
Livres de Romans harry potter star wars à Lire en Ligne - WebNovel


  • Harry Potter Getting Even

    After the final battle Harry learns the truths. He was betrayed... And what does Harry do? He goes back in time and get his revenge on them all of them. ======= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

    Mystic_Verse · Fantaisie
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  • Harry Potter and the true wizarding world

    What happens when Harry returns to a year before joining Hogwarts, just after experiencing the biggest betrayal by Dumbledore? What happens when Harry realises the whole wizarding community still on the surface is nothing but the ones who do not have the qualifications to enter the true wizarding world? Let us all join Harry as he finally starts his journey to find the true magical world.

    maddymudda · Fantaisie
  • Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

    Just read it. not mine

    Teraten · Fantaisie
  • Harry Potter The Life Of A Chef

    Now what will happen when Harry Potter becomes a Chief and a really good one at that ? Join Harry on this journey to find out. ........................ Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

    BookReaderBoy · Fantaisie
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  • Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter

    I, as in my incredible wisdom, have decide to publish my idea on self insert. The mc doesn't want to be included in any way with plot or interact with people at all. "Why should I become the greatest wizard or a savior, if fate already has a whipping boy?" Chapters will be irregular. Disclaimer inside.

    Krsak · Fantaisie
  • A New World: Star Wars System

    John was an average dude on Earth who shipped dirt for companies. He had an average life, family, and friends. His only hobby was fiction. Science fiction, historical, whatever. John died one day and was given a Star Wars System. What will he do in a new world? Any characters, lore, buildings, or weapons I use from Star Wars belong to Disney. The characters I create for this story, if they could be used in others, are my original characters. If I ever use a type of ship(Harrower-class dreadnought for example) I got the info from Wookiepedia. Also, if I haven’t released a chapter in a while, I’m either taking a break for myself, or because of a holiday.

    RestlessShadow · Fantaisie
  • Star Wars VRMMO

    First and foremost: Yes. I drew the cover myself in Microsoft Paint. It is a masterpiece. You're welcome. This is my second work. I thought I'd give a shot at one of those game novels. I've always had a dream of there being a video game where it was kinda like a combination of an MMO and GTA but with Star Wars themes. You'd be able to travel the whole galaxy and have progression that relates to the story. I think it'd be quite interesting. Essentially, I am going to be creating a universe so this is going to be a really fun experience for me. There is gonna be no bullshit with reincarnation. Just pure exploration and luck. I might experiment with different POVs throughout the work but who knows. Lastly, sorry if I make mistakes with the math. I am going to try and keep it as simple as possible. Here is a preview: The year is 2086. The VRMMO market has been taking off in the last 20 years. Each title is more advanced than the previous. Finally, an unknown entrepreneur is creating a game that introduces an AI that fully manages the game independently. This unknown investor has partnered with Disney to create this game within the story of Star Wars. Tyler Sandberg is a 17 year old boy living in New York, USA. He lost his father in a space exploration accident and he has been living with his mother since that happened. Unfortunately, the two have been struggling financially ever since his father passed so they live a modest lifestyle. Since his father was an astronaut, he was always super into sci-fi content. Star Wars was his favorite. After finding out that there was a mysterious VRMMO Star Wars game coming out, he swore that he would make it big in the game and get him and his mom the lifestyle they deserve. DISCLAIMER: All characters, companies, and events in this novel --even those based on real world entities-- are entirely fictional. All representations are made up ... poorly. This novel contains coarse language and due to its content it should not be read by anyone.

    N3wman · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
  • Harry Potter and the Sword of Grifindor

    Disclamer: Not mine, I own nothing. I'm not making any money either. WARNING: Harsh Language, adult themes, sexual situations (i.e. smut), bad spelling and grammar. Author's Notes: This story is a broad farce with over the top humor (a good deal of it is crude and sexual) and OOC actions (that's Out Of Character if you don't know). Also, this is my first smut-ish fic. If you don't like sex and sex-based humor, do NOT read this!

    Lucian_D_Feratu · Romance
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  • Harry Potter, Squatter

    A young Harry Potter is abandoned in new York by the Dursleys. He finds his way onto Olympus and starts squatting in an abandoned temple... Credits: Enterprise1701-d

    Leo_Chen_0529 · Fantaisie
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  • Harry Potter' Natural Villain

    A person from earth is reincarnated in the Harry Potter World as Draco Malfoy. Armed with future knowledge, he tries to defeat all obstacles while protecting his family, fighting Voldemort and figuring out how to deal with teenage girls. P.S This novel is not mine, it is own by author. This novel is edited machine translation from MTL.

