

writer_AzalxMizal · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


They were rushing towards the hospital, tension thick in the air. Dua's head was bleeding profusely, and Irha was in a state of panic, tears streaming down her face as she tried to stem the flow with her hands.

"Dua, please get up," Irha pleaded repeatedly, her voice breaking. "Dua, please, what happened to you? My half, please get up..."

Jungkook leaned forward, his face etched with worry. "Please move faster," he urged the taxi driver, desperation evident in his tone.

Irha clung to hope, her eyes fixed on Dua's pale face. "Not to worry," Jungkook reassured her. "We will be at the hospital soon."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the taxi screeched to a halt in front of the hospital. Jimin was the first to react, his voice urgent. "Hurry up and get out of the car," he commanded. "Jungkook, pick up Dua and take her inside."

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, looking at Jimin. "Hyung, where are you going?"

"You go inside," Jimin responded. "I'll be right back."

Jungkook didn't waste another second. He carefully lifted Dua in his arms, her limp body a heavy reminder of the gravity of the situation. Irha followed closely, her heart in her throat as they entered the hospital.

Inside, Irha's voice echoed through the corridors. "Doctor! Doctor!" she cried out. A doctor hurried over, taking in the scene with a practiced eye.

"Oh my goodness, it's bleeding a lot," she said urgently. "Quickly, take her inside."

The doctor called for the staff, and within moments, a team arrived with a stretcher. They gently took Dua from Jungkook's arms and rushed her to the ICU. Jungkook and Irha watched as the doors swung shut behind her.

"Not to worry," Jungkook said to Irha, his voice calm despite the turmoil inside him. "She will get better soon."

"Inshallah," Irha whispered, tears falling freely. "Dua will get well soon." She sank into a nearby chair, sobbing quietly.

Jungkook sat beside her, trying to offer comfort. "Please don't cry. She will be okay." "Come with me, Irha. Let's sit down here. I'll get some water. Okay? Don't cry."

Just as Jungkook was about to leave, Jimin walked in, his expression serious. "Hyung, here we are," Jungkook called out.

Jimin approached quickly. "How is Dua?" he asked, his voice tight with concern.

"She's in the ICU," Jungkook replied. "The doctors are treating her."

Their conversation was interrupted when the doctor returned. Irha sprang to her feet. "Doctor, how is Dua? Is she okay?"

The doctor nodded reassuringly. "There is nothing to worry about. She just got a little injury on her head. It will take some time for the injury to heal. You need to take extra care of her. She needs rest."

The doctor continued, "She lost some blood due to excessive bleeding from her head. We've treated her injury, but we can't give her a blood transfusion just yet. We'll do it within half an hour."

"Alhamdulillah," Irha whispered, relief washing over her. "Doctor, can I meet Dua?"

"You can meet her," the doctor said, "but do not wake her up. Let her wake up on her own."

Irha nodded. "Okay, doctor. Thank you." She hurried inside the ICU,

Jimin and Jungkook remained outside, watching through the small window in the door. The doctor turned to them. "You can also go inside and meet her."

"Thank you, doctor," Jimin said. The doctor excused herself and left.

Jimin turned to Jungkook. "Should we go inside?"

Jungkook hesitated. "Can we go inside?"

"Didn't you hear the doctor?" Jimin retorted. "Of course we can go, you idiot."

"Then why are you asking me?" Jungkook shot back. "Let's go, hyung."

They entered the ICU quietly. Irha was sitting beside Dua, holding her hand and crying softly. "This is all my fault," she murmured. "If I had listened to you, you wouldn't be in this condition. Please, Dua, get up. I need to apologize. Please get up."

Jungkook stood silently, his heart pounding. Seeing Dua lying there so still made his chest tighten with fear. He didn't understand why he felt this way, but it scared him.

Jimin approached Irha . "Please don't cry," he said "Dua will wake up. She needs to hear your voice, not your crying."

Irha looked up at him, her eyes red and swollen. "If I don't cry, what should I do? It's because of me that she's like this, and you're telling me not to cry?"

"If you need to cry, go outside," Jimin said  "But don't cry here."

Irha glared at him, her anger flaring. Jimin turned away, and as he did, he bumped into Jungkook.

"Ahhh," Jimin exclaimed, looking at Jungkook, who was still standing stiffly. "Not again." He shook Jungkook's shoulder. "I think you need to see a doctor, bro."

"What happened, hyung?" Jungkook asked, snapping out of his daze.

Jimin grabbed Jungkook's ear playfully. "Come outside, and I'll tell you what happened."

"Hyung, what are you doing?" Jungkook protested. "Let go!"

Jimin dragged him out of the ICU, still holding his ear. "I think you're having seizures these days," he teased.

"Will you stop making fun of me?" Jungkook retorted, rubbing his ear when Jimin finally let go.

Irha emerged from the ICU and saw them bickering. "Did you two come here to fight?" she scolded, wiping her tears.

Jimin released Jungkook's ear and looked at Irha sheepishly. "By the way, you always have a habit of fighting with people," Irha continued. "See how you pulled your friend's ear."

"It's true," Jungkook added, nodding.

Jimin glared at him. "I swear, I'll—" he began, but the nurse interrupted.

"Please step aside," she said. "I need to check on her and change her clothes."

"Yes, yes, please," Irha said, stepping back. The nurse gestured for Irha to follow her inside.

Jimin watched them go, placing his hands on his waist. He turned to Jungkook, who was looking away, whistling nonchalantly.

