
Livres de Romans 2x à Lire en Ligne - WebNovel


  • Gamer Superstar

    Noah Black, a young man with an abusive father who had no opportunities in life, condemned to live a substandard life because of his father's mistakes. Noah Black from the parallel universe, a marginalized, obese young man with social problems and a somewhat problematic but loving family, but who couldn't live long because of the mistakes he made. When Noah 1's mind enters Noah 2's body with a Gamer System, the path to becoming the biggest superstar in this new world begins. Is that body fat? I work out with the system and in a few days I have the perfect body! Is my family poor? With my knowledge of my other world, I can make easy money! Is this face ugly? With System I can look beautiful without plastic surgery! Do I sing badly? In a few days, the System will transform my voice into the voice of an angel. Do I act badly? In a few days, the System will make me an Oscar-worthy actor. I can learn anything I want! "Rising to the top was like a game, and now I have become the Final Boss of the entire world!" -Noah Black. /////NunuNote///// The novel doesn't have a lot of chapters, but each chapter is 2x the length of chapters in other novels. Discord server: discord.gg/nunuXD

    NunuXD · Fantaisie
  • RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

    An invasion like no other. Dragons destroying everything in sight. A new world rising from the ashes. Blake lived through it all before he died, but now he was back, back to the time before things had ever happened. A strange place with a strange girl.... Blake had no idea how it happened, but he suddenly had one of the enemies of mankind, a dragon girl, as his girlfriend. --Extra Info-- Yuri tag is for his wives. Everyone in the harem will love each other. Extra tag: NO NTR Updated 2x Daily **Higher Daily Chapter Goals*** For 4 chapters a day the novel needs to stay in the top 150 in Power stones. For 6 chapters a day, the novel needs to stay in the top 20 in Power stones. For 8 chapters a day, the novel needs to stay in the top 5 in power stones. For 1 extra chapter a day on top of current daily chapters, the novel needs to reach the top 10 of golden tickets. ***Super Gift Chapters!*** Magic Castle = 1 extra chapter Spacecraft = 2 extra chapters Golden Gachapon 3 extra chapters ***Voting Goals!**** Power Stones: Every 1000 votes = 1 extra chapter a week. Golden ticket: For each month we stay in the top 15, I will do 1 bonus chapter per month. For each month we stay in the top 10, I will do 3 bonus chapters per month. For each month we stay in the top 5, I will do 6 bonus chapters per month. Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Show your support and buy me a coffee or join pat-reon! https://ko-fi.com/invayne https://www.pat-reon.com/invayne (take out the ‘-’ in the address. Webnovel censors the word pat-reon) Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

    invayne · Fantaisie

    "Among the 11 modern arts, the 10th art has always been my favorite. I experienced so many amazing classics in my other world, that I felt compelled to be able to provide this art to the people of this world as well." After finishing playing all the games nominated for the "Games Award" that year, Gabriel, known on the internet as Gabe, felt that life was really beautiful, experiencing so many beautiful things while playing, he felt quite satisfied, until he woke up in an unknown place. Confused, Gabe felt new memories surging through his mind, indicating that he had transmigrated to another world, a world where humans needed to create virtual worlds so that the population could arm themselves to fight the monsters that threatened to wipe out their race. But something shocked Gabe, these virtual worlds were like VR games that people could play and get items or abilities, and the surprise was that from the memories he received, his current body was a developer of Virtual Worlds. Follow Gabe's journey to become the greatest game developer in human history. Do humans need battle skills against monsters? I will do my favorite game that fights against zombies. Do humans need monsters to fight alongside them? I will make monsters that can be balled up and evolve to fight alongside humans. Is the technology of humans too weak? I will make alien robots that can transform into vehicles and shoot lasers. Does the government want to control me? Sorry, but I was running the government before that. From a young man who couldn't develop the most basic game to graduate from university, to the most powerful developer in the world, Gabe used all the knowledge available to him to reach the pinnacle of the world and take humanity along with him. ------ The novel doesn't have a lot of chapters, but each chapter is 2x the length of chapters in other novels. discord.gg/NunuXD

