
Livres de Romans lizzy cyberpunk à Lire en Ligne - WebNovel


  • Cyberpunk Maniac

    The Public Safety System said, "When darkness falls, close your eyes. Monsters, open your eyes. Werewolves, make your kill. Vampires, make your kill. Tengu, make your kill. Corporate security, make your kill. Mercenaries, make your kill. Gangsters, make your kill. Counter-terrorism squads, make your kill. Cyberpsychotics, make your kill. Biochemically Transformed, make your kill. Demons of Hyperspace, make your kill. Zerg of a different dimension, make your kill. Sorcerers of the Abyss, make your kill. Followers of a Million Concealed Charms, make your kill..." The Public Safety System said, "Dawn has broken, and no one died last night. The cyberpsychotics has killed all the monsters. Those who are alive, please speak." Li Pan said, "First of all, I'm not a cyberpsychotic, I'm just a little too spiritually aware."

    Axe Warrior · Romance
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  • Cyber Era Witch

    In the Cyberpunk era, the Corporate Alliance dominated the world, with humans and witches alike serving as corporate cash cows, enslaved by advanced technology. Changes were thus unveiled, and Xu Yang, refusing to become a corporate slave, resolved to flee. He intended to rescue the adorable yet powerful witches from the clutches of the giant corporations, embarking on a path of innovation!

    Little Evening Years · Romance
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  • Enforcer Manual

    In the dystopian world of 2166, District Seventeen, my current abode, earned the dubious honor of being labeled the Federation's most decrepit sector. The specter of unemployment looms large... The count of missing individuals steadily climbs... A relentless tide of fugitives... As many people say, Enforcer is the most dangerous career on this planet. And I, unfortunately, have become one. (Cyberpunk + Post-apocalyptic, four completed novels over millions of words. Feel free to read in any way you wish.)

    Peach Cooldown · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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  • Cyberpunk 2099: Alien Extraction System

    "Terranoids, malicious malware and viruses with mechanical bodies made of metals and steel, created by a violent AI known as Omni-cast. During the year 2079, Terranoids ran rampant through out the world and war between cybernetic humans and Terranoids broken out. Wuth the insane combat cyberwares and skill wares and mods, the Terranoids were almost wiped out by humans. But they learned, they evolved, the war was quickly reversed as the Terranoids managed to learn Quick hacks, disabling the very cyberware the humans relied on and turned them against each other. Humans were almost wiped out, that is until they figured out a way to mix technology with the body, inserting nanobots to assist in reshaping and evolving the genes beyond the gjven limit, creating the Altered ones. The war was once more put under control and in a stale mate. Under the slightly peaceful era, corporate enterprises rose up once more and greed enveloped thw world with these new knowledge of power. Another path to evolution was hence created, they are called Mechanoids! Mechanoids, humans who are made up of pure steel! Their cells, genes, flesh and organs are all pure nano machines! Their strength even stronger than Altered ones but their minds became corrupted and with power, comes greed. Hence, another war between The altered Ones and Mechanoids broke out eventually dividing the entire planet into two continents ; Origin Continent and Cyborgenic Continent. On Origin Continent, Michael, a young teenager, lives in a slum, where he makes a living by producing and selling illegal substances. Despite his hard work, he struggles to make ends meet and dreams of a better life. Michael hears about a rare and powerful gene-editing nanobot being sold on the black market, which can grant incredible physical abilities to its host. Hopeful about becoming a Spliggen and escape the cruelty of the slums and the oppression from the High-born, Michael used his earnings of ten years, finally purchasing the gene-modifying nanobot, the trader gifting him a useless assistant nanobot. However, before he can use it, the nanobot is stolen by a rival gang in a violent confrontation!

    RagingArtPunk · Romance
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  • The Witness: Hello! My Love!

    (Strictly no r*pe) What would you do if you woke up one day and realized you are been haunted by the ghost of a former friend? Nicole and Lizzy were best friends way back in the University but because of the love of a man, they fell apart. 5 years have past since they last saw each other but Lizzy suddenly reappears to Nicole as a ghost and seeks her help in uncovering the cause of her death because apparently Nicole is the only one who can see her. What happens to her lingering feelings and will Leo be able to forget about Lizzy and look at Nicole for once? Will Leo be willing to help Nicole heal from her pain of been dumped a week to her wedding? Most importantly, will Leo be able to protect Nicole from the people who killed Lizzy? What will become of Nicole's life as she is surrounded by ghosts who want to possess her body and people who want her dead? The Witness has all the answers.... "Nikki, if you were to choose, which part of Leo are you the most curious about after meeting him again after five years?" Lizzy asked as they sat on the graveyard. "I am not curious about anything. Leo is dead to me" "Am I really dead to you?" a voice asked behind Nicole and when she turned she saw him. "You... you, what are you doing here?" she stuttered and turned to ask for help from Lizzy but found no one, 'damn, that ghost tricked me again' Leo squatted in front of her and stared at her curiously. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked. "I want to test it out" "Test what out?" "Whether I am really dead to you or not?" he said and leaned in to kiss her. A while later, Nicole opened her eyes and stared at her ceiling and muttered, "it was only a dream again. Am I going to die and become a virgin ghost at this rate?" PS: As this book is in the Spooky WPC contest, I hope you kindly support me with power stones and also give me a review if you think it deserves one. I welcome all suggestions. Thanks. NB: Book cover does not belong to me. Credits to the owner for such a beautiful cover, fell in love with it. Thanks @Islinda for the cover design which I totally suck at. Friendly Reminder; Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.