    MarcTempest · Fantaisie
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  • HP: The Prophet of Harry Potter

    Albert never had any big ambitions. He always thought of himself as a Guy who wanted to live a free laid back life. While living a life like that... he died......AND THEN was reborn with a system. He thought this was the chance and proper way to become a winner in life. When Albert was planning to make himself a free guy with a goal, an owl sent an invitation from Hogwarts, and he realized that he had traveled to the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is considering how to be a dreamy guy in the magic world. Come join Albert in his adventures and ambitions. ----- I am just a lowly translator translating this novel to feel like a genuine english speaking person wrote it and roll off the tongue nicely so that people can read the novel and have an enjoyable experience ----- We don’t own any character in the story, cover, or the story. This fanfic is being translated by MortalRecord. Hope you enjoy it. ----- Raws Link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/103794/ If you have some extra pocket money, Please support me and get me a cookie Link: https://ko-fi.com/mortalrecord

    MortalRecord · Fantaisie
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    What if Harry was born three years earlier? A world in which Harry Potter and Neville's destiny is interchanged. He didn't became boy-who-lived but something else- A Legend. This fanfiction is the work from fanfiction.com that have been abandoned. I would like to complete or extend them. Hope you like it.

    Rajesh_behura · Fantaisie
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  • Harry potter and cool reader

    well here we go again a new reincarneter with new story but same old way genre and fanfic yup it is harem ...**nope- no opinion of reader were asked before writing why because I am writing for fun and YES any constructive criticism and ideas are welcomed so go and give them list of harem members we'll see in the story after all it will kill suspense and fun don't you think we'll there isn't much of a suspense with how aur mc is but yeah it is what it is r18 maybe-maybe not let's see what happens ALL THE RIGHTS OF CHACTERS AND OTHER ARE TO THE ORIGINAL WRITTER J.K. ROLLINGS AND LIKE EVERY OTHER FANFIC IF THERE IS SOME PROBLEM PLEASE LET US KNOW AS IT IS FOR FUN AND HAPPINESS NOTHING MORE AND YEH THE MC (JHON) other NEW character belong to author (me) as they were produced and written by me and my imagination. and this fanfic rights too belongs to author

    Excersice_Practice · Fantaisie
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  • Star Wars : Last Order

    Victor is a military man from the modern era, enjoyed his job defending his county… may be a little to much. He is Fascinated with swords of the old way and the skill it takes to wield. Durning his Retirement he read a lot of books and novels and seen lot of movies and let not forget his fare share is enjoyment in life ‘winks’ Victor use to follow orders now he doesn’t take them but gives them how will he shape his new life. Lets join him as he is thrown into the Star Wars universe.

    DJRock_ · Politique et sciences sociales
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  • Star Wars: Revelations(dropped)

    I realized that I can't really add more so if anyone wants to continue this feel free. A man named John is reborn in star wars and must find a way to change its fate. It will be more difficult as his very existence has changed the course of history. Will he be able to save this universe without being able to predict everything that is to come Find out next time on DRAGON BALL Z... Oh wait, wrong thing. *Authors note* Yay, I finally figured out how to change the cover. woohoo

    DaoistXzVSxK · Romance
  • Reincarnated to Harry Potter World as...

    A boy wakes up in his grave, the story progresses and he finds himself to be in Harry Potter world, his memories from his last life are unlocked, he finds immense joy in the fact that he Harry's twin brother, his only wish being able to protect his brother and avenge his parents, however, what would happen when a threat unknown and of a much larger scale lurks in shadows. Will he able to protect his loved ones, find out in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z. (kidding, have fun.) (Note: the cover picture isn't mine.)

    koryu · Fantaisie
  • New Power Rising in Star Wars

    Person That Got Title of God Of War in past World Now Opened His eyes in Star Wars but this world is Wery difrent from original and with power of Nation System and his Three Race blood he will change this world to the point that you will not know what hapens next or even if some main scenes even will happen. Slow story and little Spoiler for story when war begin there wont be only Republis and CIS but 6 more factions Interested ? Then be on watch for chapters :D Also MC is interested in Female and Male but for male only some with omega genes. All Pictures is not mine most from Printrest or Google Ellement of Star Wars and they Characters Belongs to them.

    Danse_Macabre_ · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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