
Livres de Romans belos parents à Lire en Ligne - WebNovel


  • A Noiva Indesejada do Alfa

    Jasmine é a primeira filha do grande Alfa Bale. Por causa de seu status de filha bastarda, ela vive uma vida maltratada esfregando chãos e atendendo as necessidades de seu pai, madrasta, meio-irmãos e de toda a alcateia. Mas sua vida toma um rumo drástico quando ela é trocada no lugar da filha legítima de seu pai para ser casada com o Belo e Coração Gelado Alfa Xaden. Xaden está determinado a punir Jasmine pelos pecados de seu pai que massacrou toda a sua família, mesmo que ela não seja nada como seu pai. O ódio lentamente se transforma em desejo, paixão ardente e finalmente amor. Mas o que acontece quando Xaden descobre que Jasmine, foi plantada como uma espiã para provocar sua queda e não era na verdade a princesa original que lhe foi prometida? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Que isso sirva de lição para todos. Real ou não, Alfa ou Ômega," Ele declara. "Vocês vão se manter longe do que é meu. No meu próprio território. Na minha alcateia." Com isso, ele joga o braço ensanguentado de lado e leva Jasmine para longe do olhar chocado deles.

    Stephanie_king1 · Histoire
  • Reincarnated! My Parents and Brothers Beg for My Forgiveness

    Yu Su is making a comeback with her system! Yu Su didn't grow up with her family. At age four, her older brother lost her while they were out and about. Her family adopted a girl close to her age and even gave her Yu Su's name. Many years later, Yu Su's family found her. However, nobody in the family treated her better because they felt guilty. On the contrary, they pampered the adopted child even more. If Yu Su and her adopted sister ever set their sights on something at the same time, their family would let her sister have it. Yu Su relied on her own hard work to succeed in showbiz. Not only did her family not show her any support, they even tried to interfere with his career. They claimed to want to look after her, but they gave all their resources to her adopted sister. In her previous life, Yu Su craved familial love and tolerated endless bullying from her family. However, in the end, when she and her adopted sister were kidnapped, everyone, including her family and the boyfriend she grew up with, chose to rescue her adopted sister first. In the end, Yu Su was killed by her kidnappers. After reincarnating, Yu Su decided to cut off all ties with her family. To survive, she ventured into showbiz! Later... Was her eldest brother a dominant CEO in showbiz? In the blink of an eye, Yu Su's studio became the top-performing company in the industry! Was her second brother a successful manager? Yu Su became the ace of all managers in showbiz! Was her third brother a famous and talented singer? Yu Su went viral with a single song! Was her fourth brother a genius director? Yu Su's film sold so well that even he became envious! After seeing Yu Su's success, her biological parents and brothers regretted their actions. They begged her for forgiveness. "I refuse!" Yu Su exclaimed.

    Mountain Springs · Urbain
  • The Tycoon's Odyssey

    Bruised and abused... Life had never been kind to him. Evan, an orphan, was adopted only to serve as a means to accomplish his blood-sucking parents' goals. Just as he was trying to break free from their grasp, his parents offended a celebrity, resulting in them being ganged up on by the celebrity's fans. If all those hardships weren't enough, God played another joke with him. [It's evident that your life is quite sad. The main reason behind your misfortunes lies with your parents, so take these steps to free yourself from your suffering.] [Quest: Kill your parents within the stipulated time] - Assets amounting to 1 billion dollars Time left: 00:00:59 "Damn, are you threatening me? Want me to kill others and become a criminal on the very first task? I reject it. Let's see what you can do." And in the next second, he found himself pushed over the railing and falling down. He thought he would die but... [The Host has passed the test.]