    Purplebride · Fantaisie
  • 'Lizzie'

    Marshall Lizzie, pimpinan di sebuah kapal udara yang terkenal dengan kedisiplinan dan kekejamannya, terjebak di sebuah kondisi di mana dia tidak bisa menyelamatkan diri. Pertempuran antara galaksi sudah membuatnya tidak bisa banyak berkutik. Dia bahkan merasa bisa merasakan momen-momen terakhir di hidupnya. Lizzie tidak pernah takut mati. Dia sudah mengalami kehidupan dan pelatihan militer yang keras sejak dia masih berusia belia. Tetapi dia tidak pernah membayangkan kalau dia akan terbangun di tubuh gadis remaja kurus di daerah pedesaan. Belum lagi gadis muda itu rupanya akan dimakamkan oleh orang-orang yang tidak pernah dilihatnya sebelumnya. Lizzie melawan dan dia akhirnya mengetahui kalau semua itu adalah ulah dari Nenek ‘Lizzie’ yang sebenarnya. Dia rupanya sekarang menjalani sebuah kehidupan sebagai Lizzie, gadis remaja desa yang bernasib kurang mujur. Namun, siapa itu Marshall Lizzie? Dia adalah sang perwira dingin dengan kecerdasan dan kekejaman yang tak tertandingi. Bertentangan dengan 'Lizzie' yang lemah tak berdaya, Marshall Lizzie mengubah kehidupan barunya 180 derajat dan membuat orang-orang di sekitarnya bertanya-tanya, apakah dia benar-benar Lizzie?

    RaelianaAvanderia · Sports, voyage et activités
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  • Neon Star Rising (BL)

    [BL - Mature Content] In a cybperpunk future, a young man wakes up inside a box with no memories, and to two strangers making threats at him. Ivo doesn't know who he is. Or even if that's his name. But from there, he'll have no choice but to learn how to survive the dangerous neon streets of a city that has forgotten how to dream. His new reluctant allies keep him at a distance. Especially Davi, the mysterious guy who doesn't trust Ivo's memory loss and thinks he might be connected to the group of people responsible for all the misery in their city. The same people Ivo now has to steal information and tech from -- for the paying clients who employ the services of Davi and his crew. --- Davi: give me one good reason why I shouldn't get rid of you? Ivo: ...you're a good person and don't want to do that? Davi: try again. Ivo: I can be useful... Davi: still not convinced. Ivo: my winning personality and sparkling smile? Alina: it's like you want him to shoot you in the head --- determined, belligerent, adaptable, snarky and fearless amnesiac MC x mysterious, intense, idealistic, selfless, ruthless and passionate hired gun ML x and their trigger happy, sarcastic, sexy, lover (1v1v1) more tags: cyberpunk, sci-fi, crime, mature content, fast-paced action, slow burn romance, important side-characters, LGBT cast, side romances, violence, dystopian.

    ThirtyTyrants · LGBT+
  • Kesalahan Termanis

    Menceritakan Lizzy Cetta yang masuk ke dalam pernikahan saudaranya kembarnya yang tengah terbaring di rumah sakit karena terluka akibat percobaan bunuh diri. Saudaranya, Lisa Cetta merasa bahwa dialah yang membuat rumah tangganya hancur sementara Lizzy tak berpikir demian. Lizzy berpikir bahwa yang bersalah atas semua ini adalah Saga Pranaja, suami saudara kembarnya sendiri karena hal itu dia terdorong untuk membalas dendam pada pria sombong bernama Saga Pranaja. Namun siapa sangka pria yang masih berstatus suami kakaknya itu tampak tertarik pada Lizzy, apakah Lizzy masih dengan tujuannya menghancurkan Saga Pranaja ataukah terjebak cinta dengan saudara iparnya? Silakan baca!! **** Volume kedua : Sst ini rahasia Dikarenakan keegosian mereka, Dani dan Ai menyimpan perasaan mereka masing-masing dan terjebak dalam kesalahpahaman. Karena itulah mereka bercerai dengan pengertian masing-masing. Semua berubah ketika Ai hamil dikarenakan sebuah kesalahan. Bisakah mereka menurunkan ego dan bersatu karena sang bayi. Sinopsis volume ketiga : Menjalani kehidupan bahtera rumah tangga selama empat tahun namun tak dikaruniai seorang anak tak serta merta meruntuhkan komitmen yang Edward dan Helena buat. Namun kedatangan orang baru di dalam hidup mereka menimbulkan keraguan dalam komitmen pernikahan keduanya. Sinopsis Volume keempat : Dikarenakan beberapa kejadian yang membuat Ivana Jaya Putra tak bisa bersosialisasi dengan baik di Jepang. Edward dan Vella memutuskan untuk mengirim Ivana ke kediaman Pranaja keluarga Ibu sambungnya. Di sana dia dipertemukan oleh Vendri sang kekasih Ibu yang masih melajang di usianya yang telah 30 tahun lebih. Sinopsis Volume kelima : Maria dan Zen adalah korban dari kekejaman keluarga Paulo. Mereka berdua akhirnya sepakat bekerja sama dan berpura-pura untuk menjadi pasangan suami istri. Dengan meminjam wajah dari Lizzy Cetta sosok wanita yang dihormati oleh Zen, Maria hidup dan bertingkah seperti wanita angkuh itu. Apakah balas dendam mereka tercapai? Ada juga kisah mereka yang menjalankan kehidupan pernikahan palsu mereka dengan penuh kejadian manis. Silakan baca ^^ LittleGirl_25

