
"Dungeon Diver: Rise of Jin Choul"

In the heart of modern Seoul, a city teeming with life and technology, the unthinkable happens: mysterious portals to a dungeon world begin to appear, unleashing hordes of deadly monsters. Amidst the chaos, Jin Choul—a man crushed by failures and lost dreams—sees his life unravel further. Ready to give up, his fate takes an unexpected turn after a freak accident thrusts him into the perilous dungeon world. "*Dungeon Diver: Rise of Jin Choul*" is a dark, inspirational, and action-packed fantasy that follows one man's journey from despair to heroism. In a world where every step could mean life or death, Jin Choul must find the strength within to conquer his demons and save the world—both his own and the one he never knew existed.

kirito701 · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Training Day

The twisted forest gradually gave way to a clearing where the remains of an ancient stone structure stood. Seo-Yun led Jin into what appeared to be a safe zone—a rare sanctuary amidst the perils of the dungeon world. Jin collapsed onto a moss-covered rock, his limbs aching and his mind racing.

"Get some rest," Seo-Yun said, handing him a canteen. "We'll start your training here. You need to be prepared for the next encounter."

Jin took a grateful sip of water, then leaned back, closing his eyes for a moment. "Training, huh? Sounds like fun," he muttered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Seo-Yun raised an eyebrow. "Oh, it will be. I'll make sure of that."

As dawn broke, casting an eerie glow over the landscape, Seo-Yun began Jin's rigorous training regimen. She demonstrated combat techniques, emphasizing agility and precision. Jin did his best to follow along, but his movements were clumsy and uncoordinated.

"Try to focus," Seo-Yun urged, dodging one of his haphazard swings with ease. "Your life depends on it."

Jin groaned, swinging again and missing. "I'm trying! But I didn't exactly grow up training to fight monsters, you know?"

Seo-Yun chuckled. "No one does. But you have to adapt. Here, watch me."

She moved with fluid grace, her sword dancing through the air in a series of precise, deadly arcs. Jin watched in awe, attempting to mimic her movements. He stumbled, tripping over a loose stone and landing flat on his back.

"Graceful," Seo-Yun remarked, trying and failing to hide her smirk.

"Laugh it up," Jin grumbled, getting to his feet and brushing dirt off his clothes. "I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. Eventually."

Hours passed with Jin slowly improving under Seo-Yun's patient guidance. His strikes became more controlled, his footwork less clumsy. As they took a break, Jin's stomach growled loudly, prompting a burst of laughter from Seo-Yun.

"Hungry?" she teased, tossing him a piece of dried meat.

Jin caught it, grinning. "Starving. Fighting monsters works up quite an appetite."

As they ate, Jin noticed a small creature peeking from behind a tree—a furry, squirrel-like animal with oversized ears and wide, curious eyes. It edged closer, sniffing the air.

"What's that?" Jin asked, pointing.

Seo-Yun glanced over and smiled. "That's a zuri. Harmless little things. They're more scared of us than we are of them."

Jin extended a piece of meat towards the zuri, which cautiously approached, sniffed it, and then took a tentative bite. Its nose twitched, and it let out a satisfied chirp.

"Hey, look at that," Jin said, amused. "I made a friend."

"Careful," Seo-Yun warned with a laugh. "Feed one, and soon you'll have an army of zuris following you around."

Jin chuckled, watching the zuri scamper off into the trees. For a moment, the harshness of the dungeon world seemed to soften.

As the day drew to a close, Seo-Yun stood and stretched. "You did well today, Jin. But tomorrow, we push harder. You need to be ready for whatever comes next."

Jin nodded, feeling a mix of exhaustion and accomplishment. "I'll be ready," he said, a newfound determination in his voice. "Just, maybe fewer falls on my face?"

Seo-Yun laughed, a sound that was surprisingly warm. "No promises. Now get some rest. Tomorrow's another big day."

As Jin settled down, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Amidst the danger and darkness, he was starting to find his footing—and maybe even a bit of humor along the way.