
Review Detail of CodeKingu in I HAVE A SHADOW ARMY IN ONE PIECE

Détail de l’examen


An obviously ai generated story where the mc instantly becomes a side character literally watching the straw hats fight from behind a bush.



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Omg! thank you for telling me that CodeKingu. I usually write those so that I remember what to put in for the next chapter. I tend to plan ahead on each chapter so I can remember what to write. About Garp and Bogart, just to clears things up. I like to visualise stuff and Garp was heavily breathing from shouting and talking a lot. Don’t we all? ;)


Hello CodeKingu, I'm just a new author, and yeah, I've made a lot of mistake during the writing process. My grammar was terrible and the plot was all over the place. To fix the issues, I used ai tools to refine my work. I don't deny that I use ai, but the story was NOT ai generated. And if it makes the story more smooth and readable, then why not? was it wrong to utilize the power of ai? Regarding the MC's decision to be on the sideline and watching the straw hats fight, this was an intentional decision made by me. As a One Piece fan myself, I want to offer a unique perspective from the eyes of the MC, rather than making him join the fight. I agree that he's more of a side character in this world right now, but please continue reading the story in the future. I promise your opinion will change. :)


The reason I say ai generated is because you forgot to take out the ai instructions at the end of the second chapter. But maybe those were just notes to yourself idk? The other reason I believe this story to be heavily ai influenced is that it was written that Garp and Bogard were “breathing heavily” after their fight fight with the trump pitates. Pirates that Garp could destroy easily with out effort.

Drewy2cold:Hello CodeKingu, I'm just a new author, and yeah, I've made a lot of mistake during the writing process. My grammar was terrible and the plot was all over the place. To fix the issues, I used ai tools to refine my work. I don't deny that I use ai, but the story was NOT ai generated. And if it makes the story more smooth and readable, then why not? was it wrong to utilize the power of ai? Regarding the MC's decision to be on the sideline and watching the straw hats fight, this was an intentional decision made by me. As a One Piece fan myself, I want to offer a unique perspective from the eyes of the MC, rather than making him join the fight. I agree that he's more of a side character in this world right now, but please continue reading the story in the future. I promise your opinion will change. :)