    NunuXD · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
  • Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

    Dear Xin, Nyaa~~~ I hope you are fine. I think it's your first day on earth. I wish you success in your revenge. And hope this time the world won't get destroyed like the last time. Since there is a charge on the number of characters I am using right now, I am keeping it short and simple. The last time the magical world got destroyed, we tried to reverse time and send your soul there. But due to some unforeseen circumstances, we were unable to do so. Since trillions of souls were on the line, we decided to merge your earth and the magic world into one. We have successfully planted the magic world's characters on your earth, and for magic, we will add it within a month. Hope you enjoy your stay there. Nyaa~~ Itsuki out~~~

    TokyoAnime_Seven · Fantaisie
  • Bloodline 2X

    xBrqkenx_D · Romance
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  • RE: Meine Drachenfreundin in der dragonischen Apokalypse

    Eine Invasion wie keine andere. Drachen, die alles in Sichtweite zerstören. Eine neue Welt erhebt sich aus der Asche. Blake hatte das alles miterlebt, bevor er starb, aber jetzt war er zurück, zurück in die Zeit, bevor die Dinge überhaupt passiert waren. Ein seltsamer Ort mit einem seltsamen Mädchen.... Blake hatte keine Ahnung, wie es passiert war, aber er hatte plötzlich einen der Feinde der Menschheit, ein Drachenmädchen, zur Freundin. --Extra Info-- Yuri-Tag ist für seine Frauen. Alle im Harem werden sich gegenseitig lieben. Extra-Tag: NO NTR 2x täglich aktualisiert **Höhere tägliche Kapitel-Ziele*** Bei 4 Kapiteln pro Tag muss der Roman in den Top 150 der Powerstones bleiben. Bei 6 Kapiteln pro Tag muss der Roman unter den Top 20 der Powerstones bleiben. Bei 8 Kapiteln pro Tag muss der Roman unter den Top 5 bei den Powerstones bleiben. Für 1 zusätzliches Kapitel pro Tag zusätzlich zu den aktuellen täglichen Kapiteln muss der Roman die Top 10 der goldenen Tickets erreichen. ***Super-Geschenk-Kapitel!*** Zauberschloss = 1 zusätzliches Kapitel Raumschiff = 2 Extra-Kapitel Goldenes Gachapon = 3 Extra-Kapitel ***Wahlziele!**** Macht-Steine: Alle 1000 Stimmen = 1 zusätzliches Kapitel pro Woche. Goldenes Ticket: Für jeden Monat, in dem wir in den Top 15 bleiben, werde ich 1 Bonuskapitel pro Monat schreiben. Für jeden Monat, in dem wir in den Top 10 bleiben, werde ich 3 Bonuskapitel pro Monat schreiben. Für jeden Monat, in dem wir unter den Top 5 bleiben, gibt es 6 Bonuskapitel pro Monat. Tritt meinem Discord bei! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Zeigen Sie Ihre Unterstützung und kaufen Sie mir einen Kaffee oder machen Sie bei pat-reon mit! https://ko-fi.com/invayne https://www.pat-reon.com/invayne (nimm das '-' in der Adresse heraus. Webnovel zensiert das Wort pat-reon) Folgen Sie mir auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Folgen Sie auf Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

    invayne · Fantaisie
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  • My Knowledge Of Cultivation Is Completely Shattered

