
Review Detail of GooseOverlord in Online In Another World

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From the very first chapter where MC suicides more or less, you start questioning the story. Why would someone dependent on his mother for 100% of his needs be able to order a suicide machine without his mother seeing the charge go through. The author has many instances plot points that either don’t go anywhere or are questionable. Author is forcing a perversion angle that has little basis in the narrative. Also putting the MC in situations that responsible people wouldn’t put someone his age into. Last thing I started reading was the MC starting a test to become an adventurer, where the organizers are essentially send this testees to guaranteed deaths. It just doesn’t make sense, also no releases in 4 months.

Online In Another World


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Strange Webnovel didn’t have the story marked has complete for me, it had not updated in four months. That is weird. I criticized the story itself and you attacked me. It’s not a lack of critical thinking that had me questioning how someone who seemed to come from a loving home and was wholly dependent on his mother for life, was able to get his hands on enough funds to purchase what seems like a major peice of tech. Not just that but also the callousness with which that he took his own life. Honestly I thought this was going to pay us off later in the book, either through introspection or something else. It was very strange to me how he was able to love his new parents so easily. I mentioned the perversity and plot points that seemed not to go anywhere, keep in mind I stopped reading during the guild quest, during the character creation bit it’s mentioned that the expedited creation which is used could have adverse effects. Nothing seemed to have happened and also during the process, one of his attributes was perversion. The issue was less with this perversion and more with it feeling forced. From your reply perhaps you’d benefit from beta readers, it seems that what you may perceive as unimportant others might not. I’ll also touch on the point I made of people that should know better putting children in situations that they shouldn’t be involved in. The father sending his son on an errand where he needs to drag a bag to the guild office. It was to heavy for him, this made little sense to me. Why would a Adventuring guild send a bunch of unranked kids to survive against a bunch of S rankers, generally in similar stories the unranked or F rankers are sent to pick herbs or kill rats to prove themselves before gradually being given more responsibilities.

DelzGB:I honestly don't understand how people can so confidently misread a story and post about it lol. I'll indulge: First off, this is something so meager in importance to the story that it doesn't need to be mentioned -- but you can use a bit of critical thinking to answer for yourself how he obtained the machine. That's the point of a story sometimes, you know -- not everything needs to be spelled out. Perversion? I don't even know where you got this idea if you actually read through the story. Like, in volume one, sure, but there is quite literally no fan service beyond a couple chapters in the first volume. Emilio **attempts** to visit brothels a few times during his journey, but this is just him attempting to "claim" the experiences he missed out on in his previous life. If you read the story to its completion, you would realize he abandons this desire completely and reflects on what he truly wants -- which is intimacy and something with meaning. No updates in four months? You do know that this story is marked as "complete", right? lol.

I honestly don't understand how people can so confidently misread a story and post about it lol. I'll indulge: First off, this is something so meager in importance to the story that it doesn't need to be mentioned -- but you can use a bit of critical thinking to answer for yourself how he obtained the machine. That's the point of a story sometimes, you know -- not everything needs to be spelled out. Perversion? I don't even know where you got this idea if you actually read through the story. Like, in volume one, sure, but there is quite literally no fan service beyond a couple chapters in the first volume. Emilio **attempts** to visit brothels a few times during his journey, but this is just him attempting to "claim" the experiences he missed out on in his previous life. If you read the story to its completion, you would realize he abandons this desire completely and reflects on what he truly wants -- which is intimacy and something with meaning. No updates in four months? You do know that this story is marked as "complete", right? lol.


I was curious as to see if the book was really completed so I went and bought the last chapter. Author wrote that this was just the first arc in the authors note. So to win an argument he went and set the book as complete because he didn’t write anything in four months. At least nothing was posted on here. The short of it: Book is not really complete Book ignores minor and seemingly major events Book places children in situations that don’t make sense. If these are issues for you then you should skip. If not then go ahead and read, Webnovel has books for every taste