    Lonelythree · Urbain

    A PACK WIPED OUT.... AN HEIR ON THE RUN! Honey Lake thought her life was perfect. She had parents and a pack who loved her, and a bright future ahead. But in the space of one night her whole world came crashing down and everything she held dear was taken from her. With her pack wiped out and her parents dead, Honey is now on the run trying to find somewhere safe that she can call home. A MATE WHO IS A BULLY.... A SANCTUARY DESTROYED! Hiding out in another pack, Honey endures abuse and bullying on a daily basis. Waiting for the moment when she can leave and avenge her pack, Honey focuses on becoming the best version of herself, the Alpha her parents intended for her to be. But despite all her hard work, she is landed with a mate who is her biggest bully within the pack. When the truth about the fate of her parents and her fallen pack is revealed, and those who are responsible for their deaths are named, Honey soon learns that sometimes our enemies are closer than we think. WHO CAN SHE TRUST? WHO CAN SHE TURN TOO?

    EllyKane · Fantaisie
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  • An Empress's Return to the Present: The Real Young Lady's Strong Comeback

    Gu Xiaocong never thought she'd reincarnate in the present timeline after transmigrating to the ancient past for twenty-four years! In her previous life, Gu Xiaocong grew up in the countryside with parents who didn't love her. When they heard that their neighbor's daughter was working outside and making money, they forced her to quit school and participate in a reality show in exchange for seven hundred dollars. Gu Xiaocong's life changed because of this show. The participants of the show were all ordinary folks. The content of the livestreams was to show the difference between girls who grew up in the countryside and girls who grew up in the city. The program team edited the show with ill intentions so Gu Xiaocong would be labeled as the 'uncultured hillbilly'. She would then become the victim of cyberbullying. Three years later, Gu Xiaocong's biological parents found her. Only then did she realize that her original parents were human traffickers. They swapped Gu Xiaocong with their own daughter so that the latter could have a good life. Meanwhile, the girl from the city, Gu Xiaocong's polar opposite on the show, was actually the human trafficker's biological daughter. The masterminds who caused her to become the victim of cyberbullying turned out to be her birth parents! However, they didn't feel guilty at all. They still sided with the fake young lady they raised. They believed the fake young lady was innocent, and they constantly picked on Gu Xiaocong for going against the fake young lady. Gu Xiaocong finally broke down from the torture day after day, and she ended her life by jumping off the balcony. To her surprise, she transmigrated to the ancient past. She relied on her own capabilities to transform from an ordinary citizen to an empress. That place was like home to her. However, to her surprise, she reincarnated in her original world one day. Gu Xiaocong decided to turn the tables by sending her adoptive parents to prison. She wanted to accomplish all her previous goals and make her biological parents regret their decision!

    JQK · Urbain
  • Main character's parents must die

    "Why do the main character's parents often get the short end of the stick?" That is what Mila asked while looking up at the sky. She was grumbling toward whoever sent her inside the novel she read before she died. She becomes the mother of the main character, whose parents are both dead. Mila's character was merely a tool for the MC's character development. It's a simple, fix-all solution. The author wanted to make the audience instantly sympathetic towards the main character, and the best thing he did was to have the MC's parents die. After she avoided her death in the original plot, death flags kept coming for her. Will the original plot not end if she's not dead? .... proofreader: Aserehtam

    MaryahLu · Fantaisie
  • Renegade Immortal

    Wang Lin is a very smart boy with loving parents. Although him and his parents are shunned by the rest of their relatives, his parents always held high hopes that he will one day become someone great. One day, Wang Lin suddenly gained the chance to walk the path of an immortal, but found that he only had mediocre talent at best. Watch Wang Lin as he breaks through his lack of talent and walks the path towards becoming a real immortal!

