playmate became unattainable, and the memory of the girl like a tomboy was so different that it even made him feel a little strange.

But Anya was happy because she felt she had a friend she could share her secrets with, a friend who had been somewhat estranged from her childhood friend, and the two of them were back together again, killing two birds with one stone.

The city's beasts were getting more and more powerful, until one day, Anya was completely unable to cope with the successive enemies.

Lin Yun stepped forward at that time, so he also became a magical girl.

Then, after many things, they met more partners, experienced more dangerous battles, but in the end, they persevered, and even became the heroes who saved the city.

Eventually, as an adult, Lin Yun gave up the power and identity of a magical girl and returned to the ordinary.

Said ordinary, but also not so ordinary, after all, his wife is a magical girl.

He and Anya got married.

The two live a rather loving life, have a lovely daughter and enjoy the joy of heaven. Everything is taken for granted, the hero who saved others from the crisis relieved and returned to a peaceful and happy life.

It should have been like this.

"It should have been ah ..."

The crowded and busy early morning, Lin Yun was squeezed in the crowd of the tram, as always full of numbness looking out of the window of the car.

A week has passed since I found out that my daughter had become a magical girl.

At least his daughter would give him a token glance when they were together at home, instead of just ignoring him and treating him like air, like she did at the worst.

This way, it can be considered a small step towards repairing the relationship between father and daughter.

He is still somewhat relieved.

As for the safety of his daughter going to be the magical girl, he chose to keep in touch with Hong Si with the other side to keep an eye on the background of the official personnel and try to focus on Lin Xiaolu's safety.

The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

But Hong Si with but repeatedly denied, said she herself can not remember what nonsense said that day drunk, let him not take it seriously.

The matter was then put on hold.

As for what Lin Yun did that night after taking out the Heart Flower.

He wanted to try to transform.

The identity of a magical girl has long been a long time ago for him, and the feeling of fighting and even killing with the remnants of the beast has long been forgotten, and he can hardly remember what it was like to fight.

He could not remember what it was like to fight. He was used to fighting monsters like that?

Such thoughts unconsciously arise in the mind.

In fact, although he had retired, he technically hadn't completely lost the power of the magical girl. No matter what the problem was, he should still be able to transform at least.

Only, that night, the attempt regarding the transformation failed.

He who touched his hand to the flower of the heart did not get any response.

The dusty Heart Flower was just like a real dead object, not showing any changes at all.

This made Lin Yun's heart wonder whether he was thankful or worried.

The reason for this is that he seems to have no more power, and many of the thoughts that have been tormenting him in his mind have more or less subsided. The worry is that he has lost his power and may not be able to help his daughter when she encounters an insurmountable crisis.

As a result, he could not use his identity as a magical girl to tell his daughter something.

Yes, he once wanted to reach out to his daughter as a magical girl.

As a father, he could not tell her himself, even if the words may not be believed, as a "former magical girl" will have enough position and reason to say.

Tell her about the dangers of being a magical girl.

Tell her what this power means.

Tell her what her enemies really are.

Tell her how to make herself stronger so that she can better protect herself.

If it was the same magical girl's predecessor who said this information herself, there should be no reason for her daughter not to pay attention to it.

There were so many things he wanted to say to his daughter, but he didn't know how to say them.

The silence of the Flower of Heart dissuaded him from this thought.

Whether he had lost his power, or whether he was no longer qualified to be a magical girl, or for some other reason, it no longer mattered.

During this week, another remnant of the beast appeared in the city, but fortunately, it was eliminated by Lin Xiaolu without any twists and turns, and the damage was controlled very minimally afterwards.

The only thing that surprised Lin Yun was that, unlike the last TV interview, there was very little response from the media to this attack.

I don't know if it's because the times have changed, and the Iso-Curate Bureau has started to take a low-key approach, or if people's focus has shifted, but in any case, although the appearance of beasts in the city has become somewhat frequent, and there is a new magical girl, it hasn't been widely discussed.

The previous TV interview also sank in stone after it was broadcast, and even the video he found on the Internet was quickly topped by a subsequent update on the station's official website.

The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The first day of work for the company was another day of work.

It was still a familiar and tedious task, but probably due to a change in his mindset, he felt that the anxiety he felt before had been diminished.

After eating a working meal, Lin Yun, who was sitting in his office working on unfinished paperwork, suddenly received a phone call.

The caller ID was an unfamiliar number.

Although he didn't know who it was, he pressed the connect button and pressed the phone to his ear: "Hello?


All he got was a "hiss" of a busy tone.

Slightly frowning, Lin Yun waited for two seconds and asked again.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"... Be careful."

"What did you say?"



"Beware of the remnant beast tonight."

A word that made Lin Yun's eyes widen.

"What do you mean? Who the hell are you?"

He couldn't help but ask, but after saying just that, there was no more sound on the other side of the call.

In a short time, the "hissing" noise turned into the busy sound of the phone hanging up.