
Review Detail of Derek_Lycan in lust system (anime multiverse)

Détail de l’examen


I have read a lot of fanfics on Webnovel. I have read approximately a couple hundred fanfics from various apps and websites. Unfortunately, I have to give this fanfic such a low rating. I may come back to this fanfic in the future to give a higher rating. For now, here are the reasons for the rating (from most important to least important): 1. The flow of writing is just awful. When reading the fanfic, it is quite difficult to read in a properly as it is very "jumpy" and all over the place. To improve on this, I would suggest making a plan on the overall story (things like events, battles and love interest), as for the conversation between characters imagine or have some you say the dialogues to and see if it sounds good ( it should sound natural and not forced) 2. modify the writing layout. This is a fanfiction, not a primary or secondary school level( 4th- 9th grade education) dialogues scripts. For fanfiction, it should look pleasing to look at, like proper paragraphs and stuff. 3. grammar and punctuation issues, the punctuation don't matter too much, but the grammar needs improvement. if English is not good or not your fluent language then I would recommend sending your drafts through Grammarly.

lust system (anime multiverse)


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