

2021-10-15 JointGlobal

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  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à saadferto_Huyter

    at this point I'm starting to wonder if you're even reading, again, it has nothing to do with him and what he can do

    Modaka found no signs of any sort of high status or nobility but that was also usually the case when upper class people came to the city, as they wanted to hide their real identities. Steve was registered as a nomad who didn't particularly belong to one place and was born on the road, which was also quite a common form of registration for people in high places who wished for discretion. Eventually, Steve had to fill out a form for Bathsheba as well.
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à NewfoundBlade

    what are you talking about? she is hot, what they did to her in boruto is downright devious though.

    Anko's potential also surprised Mutsuki a bit. He remembered that Anko wasn't particularly powerful in the original work, but the assessed potential was several levels higher than the two gatekeepers.
    Naruto: Strength Through Teaching
    Anime et bandes dessinées · ChaosNinja
  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à KamikazeDrew

    well, he is not expected to engage in combat

    [Skills: Three Basic Jutsu, Fire Release·Great Fireball Jutsu, Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Jutsu, Body Flicker Jutsu, Konoha-style Taijutsu]
    Naruto: Strength Through Teaching
    Anime et bandes dessinées · ChaosNinja
  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à Zailo95

    people have been mistaking facts for opinions and opinions for insults for a while now.

    He shared a sigh with the audible one from Ptah that came through on the earpiece. So far, things had gone to plan. Freya had surprisingly gone along with all the stipulations that they'd demanded of her. He'd also heard the private little exchange between her and Ptah. From her disgust and shock at being demanded such things to a sudden acceptance was almost as spontaneous as the mood swing of a pregnant woman or a woman on her period...as sexist as that would sound to some.
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à ferferfer2

    honestly, he can have Hephaestus, Hestia seems to already have a lot of chemistry with Ptah, Bell can have whoever remains

    "I guess we will find out when the time comes." Finn said as he stood up. Gareth watched the Pallum hold out a hand and flex his fingers. Fleinn'leptr which had been standing upright in a corner flew to Finn's hand as he grasped on it tightly. "In the meantime, I am paying a visit to our old friend Tsubaki to assess how good this weapon is and what kind of magic is upon it."
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me
    "Mine." Ais said firmly, making the grey haired girl gape.
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me
    It turned out that the reason Steve's default character had wraps around his arms was meant to cover the numerous clean scars on his arms. When the Loki Familia asked him about it, he had avoided the question since he couldn't think of any scenario in Minecraft Steve's lore where he would get scars like that on his arms.
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me

    the key point is that the affection is unreciprocated, a man who gives up everything for a woman that wants nothing to do with him is a simp, but a husband who wouldn't go through great lengths for his wife is arguably worse, even then, there are limits, loving yourself is as important as loving others

    "But then wouldn't that be most relationships then?" Raul timidly asked. "Don't men do things for the women in their family they love with out expecting anything in return."
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à AsouBC

    yeah, it's a weird direction to take, he made the mc more and more invincible from the very beginning "training" now makes no sense

    "Oops." He said before frowning, taking off his helmet and rubbing his forehead as he squeezed the skin on his nose. "These Six Eyes give me a headache. All well and all that the system lets me use these powers smooth like software but it looks like there are still side effects. Note to self, start training."
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à Polo_King

    yeah, i'm happy either way

    Gently patting her on the back I smile "Anytime Serana, anytime."
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Jeux vidéo · Rastislav
  • Crow_n_me
    Medea looked at him, and at his extended hand and there was an obvious blankness on her face. "I've never heard of you in my life." She ignored him and walked towards our resident half-giant. "Hagrid, I'm happy to see you again, would you like a cookie?"
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime et bandes dessinées · AStoryForOne
  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à saadferto_Huyter

    and he is not talking about him, what's your point?

    Modaka found no signs of any sort of high status or nobility but that was also usually the case when upper class people came to the city, as they wanted to hide their real identities. Steve was registered as a nomad who didn't particularly belong to one place and was born on the road, which was also quite a common form of registration for people in high places who wished for discretion. Eventually, Steve had to fill out a form for Bathsheba as well.
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me
    "You will turn around, walk away, and stick your face in the nearest toilet you can find." Ptah commanded.
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à _TOBI_

    i wonder how you'd feel if someone put you in the same "to be exterminated" category, pretty much all of humanity got subjected to that treatment at some point, it's not outside the realm of possibility.

    A lot of men whistled at what had just transpired though, and their respect for him doubled at his implicity. While some of the girls deflated as they now believed Steve was ensnared by two of the top girls in the Familia. And then of course there were those who were looking at him like he was scum of the earth, namely a certain gold-yellow haired elf who had been saved from being skewered by the same boy just minutes earlier.
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à PoorReader

    yeah, trying to look low key and proceeding to fight an irregular Goliath a "mythically rare" being

    "Dammit Bathsheba!" I grumbled to my Warg as I pulled out a map. "I'm supposed to keep a low profile but on my first day of adventuring, I've already blown it in front of the Loki Familia!"
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à Bierbart

    pretty sure that's not what he was going for, i think he meant those characters that everyone knows are super strong but simply can't be bothered to save the world, those characters that only exist to show how weak the main character is in the grand scheme of things until he eventually surpasses them, you know?

    I know I sound like someone who thinks they are some bigshot veteran warrior. First thing, I kind of am considering some of the arguments I've had with my own mother. Second, I am well aware of my cheats and everything but I just simply didn't want to be at the frontlines in terms of the plot. I'd much rather be just 'that mysterious guy in the background who is way more powerful than the main character but just never really bothers to show it' kind of guy. I just wanted to get on with my own life. So joining the Hestia Familia was out of the question. Regrettably, I pushed that document aside and began rifling through others.
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me

    i sympathize with her and i see where she is coming from but her attitude is annoying anyway, in terms of appearance, honestly, she is at the bottom of my list, it's not that she is ugly, i just feel like almost everyone else is more attractive.

    Let me make one thing clear. I do NOT like this woman at all. The nagging habit of this woman reminded me of my mother at times and I just could never really see why Danmachi fans found her attractive. Out of all the characters in the franchise, she was as bland as they came and a terrible personality to boot.
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à Genesis_YT

    honestly, i wouldn't say they are better, just more straightforward, as long as they're not in fear, in hunger or in pain, they'll probably ignore any human

    "That fat greedy bastard is only cared about the money and connections it would make. So he's willing to shirk a few laws. If it were up to me, I would not let a monster like this roam our streets period regardless of how obedient she is or how rich her owner is."
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me
    Répondu à saadferto_Huyter

    it's not about him, it's about any royal trying to keep a low profile, can you imagine that "oh, you have all the characteristics of a fleeing/hiding royal, I've seen at least ten of those and they were all exactly like you, surely, it must be a coincidence"

    Modaka found no signs of any sort of high status or nobility but that was also usually the case when upper class people came to the city, as they wanted to hide their real identities. Steve was registered as a nomad who didn't particularly belong to one place and was born on the road, which was also quite a common form of registration for people in high places who wished for discretion. Eventually, Steve had to fill out a form for Bathsheba as well.
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Crow_n_me

    Whites: You're black Blacks: You're white Mixed race: I guess I'll just go fuck myself then.

    Life sucked for mixed race kids, no matter who tells you what.
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Vulkizaro_Zoromi