"I don't know what will happen to this boy," Jimin muttered, shaking his head. "There's blood on your clothes, too. Go home, change, and come back."

Jungkook glanced down at his stained clothes. "Okay, I'll go."

As Jungkook left the hospital, he couldn't shake the image of Dua lying in the ICU. He made his way to the taxi stand, his mind racing. He hailed a taxi and gave his address, leaning back against the seat with a sigh. The driver, sensing his distress, drove quickly but carefully.

Back at his apartment, Jungkook hurried inside, stripping off his bloodied clothes. He changed into clean clothes, but his mind was still at the hospital. He splashed water on his face, trying to clear his thoughts. As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, he felt a surge of determination...

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Jimin was pacing the corridor. He couldn't sit still, his worry for Dua making him restless. He glanced at the clock, counting the minutes until Jungkook would return. Irha was still inside with Dua, and Jimin felt a pang of sympathy for her. She blamed herself for what had happened, but he knew it wasn't her fault.

In the ICU, Irha watched as the nurse carefully changed Dua's clothes. Dua was still unconscious, her breathing shallow but steady. Irha held dua's hand, whispering words of comfort. "Please wake up, Dua. I'm so sorry. I need you to wake up."

The nurse finished her task and checked Dua's vitals. "She's stable," she said reassuringly. "She just needs time to heal."

"Thank you," Irha said, her voice trembling. "Can I stay with her?"

"Of course," the nurse replied. "Just make sure she gets plenty of rest."

Irha nodded, her eyes never leaving Dua's face. She sat back down, holding Dua's hand tightly. She couldn't shake the guilt that weighed heavily on her heart. She replayed the events in her mind, wondering what she could have done differently.

Outside, Jimin finally saw Jungkook returning. He waved him over, relief evident on his face. "You're back. How's everything?"

"I changed," Jungkook said, glancing at the ICU door. "How's Dua?"

"She's stable," Jimin replied. "Irha is with her."

"Good," Jungkook said, exhaling slowly. "That's good."...

Jimin looked at irha with concern and said, "This girl has been crying for a long time. If she keeps crying like this, so she might be sick She needs to take care of herself."

Jungkook, who had been quietly observing, nodded in agreement. "If she doesn't take care of herself, how will she take care of her friend?"

Jungkook then suddenly noticed something. He turned to Jimin and asked, "Hyung, where were you at that time?"

Jimin replied, "I had gone to withdraw money from the ATM."

Jimin then explained further, "I have to pay for the hospital bills."

Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise. "Will you pay for everything?"

Jimin nodded, his expression serious. "These two girls came here from India. After they arrived, they were scammed. They lost almost everything they had. I don't know if they have any money left, so I'll handle the payment."

Jungkook felt a rush of sympathy for the two girls. "You're right, hyung. No problem, I'll help with the payment too."

Irha stepped outside and saw Jungkook and Jimin talking to each other. She walked over to them and said to Jungkook, "Jungkook, could you please get me some water?"

Jungkook replied , "Sure, I'll get it right away." He headed off to find some water.

As he left, a hospital staff member approached Jimin and Irha. "Are you here with Miss Dua?" he asked.

Irha responded, "Yes, we are."

The staff member then said, "Please come with me for the payment."

Jimin nodded, "You go ahead, I'll follow in a moment."

Irha, concerned about the costs, asked, "How much is the bill?"

The staff member replied, "It's 10,000 won."

Irha's eyes widened in shock. "That much?"

The staff member explained, "Yes, because she's in the ICU and receiving a blood transfusion."

Jimin stepped in and said to the staff member, "Please lead the way, I'll handle the payment."

Irha looked at Jimin, confused and worried. "Why are you paying?" she asked.

Jimin replied calmly, "Step aside and let me handle this."

Just then, Jungkook returned with a bottle of water. He handed it to Irha and said, "Here's the water."

Jimin looked at Jungkook and Irha, "You two stay here, I'll be back soon."

Jungkook nodded, "Alright, you go ahead. We'll be here."

Jimin followed the staff member to the billing office. As he walked, he thought about how he could help his friends who had found themselves in such a dire situation. He knew the girls had been through a lot and wanted to alleviate their burden as much as possible.

Meanwhile, back in the waiting area, Irha took a sip of the water and looked at Jungkook, her mind racing with thoughts and worries. "I just don't understand why Jimin is so determined to pay," she said, almost to herself.

At the billing office, Jimin handed over his card to the receptionist. As he waited for the payment to process, he thought about how he could help the girls get back on their feet. He knew that simply paying the hospital bill wasn't enough; they needed a place to stay and a plan for the future.

The transaction completed, Jimin thanked the receptionist and headed back to Irha and Jungkook. When he arrived, he saw the worried look on Irha's face and immediately tried to reassure her.

"The payment is done. Don't worry about the cost," he said gently.

Irha said to jimin "Thank you, but as soon as I have the money, I will return it to you. I have no desire to keep your money; I can take care of my friend myself."

Jimin replied, "Do you always think so much, or do you sometimes think about other things too?"

Irha snapped at Jimin, "Shut your mouth, or it won't be good for you."

With a mocking grin, Jimin replied, "Oh really? And what will you do about it?"

Brimming with anger, Irha retorted, "I'll murder you! So please, just shut your mouth."

Laughing derisively, Jimin taunted, "You don't even know how to say thank you."

Bristling with defiance and fury, Irha shot back, "And you think I'll ever thank you? Never, not even in your dreams. Understand this: I'm Irha, and I'll never say thanks to you...
