
Review Detail of Lackada1sical in Marvel: The Journey

Détail de l’examen


Evaluation: Subpar (Could've Gem potential). WQ: Multiple gramm errors which can be improved on. Monotonous dialogues/interaction & redundant thought process. (We already knew what WW2 history is). 3/5 SD: With a slow to average pace of development and it also lacks MC & story progression since author-san decided to follow cannon/plot which is lackluster plus author-san focuses too much on word count wherein he added too much world & US literature which most of us are already aware of (Real life & FF style). 3/5 CD: MC is an OC-transmigrator which doesn't lack MervelVerse knowledge (No golden finger). MC persona is Chaotic-neutral which is apt for MarvelVerse. Lacks utilization of MarvelVerse foreknowledge & his earth/previous life experiences. 2/5 US: kinda boring as it is just a repeat of history which we are already aware of. Lacks creativeness and too indecisive to create new plot. 3/5 WB: There's nothing new as author-san decided that MC follows/observe cannon. 3/5 My Opinion: Lessen your history teacher style as it is kinda annoying plus your forced insertion of plot doesn't do any justice. keep it short and simple and be descicive enough to create new plot. Don't be discouraged by the reviews but take it as a challenge to do better. Kudos to author-san and well wishes! xD

Marvel: The Journey


Aimé par 119 personnes




this is too late, but I'll just say this. according to author there is no way someone just gives smthing away for free. u get what I'm saying, even if the rob or idk who ever he met is all powerful ther must be somee reason for him to give away a free powerup. . and if I'm not wrong it was mentioned that reincarnators r tracked with the help of their powers, cosmic entities will make them their champions forcefully or smthinf. basically yea, a forced contract with a cosmic being with no advantages for u. if I'm not wrong. idk forgot this

Crow_n_me:yeah, i tried reading this once and that's where he lost me, i wouldn't mind if he just got thrown into marvel without a by cheats, but choosing not to take any cheats while going to marvel? that shows he is either overwhelmingly stupid or overwhelmingly arrogant(fancy kind of stupid), either of the options is not appealing to me.

hmm doesn't mc dies at chapter 30+ something? really curious cause i drop it at that chapter


No he did not die at thirty plus he alive kicking

JikoxChatGpt:hmm doesn't mc dies at chapter 30+ something? really curious cause i drop it at that chapter

Well....didnt want to leave a bad review after 2 chapters so im comenting on some1 else's review ... Dropped it after 2 chapters because he got 1 wish and he doesnt wish for anything ... like really?? your going to such a dangerous place and you wish for nothing?? I can accept using the wish to make your former fanilly happy/succesfull, or your dead wife to come with you (since you wanted so much to meet her again) or anything else (as long as you make it believeble with your writing) but nothing??? This is something I cant just jump over...


Or a power which is a good support, not a cheat if you want to show off your MCs intelligence

Bogdan7:Well....didnt want to leave a bad review after 2 chapters so im comenting on some1 else's review ... Dropped it after 2 chapters because he got 1 wish and he doesnt wish for anything ... like really?? your going to such a dangerous place and you wish for nothing?? I can accept using the wish to make your former fanilly happy/succesfull, or your dead wife to come with you (since you wanted so much to meet her again) or anything else (as long as you make it believeble with your writing) but nothing??? This is something I cant just jump over...

So just copy paste, mc like a side character , no changed whatsoever, thats boring


yeah, i tried reading this once and that's where he lost me, i wouldn't mind if he just got thrown into marvel without a by cheats, but choosing not to take any cheats while going to marvel? that shows he is either overwhelmingly stupid or overwhelmingly arrogant(fancy kind of stupid), either of the options is not appealing to me.

KindaHard42069:Or a power which is a good support, not a cheat if you want to show off your MCs intelligence

well, first of all, bringing him back to life and displacing him to a whole different multiverse is already a lot, by that logic, there is already a price to pay, second of all, no benefit? as long as it isn't some evil god there most certainly are benefits to being his champion, i mean, look at juggernaut, one of the toughest mfs in marvel, at the very least by being someone's champion you are slightly less likely to get sneezed out of existence by some cosmic entity or even just getting killed in a random shoot out, can you imagine that? "oh, how *marvelous* I've been brought back to life" takes a step forward and gets shot by a stray bullet, there's also a lot of villains that are so weak they aren't even genuine threats to the real heroes but would be absolutely unbeatable for a regular person, regardless of how smart he is, starting as a regular person in marvel is completely moronic, even tony stark himself would probably try to get some benefits or even just a little bit of protection if he had to start from the very beginning, something simple like "hey, can you make sure i don't get randomly killed by irrelevant side characters?"

IRoaSs:this is too late, but I'll just say this. according to author there is no way someone just gives smthing away for free. u get what I'm saying, even if the rob or idk who ever he met is all powerful ther must be somee reason for him to give away a free powerup. . and if I'm not wrong it was mentioned that reincarnators r tracked with the help of their powers, cosmic entities will make them their champions forcefully or smthinf. basically yea, a forced contract with a cosmic being with no advantages for u. if I'm not wrong. idk forgot this