
Review Detail of CatHam in My Idarian Lover

Détail de l’examen


3.6 stars Writing quality is decent but at some parts there is not enough detail and does not explain enough. It feels all over the place but i know there is a plot/story that i am just not getting. Updating stability will always be 5 stars as i cant bother with other peoples lives, though i will respect you going through harships. Story development 3 stars. mostly because i get little to no context as to what is happening. Character design. I decided to give 3 stars as i cant really judge characters very well just yet. World background js also 3 stars because i cant judge jt well without reaing about it. And 3 stars is closest to 2.5 (what i would like to give)

My Idarian Lover


Liked it!




Skrry about some mistakes ive made. Im pretty sleepy right now and cant bother typing properly. Hope you have a good day!