
Review Detail of BanTheKitten in Building a magical academy in fantasy starts with Sakura

Détail de l’examen


We only got a small amount of chapters right now (8 as of when I write this review) from what I can read it's pretty interesting. I won't lie I have several times the last few days wondered when the next chapter lands. It is also interesting with what author can do with the concept since there are a lot of power systems out there he could even bring haki or hado into this world if he got the correct characters since it seems like the world rules can use every type of energy. It is a good FF/novel from the beginning you can see we will get our lemons and Def some cream pies. So try it out. (4.6/5 i just want more chapters)

Building a magical academy in fantasy starts with Sakura


Aimé par 3 personnes




[We only got a small amount of chapters right now (8 as of when I write this review) from what I can read it's pretty interesting. I won't lie I have several times the last few days wondered when the next chapter lands.] same [It is also interesting with what author can do with the concept since there are a lot of power systems out there he could even bring haki or hado into this world if he got the correct characters since it seems like the world rules can use every type of energy.] i also love it