    LittleGirl_25 · Général
  • Superjagd

    Das mit Spannung erwartete Cyberpunk-Holografiespiel stand kurz vor der Markteinführung, und Jonathan hatte das große Los gezogen und wurde als Betatester ausgewählt. Doch die Dinge nehmen eine bizarre Wendung. Ihm wurde klar, dass er nicht einfach nur ein holografisches Spiel spielte - er wurde in ein echtes Paralleluniversum transportiert. In dem Moment, in dem er sich einloggte, spürte er, dass etwas nicht stimmte. Eine Frage: Was tust du, wenn du herausfindest, dass deine Spielidentität der meistgesuchte Mann der Föderation ist und du undercover in der offiziellen Ermittlungsabteilung arbeitest?

    FETI · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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  • Rogue Element [Cyberpunk]

    In the shadows of Crystal City, Marlene's life is a delicate balance between mundane days at FreshMart and moonlighting as a cyberware and weapons fixer. Her ambition? To leave her cramped Megablock flat behind for the innovative world of tech engineering. When Marlene submits a prototype to TriColor Corp, she believes her dreams are within grasp. But the path to success veers unpredictably, plunging her into a web of corporate intrigue and underground challenges. In a city where humanity melds with technology, Marlene faces a crucial question: how much of herself is she willing to risk for a better future?

    Ryker_Bale · Romance
  • Lizzy the Time Traveler

    Lizzy is a girl who can utilize the powers her goddess gave her and travel through time and use other powers. Later on in the story there will be places and characters I use that are from other stories. I am not claiming the rights to those things I am just using them for the story. This story is finished.

    AyakoTatsunishi · Fantaisie
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  • Lizzy's Diary

    Everything changes from the moment two different personalities with the same name moved into the neighborhood. Lizzy was caught between a man she always waited for and a man she thinks it impossible for someone like her to be with, because he can never noticed her. Let me ask you, in between the impossible and the long awaiting, who will you choose?

    Tara_Wealth · Urbain
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  • Stolen Youth (Lizzy White Series)

    Eleanor_Smith · Action
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  • Vixie Lizzie

    What would you do if you were to find out one of your friends is secretly a superhero.

    rizzvatt · Romance
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  • Revenge of the Reincarnated Witch

    In the spring of 1692, Lizzie burned at the stake. Reincarnated in the 21st century, she finds herself riding a pick-up truck off to a music festival with the reincarnation of the girls that burned with her. And the driver? William, the lover that left her without an explanation. William’s charm in this lifetime is as irresistible as it used to be and she can't deny the longing she feels. To find peace and happiness, she was tasked by a quirky deity to avenge herself and the other ‘witches’ from the people that wronged them. But how was she going to find out who were the ones that wronged the other girls? In her quest for justice, Lizzie will discover the best (and worst) of both worlds of the colonial era and the 21st century as she goes back and forth into her dreams, visions, and reality. Will she succeed with her revenge and find happiness too? ========== DRAMATIC EXCERPT: "Lizzie, please don't forget that I love you." Will said as he clutched his shirt near his chest. "I never stopped loving you Elizabeth Ainsworth." He took a step forward to reach out for me and I shielded myself with my hands. "Don't come near me, you filthy bastard!" I screamed at him, enraged with his lies. I closed my eyes as I stepped backwards and held back my tears. "You did nothing to defend me from your father!" "No Lizzie, I did what I could. I -" his voice faded and I was left in the parking lot, dazed and my arms crossed as if to shield myself from his advance. When I blinked, William vanished and Bash came back into sight. He gave me a questioning look and asked, "Ummm.. What are you doing Lizzie?" My eyes darted from Bash's head to toe and he gave a nervous laugh at my reaction. I breathed short and heavy gasps and my sweat went cold. "You look like you've seen a ghost." He said. ========= UPDATES INDEFINITE Coverphoto grabbed from pinterest, it will be taken down should the owner request to. If you know the original artist then please inform me so i can add proper credits

    yu_chan_desu · Urbain

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