
Review Detail of Jolkkingdom in The Frozen Winter War

Détail de l’examen


hello author, it wouldn't hurt if you add more paragraphs describing mc going from one point to another, not just chatty and info dumps.Why not add a narrator pov? Then swift to mc pov from time to time, you read first and second chapter but that was the impression the novel gave me.

The Frozen Winter War


Aimé par 1 personnes




thanks for the constructive criticism I appreciate it a lot actually since I do feel that my lack of detail has made this novel lack a lot of things that are essential key to a novel like the one I'm trying to make, I do appreciate this a lot, I will always accept more constructive criticism if you got anymore for this novel, since I'm working on this solo, with no external help and it's been a few years since I last really decided to try and write anything major like this.