    Er Gen · Oriental
  • Casado com o Filho do Diabo

    【Volume 1 - Casada com o Filho do Diabo】 Um príncipe, rumores dizem ser filho do Diabo. Ele é a própria definição de Perigo. Ele é a própria Escuridão. Uma princesa. Aprisionada em sua própria casa, só pode sair quando se casar. Mas com quem se casará? *** Era uma vez, o Diabo se apaixonou por uma das muitas esposas do Rei. Uma noite, ele foi ao quarto dela disfarçado de marido e a amou. Ela engravidou do filho dele. Sabendo disso, o Rei ordenou a execução dela acreditando que sua esposa o traíra, mas então o Diabo apareceu ao rei fazendo um acordo. Em troca de grande poder para seu Reino, o Rei permitiria que sua esposa gerasse o Filho do Diabo. O Rei, ganancioso por poder, concorda com o acordo e seu Reino se torna um dos mais poderosos Reinos e o Filho do Diabo, o sétimo príncipe do Reino. Ser princesa provavelmente parece agradável. Uma vida cheia de luxo, belos vestidos e sapatos bonitos, mas para Hazel, não há nada de bom em ser uma princesa. Ela nunca pode sair do palácio, nunca pode ter amigos, nunca pode comer ou dizer ou vestir o que quiser e nunca pode escolher a pessoa com quem vai se casar. Em breve, ela se casará com um homem que nunca conheceu, um príncipe que rumores dizem ser Filho do Diabo.

    JasmineJosef · Fantaisie
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  • Quando a Bela Encontras as Feras

    Lin Nuannuan nunca esperava transmigrar através de um simples banho! Ela até poderia lidar com isso, mas por que tinha que transmigrar para um mundo de Homens-Fera? Há belos Homens-Fera vestidos com pele de animal por toda parte. E todos eles com suas longas pernas à mostra! O quê? O tigre e o lobo branco querem se casar comigo!? NÃO! NÃO! NÃO! Nada de bom vem de um amor que transcende espécies. Desista!

    Big Fruit Pellets · Fantaisie
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    ``` [AVISO: CONTEÚDO ADULTO] "E se ele for um sonho diurno disfarçado de pesadelo?" ___ Temporada 1 - CONCLUÍDA Em seus devaneios, o dia do seu casamento sempre acontecia em um belo dia ensolarado. Quem diria que ela iria se casar no meio da noite e com uma criatura da noite? ```

    KazzenlX · Fantaisie
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  • Corra, Garota (Se Puder)

    Keeley, uma simples mulher comum, acerta o jackpot. [Não, ela não ganhou na loteria!] Pelo menos é o que ela pensa quando se casa com o solteirão mais cobiçado de Nova York: Aaron, um magnata do coração frio e rico. Ela quer mostrar ao mundo que merece seu lugar e se esforça muito para se encaixar em seu mundo. Um belo dia, Aaron entrega a ela um documento pedindo que ela assine. Um papel de divórcio... "Ela está grávida e eu preciso assumir a responsabilidade." Essa é a última coisa que passa por sua mente antes de dar o último suspiro. Keeley morre, vítima de "atropelamento e fuga". [Fim da história. Não!] Por alguma razão inexplicável, ela acorda como sua versão mais jovem. Uma garota do ensino médio, na época em que conhece seu marido infiel. Lembrando-se de sua vida com Aaron antes de morrer, ela promete a si mesma que fará tudo ao seu alcance para evitá-lo a todo custo. Será que ela conseguirá manter sua promessa quando Aaron também tem seus próprios planos, especificamente para ela? Ou ela repetirá a história e se apaixonará por ele mais uma vez... Por que não viajar comigo e descobrir a verdade por trás da história deles?

    Mcllorycat · Fantaisie
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    [18+, nsfw, mature content, sensitive content] After the death of his parents in a car accident, Akagi Suga sold his parents' house and moved to another area. He raised his younger brother alone, their life didn't go smoothly but at least as long as Suga lived with his younger brother, their life was always pleasant. Until finally people from IHPS (International Human Protection Squad) approached him, making Akagi Suga remember again that his father was a former instructor of that special forces. He didn't want to get involved with people from an organization created by elites under the guise of ‘military’, an organization filled with crazy people, but when Nakajima Yuki, his childhood friend asked Suga to join IHPS, at first Suga refused, however— "It wasn't an accident, both your parents were killed." He already had this suspicion for a long time. 'Will going to IHPS make it easier for me to find out which organization killed my parents?' And why did a madman named Zion Hughes always make it difficult for him to find out about the organization? (ps ; I won't give warning for adult scenes iykwim, I will give warning if there's sensitive content)

