
Review Detail of DetachedDreamer in Percy Jackson: The Queen's Champion

Détail de l’examen


He replaces OG Percy with a boring, indifferent, guarded version. The tragedy which was way too forced, can explain the change but the fact is, his old personality, and who he was is just way more interesting and entertaining. He is very close to fitting into the cliche norm MC you find on this app. he does show a smile here and there but he is a far cry of who he was. and no matter how much development percy goes thru he won't be who he was before the tragedy and thats a shame. Events in the story are very forced so far but its to create this scenario where he's now loved by the people who hated him most. rest of the story isn't bad but this is a watered down version of percy, taking away what made him special, and while seeing this version of percy might seem interesting, there are billion other fanfics with simular MCs, unlike OG Percy. Even Killed off his mom like every cliche origin story. lol Now he'll probably wife up all the maiden goddesses. lol alright im done. good luck.

Percy Jackson: The Queen's Champion


Aimé par 1 personnes

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