
Review Detail of Pythia in DxD: Mechanic's Scrapyard

Détail de l’examen


Honestly, great writing in terms of spelling and grammar. However, the story is boring beyond belief. Huge paragraphs of either irrelevant or unneeded information makes the narrative drag on and bore you. The descriptions of her surroundings, an appearance or situation is long winded and mundane, adding to the already made boring narrative. The MC's personality and speech patterns that are 4x the length needed are annoying too, seriously makes me wanna shoot myself. An example being " I've got powers." is made into "Wow the 'sunat'( shortened supernatural idk where that drivel came from) is soo cool blah blah blah, i have powers of blah blah blah, they are so cool blah blah blah." Which halts the stories progression. Theres no direction either so the MC is aimless which is also incredibly boring. The author deviates from cannon almost immediately so if you like that this book is for you. Not me however, i came for DxD, as the title says, and the OC added is incredibly irritating. Mostly preference but the progressive writing is barely there so it's just plain paragraphs you end up skipping. I give it a three because the basics are present in the story but i feel like the author is trying much too hard. Either to make a descriptive setting or develop emotional attachment to characters, even the MC (She is not likeable at all. She's a bratty loudmouth tbh) and is doing a poor job of it. Please don't take this as my belittling your work, i mean this as genuine criticism.

DxD: Mechanic's Scrapyard


Aimé par 3 personnes




Which is totally fine, a big reason I write is to progress the story in my head and it doesn't always translate that well, but if you don't like the MC then I understand your dislike since the whole point of the story is to see the MC messing with everyone and their reactions.


Can explain how u did you world bulding and planning

Immortal_Orca:Which is totally fine, a big reason I write is to progress the story in my head and it doesn't always translate that well, but if you don't like the MC then I understand your dislike since the whole point of the story is to see the MC messing with everyone and their reactions.

Yea u explain what my promblem was for the story