
"And that's how I died."

Fuyuki is a failure with relationships, but one night he had a dream about a mysterious girl who asked for help not to kill himself, the adventure begins when Fuyuki finds evidence that this girl exists in real life and he determines to help.

_Kushh · perkotaan
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1 Chs

A strange dream

For a long time I lived without much expectation about relationships, I always found it very futile and I preferred a thousand times more to spend my time playing video games than worrying about a girlfriend. However, on a certain night, I had a very unusual dream that would completely change my life from there.

It was 1:00 AM on July 13, 2022 and I was in a very deep sleep. The previous day had been tiring, I had worked hard on my job and I didn't have much patience to interact with my classmates and friends, some even murmured among themselves saying that I was very grumpy, but we all have days when we are not very willing. Strangely, this indisposition arose after I, Fuyuki, was in the classroom talking to my best friend Hayato about relationships, (and Hayato knew how my old and only relationship had been a failure) I don't know why he periodically came to talk to me about these things, maybe it's insecurity, but like all the other times I just tried to get away from it and talk about something else.

But this time it was different, as soon as I tried to change the subject with Hayato I felt a little dizzy, my vision was blurred for a few seconds and I saw at a glance something like a rose falling in front of my eyes. Hayato found my behavior strange and asked if I was okay, I soon closed my eyes and opened it quickly with the intuition to see and understand what had happened, but when I looked down I couldn't see any more roses, it was strange, it seemed that I had I saw it falling but there was nothing else there, and it was different from the others I have seen, it seemed to be ruby, a black and reddish color, but not to look silly looking at the ground, I replied that everything was fine and that I just had a mild headache. The problem came after I really started to feel headaches and indisposition, so my day was ruined.

Anyway it was already night and I was able to go back to my house and rest, after a hot shower and a glass of chocolate I wondered what it was that had happened to me, it was like I was saving energy to prepare myself for something, or that I had fallen into some kind of curse, anyway, it must have been just a hallucination. I decided not to stay awake for a long time and go to sleep soon so I could pull myself together, so I turned off the lights and went to bed. Fortunately I was able to sleep easily, but after about three or four hours sleeping like a rock, I started having a very strange dream...

Fuyuki: Hmm... Hm? What? Am I already waking up? Where am I?

I couldn't see anything, everything was very dark, I was conscious but I wasn't sure if it was a dream or not. The view was strange in that dark place, it seemed that everything was very cloudy, but it moved a lot, like a television losing its signal, only in reality. And then I start to hear a slightly distorted voice, it was difficult to understand what it was saying, but it seemed to be a female voice.

????: Hello...

Fuyuki: Hello? Who's there? What place is this? What is all this?

That voice didn't answer me anymore, but that dark place started to get clearer and clearer, until everything went white and a page from a diary appeared in front of me. It was a torn sheet, there were many things written but they were out of focus, there was only one sentence that was not out of focus, and it said "[...] I see no more salvation, I think this is my destiny, the death, the end of Azumi."

Fuyuki: Azumi? What does that mean?

The page then disappears from my view, and a very bright glow begins to appear, so strong that I can hardly keep my eyes open, I think that meant I was about to leave that place, but before the glow took me from that place I could see a silhouette approaching me.

Fuyuki: Who are you?

That person came very close to me, and put his hand lovingly on my cheek, as if he were putting a lot of hope and love in me. It was difficult to see but little by little I could see more of that silhouette. I could see her long hair... I could see her eyes... I could see her mouth... Wait, this girl...?

Fuyuki: What?

The glow took me, I woke up scared and sweaty, was it all a dream? I couldn't memorize that girl's face, but... Why am I crying?