
"Caught in the Web of the Spider."

Waking up in a hero's body is one thing, being a hero is another. SI, where Peter Parker's body is taken over and the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, it needs a Spider-man. Fully using Peter's genius, the new Spider-man finds a balance between being a hero and a teenager. Will include MCEU and more.

Carl_One · Komik
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189 Chs

Chapter 62

I turned to MJ who shrugged. We stood together, my arm around her hip and her's immediately going for my shoulder. It just felt so natural, May took a few photos, to many for my liking, before she let us go.

"So what's up? I figured you would be wating for Harry and the others," I asked her.

"I am, they aren't coming till another half an hour though, so I thought I should see how you were doing," MJ replied with a shrug.

I shrugged, "I'm okay, I'm meeting up with Felicia for dinner soon."

"Oh...well, good luck I guess. Where are you going?"

"Julio's," I smiled.

MJ whistled, "damn Tiger, you're pulling out all the stops tonight aren't you?"

"Yup," I shrugged, "anyway I think I should get going, don't want to keep her waiting."

"You're going to met up at the restaraunt?" MJ asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I think she's embarrassed of her mom or something, didn't even want me to pick her up in a cab or anything," I shrugged.

"Well...alright I guess," MJ smiled, "good luck Peter, I hope you have a great time."

I smiled and pressed a chaste kiss on her cheek. MJ seemed to go into a state of shock at the kiss, I winked at her and quickly walked out the door.

I hailed a cab and quickly got in. I texted Felicia I would be seeing her soon and sighed as the cab slowly drove through traffic. I was carrying with me a corsage, I didn't know the breed of the flower but it was white, similar to Felicia's hair.

I also checked the hidden pockets of my jacket feeling my web shooters inside. I wasn't an idiot, it was times like this when nothing could go wrong that everything can go wrong.

There was a 50% chance I would have to swing away as Spider-man today, and so just in case I brought my web shooters and my mask. I didn't have my my leather jacket, but I was wearing my black muscle shirt under my suit along with the black leggings.

I really, really hope I won't have a need for them, but again, I was no fool.

I arrived in the restaurant ten minutes early and quickly went up to the top floor of the fancy hotel and took my seat. It was a two person table near the window overlooking the city below. The restaurant was fancy, I could see a few other kids from my school in there with their own dates, they waved at me and I politely waved back.

I waited and waited, drinking three glasses of water and used the bathroom twice. She was twenty minutes late and starting to test my patience. I grew fed up and took up the phone and called her.

"Peter, I'm sorry but something's come up," she said with batted breath.

"Really? Something came up? What?" I was skeptical, did she just not want to go out with me? Why can't she just say that?

"Yes, I'm really really sorry but-"


An explosion rocked out from the other side of the phone and from outside the window. I looked out and saw an thunderbolt launched into the air, tendrils of electricity sparking around all over the place.

"Felicia? Felicia are you okay?!" I roared, please tell me she's not stuck in the middle of that!

It took a while before she answered, "I I'm fine! Something's here! It's attacking everyone!"

"Stay right there! Stay hidden! I'll get help!" I threw a twenty onto the table and ran out of the restaurant. I quickly dialed Johnny up, but got no answer. Was I out of range? Or...the electricity, it was jamming all radio waves!

I ran to the roof and took out my web shooters. I stripped down to my uniform hidden underneath and webbed up suit and shoes into a bag before throwing them against the side of the building to stick.

I put on the mask and jumped off the side of the restaurant, swinging towards the electrical storm. I knew it could only be two things, one, Thor or two, Electro.

I arrived in the busy crowded street and saw a man made of blue electricity floating in the middle of the streets laughing as he sent blast after blast of electricity into the street. Sometimes he hit cars, other times he hit the road, exploding pieces of concrete up into the air.

"Some one help us!" a woman cried out.

"Shut up you ficking whore!" Electro yelled out, "no one gives a damn about you!"

"Someone please!" she screamed even louder.

"I said shut the fuck up!" he yelled, I could see he was going to electrocute her. But before he could I sent out a web line and pulled her out of the way of his oncoming bolt of electricity.

"What the hell?!" Electro roared as he turned to see me on the roof, "S-spider-man?!"

"I'll give you one chance," I told him as my eyes searched the wreckage for Felicia, "leave and never come back."

"You think you can order me around?! No one can order me around! Not any more!" Electro roared as he sent out bolts of electricity at me.

Acting on pure instinct I jumped out of the way as the bolts of powers destroyed the roof I was standing on.

"Come on Sparky! Is that the best you can do?!" I asked as I swung across the street.

"Hold still!" he roared trying to hit me, but everytime he got close I would just swing away in a different direction.

I landed on a building wall and looked down to see Felicia pulling someone out of a wrecked car. Her clothes were torn apart, her hair a mess, but seeing her help people to safety I couldn't help but feel she looked so goddamn beautiful.

"I'm going to crush you Spider! And when I do, I'll be the hero!" Electro roared as he threw a bolt of power at me.




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