    chacantsleep · LGBT+
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    Semenjak perceraian kedua orangtuanya, Aneska tinggal bersama kakak kandung dan kakak iparnya. Keadaan bukannya membaik, justru kehidupan Aneska semakin menderita. Perilaku seorang kakak ipar kepadanya seperti perlakuan seorang Ibu tiri kepada anak tirinya. Membuat Aneska tumbuh menjadi seorang gadis yang tomboy. Namun wajahnya yang sangat cantik membuat dirinya disukai oleh banyak laki-laki. Namun rasa trauma Aneska yang diberikan oleh orangtuanya sendiri membuat Aneska tidak pernah membuka hatinya untuk laki-laki. Dan semua laki-laki menyerah untuk mendekatinya. Kecuali satu orang laki-laki yang terus berjuang untuk mendapatkannya. Tetapi tetap saja, sedikit kemungkinan untuk lelaki tersebut dapat diterima oleh Aneska. Berbagai cara sudah dilakukan oleh lelaki tersebut. Mulai dari dirinya yang berusaha untuk bisa berteman dengan Aneska sampai menjadi seseorang yang selalu ada di saat Aneska dalam kesusahan. Sampai pada akhirnya ketika Aneska sudah terlalu menderita dengan kehidupannya bersama kakak iparnya, hanya lelaki tersebut yang ada di sampingnya. Membuat Aneska merasa dilindungi oleh lelaki tersebut. Lambat laun akhirnya Aneska menerima keberadaan dan hati leleki tersebut yang sudah diberikan kepada Aneska sejak lama. Kehidupan berumah tangga yang sangat ditakuti oleh Aneska selama ini ternyata adalah sebuah kesalahan besar. Menikah dengan lelaki yang telah menyukainya terlebih dahulu membuat Aneska hidup bahagia tanpa ada suatu masalah yang membuat mereka berdua bertengkar hebat. Mereka menjadi keluarga yang harmonis sampai salah satu di antara mereka lebih dulu meninggal dunia.

    Arummsukma · Sports, voyage et activités
  • The Heavenly Sword Emperor

    Check out my new novel, The Tale Of A Transcendent! --------------------------------------------------------------- Tian Jian was an orphan in his previous life, was now reborn, and now he has a good family and loving parents, but everything is lost due to some scheme, and his parents are placed in prison, and he is exiled to some unknown place. Tian Jian later walks on a cultivation path with a sword in his hands, his sword demands justice for his parents. Sometime later, Tian Jian realized that the path he is taking till now is the wrong path, then he question’s himself. “Why do I cultivate for?” “I need strength, so I cultivate” “Why do I need strength?” “I want to take revenge for the injustices my parents Suffered.” “After taking the revenge, What will I do?” “My heart will be relaxed, and I will live happily with my parents.” “But later, if someone else threatened my parents, then will I forever taking the revenge.” “No, The path to revenge is a dead end, and what I need to do is protection.” “I need Strenght to protect my loved ones.” “I need strength, not for the power, riches, status, eternal life, understanding heavens, fame, peaceful life, but for protecting the one I cares for." “The path I need to take is protection, not revenge, and why do I have to take revenge if I have the strength to protect.” But can he achieve his goal in the path he has taken? What will he do when new powerful enemies keep coming in his path, and what will he do when that enemy he faces is heaven itself, and will he achieve his goal.

    fateless · Oriental
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  • Depois de Transmigrar, a Esposa Gorda Fez um Retorno Triunfal!