    [Check out my other book it's way much better] Book Name: Project Relife: 2x Isekai System ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grand Elder pondered for a while before posing out his answer, "Aryan, have you read any history books on the old ways of cultivation." "What?!!" “Ah, how to say…. The answer you gave is invalid in this era. That cultivation system you are talking about is a two-millennium old history. I don't know how you came to know about those, but it's better to erase them from your memory.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is what Aryan got to hear from his gramps, on his fifth birthday. Wang Huang, a genius venerable cultivator from the ancient era, died in an unforeseen accident while searching for his path to immortality. After being stuck in a dark space for an unknown period, he took rebirth as the first son of Aditya and Anisa. Till the age of five, he was fantasizing of becoming an overpowered MC with a harem filled with seductive, voluptuous and alluring ladies. But little did he know at that time, that the world of cultivation has taken many twists and turns over the past two millennia, and his past knowledge of cultivation is outdated!!! Even though Aryan past life knowledge became trash in that new era, he didn’t give up on his dream of becoming an overpowered MC and continued his journey. But again, little did he know, that the upcoming future events, starting from Cultivation, followed by Cross-dressing, Sci-Fi, Cultivation Technique……… Will keep on crushing him and his world view!!

    TokyoAnime_Seven · Fantaisie
  • RE: Minha Namorada Dragão no Apocalipse Dragonic

    Uma invasão como nenhuma outra. Dragões destruindo tudo à vista. Um novo mundo surgindo das cinzas. Blake viveu tudo isso antes de morrer, mas agora ele estava de volta, de volta ao tempo antes de tudo ter acontecido. Um lugar estranho com uma garota estranha... Blake não tinha ideia de como aconteceu, mas ele de repente tinha uma das inimigas da humanidade, uma garota dragão, como sua namorada. --Informações Extras-- A tag Yuri é para suas esposas. Todos no harém se amarão. Tag extra: SEM NTR Atualizado 2x por dia **Metas Diárias de Capítulos Mais Altas*** Para 4 capítulos por dia, o romance precisa permanecer no top 150 em Pedras de Poder. Para 6 capítulos por dia, o romance precisa ficar no top 20 em Pedras de Poder. Para 8 capítulos por dia, o romance precisa ficar no top 5 em Pedras de Poder. Para 1 capítulo extra por dia além dos capítulos diários atuais, o romance precisa alcançar o top 10 em ingressos dourados. ***Capítulos de Presentes Super Especiais!*** Castelo Mágico = 1 capítulo extra Nave Espacial = 2 capítulos extras Golden Gachapon = 3 capítulos extras ***Metas de Votação!**** Pedras de Poder: A cada 1000 votos = 1 capítulo extra por semana. Ingresso dourado: Por cada mês que ficarmos no top 15, farei 1 capítulo bônus por mês. Por cada mês que ficarmos no top 10, farei 3 capítulos bônus por mês. Por cada mês que ficarmos no top 5, farei 6 capítulos bônus por mês. Entre no meu Discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Mostre seu apoio e compre-me um café ou junte-se à pat-reon! https://ko-fi.com/invayne https://www.pat-reon.com/invayne (retire o '-' no endereço. A Webnovel censura a palavra pat-reon) Siga no Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Siga no Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

    invayne · Fantaisie
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  • RE : Ma petite amie dragon dans l'apocalypse dragonique