    """ Qiao Mei transmigrou para um romance como uma personagem coadjuvante com o mesmo nome dela, que tinha pouca presença. Essa personagem coadjuvante era uma caipira que não conseguia se casar por causa da obesidade. De acordo com o roteiro original, essa caipira Qiao Mei era uma gorda mimada pelo seu avô. No entanto, seus parentes eram todos gente perversa e cruel. Seu avô tinha a saúde frágil, então uma vez que ele morresse, os parentes iriam dividir e devorar seus bens. Assim, o maior desejo do avô era casar Qiao Mei. Para isso, chegou até a sacrificar e trair o neto de seu bom amigo, Xia Zhe. O avô fez Xia Zhe ficar bêbado e teve Qiao Mei forçosamente levar consigo o forte e belo Xia Zhe com seu corpo que pesava mais de duzentas libras. Então, no dia seguinte, o avô os flagraria e obrigaria Xia Zhe a se casar com Qiao Mei. No entanto, isso acabou provocando o início da vida infeliz de Qiao Mei. Também na história original, Qiao Mei tomou posse do misterioso jade de Xia Zhe. Mas devido à estupidez de Qiao Mei, a irmã de seu primo a enganou, fazendo Qiao Mei lhe dar o jade, resultado na família do primo se tornando rica. Quando Qiao Mei transmigrou para cá, foi durante o momento embaraçoso em que estava fazendo amor com o homem depois de embriagá-lo. Ela acordou atordoada no dia seguinte e a equipe do avô já havia aparecido na porta. Qiao Mei estava assustada. Ela não queria seguir o caminho original e se casar com um homem que não a amava. E assim, ela mentiu e despachou o avô. Ela também empurrou o homem para fora antes de forçar-se a olhar para seu reflexo bronzeado e rechonchudo no espelho! Ah, ela chorou diante de sua feiúra... Como um lutador de sumô em grandes cuecões de tecido, até as lojas de roupas de tamanho grande não tinham peças no tamanho dela. E seu rosto era do tamanho de uma pizza, uma pizza queimada! Qiao Mei decidiu reformar sua vida! O primeiro passo, perder peso! O segundo passo, arrumar seu quarto! Ela costumava ser minuciosa quanto à limpeza, e embora sua casa atual tivesse um grande pátio, ela só podia descrevê-lo como bagunçado! O terceiro passo era segurar o jade bem apertado para que sua prima gananciosa não tivesse chance! Só que, segundo a história original, o alto e bonito Xia Zhe deveria odiá-la, não é? Por que ele estava sendo cada vez mais gentil com ela? """

    Mountain Springs · Urbain
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  • Looking for a Stepmother in a Parent-Child Variety Show

    After falling for a plot done by her enemies, the missy of the mafia, Yuan Jiao Jiao, died at her fifth birthday party. When she opened her eyes, she found that she transmigrated into the body of another girl of the same age, and was being dragged along to participate in a child-parent variety show by her once-famous celebrity mother, Wen Nuan. What's worse is that to steal the spotlight, Wen Nuan signed a contract with the show, if the show's reception was not good, Yuan Jiao Jiao and her mother had to work for the show for free! The show was already in its' second season, Yuan Jiao Jiao quickly logged onto Weibo, and saw comments that were all negative. ""I hate these two the most, the mother has low EQ, and the daughter is so dumb, she only knows how to cry!"" Yuan Jiao Jiao: ""......"" To protect her mother, Yuan Jiao Jiao decided to take action. Thus, on a challenge to survive on a deserted island, the viewers saw the five-year-old Yuan Jia Jia, crying and dragging a wild boar along with her. ""Sniff sniff...mommy...the boar was fierce towards me...I'm scared..."" Viewers: ""???"" What weird strong loli was this? Slowly, the opinions of the viewers changed. ""What are you doing cameraman? Give our Jiao Jiao more screen time! Jiao Jiao is the cutest!"" ""By popular request, we want an episode with just Jiao Jiao and mommy in it!"" After that, Yuan Jiao Jiao found out that her mother was tricked into sleeping with scum and thus bore her, this show was her last effort to get her father to see them. Yuan Jiao Jiao criticized the scum, and planned to trick Wen Nuan back to become her stepmother, she breathed in deeply and said with a dominant voice. ""Forget about the scum, I'll bring you home to M country to see daddy, I'll introduce you to a super handsome guy!"" But, just when Wen Nuan took out the memento from the scum to sell for transportation money-- Yuan Jiao Jiao: "???" This jade, why is it the same as the one around her father's neck? [Female protagonist's parents had twins from a single fetus, the soul was split between the two, and after transmigrating, the two half-souls fused again.]

    JQK · Général

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