    ``` Une invasion sans pareille. Des dragons détruisant tout sur leur passage. Un nouveau monde émergeant des cendres. Blake a tout vécu avant de mourir, mais à présent, il était de retour, revenu avant que tout cela ne se produise. Un lieu étrange avec une fille étrange... Blake n'avait aucune idée de comment cela s'était produit, mais soudain, il avait pour petite amie une des ennemies de l'humanité, une fille dragon. --Infos Supplémentaires-- L'étiquette Yuri concerne ses épouses. Toutes les personnes dans le harem s'aimeront mutuellement. Étiquette supplémentaire : PAS DE NTR Mise à jour 2x par jour **Objectifs de Chapitres Quotidiens Plus Élevés*** Pour 4 chapitres par jour, le roman doit rester dans le top 150 des Pierres de Pouvoir. Pour 6 chapitres par jour, le roman doit rester dans le top 20 des Pierres de Pouvoir. Pour 8 chapitres par jour, le roman doit rester dans le top 5 des Pierres de Pouvoir. Pour 1 chapitre supplémentaire par jour en plus des chapitres quotidiens actuels, le roman doit atteindre le top 10 des tickets dorés. ***Chapitres Cadeaux Super!*** Château Magique = 1 chapitre supplémentaire Vaisseau Spatial = 2 chapitres supplémentaires Golden Gachapon = 3 chapitres supplémentaires ***Objectifs de Votes!**** Pierres de Pouvoir : Tous les 1000 votes = 1 chapitre supplémentaire par semaine. Ticket doré : Pour chaque mois où nous restons dans le top 15, je ferai 1 chapitre bonus par mois. Pour chaque mois où nous restons dans le top 10, je ferai 3 chapitres bonus par mois. Pour chaque mois où nous restons dans le top 5, je ferai 6 chapitres bonus par mois. Rejoignez mon Discord ! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Montrez votre soutien et achetez-moi un café ou rejoignez pat-reon ! https://ko-fi.com/invayne https://www.pat-reon.com/invayne (enlevez le ‘-’ dans l'adresse. Webnovel censure le mot pat-reon) Suivez sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Suivez sur Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/ ```

    invayne · Fantaisie
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  • Tales of the Limitless Sword

    With sword in hand, a determined young boy sets out to unravel all the mysteries of the world. Upload Schedule: 2x chapters every weekend - if you want more, please show your support for the novel by voting, commenting or adding it to your collections!

    hello62 · Fantaisie
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  • Go see the reloaded version on my creator page

    Go see the reloaded version, It is already posted and is at least 2X more long

    Deadpool_0069 · Fantaisie
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  • The Green Guardian

    |2021 VERSION| |23X WATTPAD FEATURED · 2X SPOLIGHT STORY · SHORTLISTED FOR THE SEASONAL CONTESTS!| Mateo Brook, a young Pinta Park Ranger, must learn the legend of the Green Guardian to save the Paperblank Forest from a ruthless basilisk. What starts as an enjoyable mission soon becomes a matter of life or death. *** The fae are an ancient race in Pinta Country, but no fairy is as old as the Green Guardian. Sixty years ago, she trapped a little boy in time. Now she begs for the Pebble Masters to rescue them. Eleven-year-old Evie Amanda Madison and twenty-one-year-old Mateo Brook are part of a specialized camp aimed at training aspiring Pinta Park Rangers. Evie, who has a dream to be just like her hero, Ranger Anthony, is unaware of the danger she is about to walk into. There is a basilisk loose in the Paperblank Forest. It's a creature of old magic that dates as far back as the Green Guardian herself. Together with a talking Red-Crowned Crane, John, and Pinta's young king, Benjamin, Evie and Mateo must find a way to free the time travelers if there is any hope to defeat the monster. Little do they know that this is all part of a prophecy-a prophecy held dearly to the people of Paperblank Village. Sixty years ago, history changed forever. A dark shadow is looming over Pinta Country, but Evie and Mateo are the only ones who can reverse the past.

    CroodsGirl · Fantaisie
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  • MMORPG: a woman’s charm

    Everyone I’m the world has been super hyped in the past week for one reason, a game funded by and worked on by tens of thousands of people that was entirely virtual When logging in to create my character by talking to the goddess npc she decided to troll me by making it so my in game gender is female! When reporting this incident to the devs they decided to give me a 2x stat gain for a attribute of choice but the goddess decided to troll me again by possessing me and answering charisma thinking it would be worthless! And so out of spite I ended up not deleting and recreating my character I instead decided to prove the goddess wrong and become the number one player!!

    Booing_Booing · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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    Towertoto merupakan agen slot online casino tergacor di indonesia memberikan kemudahan bermain slot togel casino dalam akuN Nikmati bonus jaminan scatter 2x saat spin TANPA SYARAT!!

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