


I liek cats anf han

2021-09-07 JointNiue



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Joseph: the familiar name.

Joseph. The kid is around 13 years or so, but he's crazy. But not like 6 year old murderer crazy, but more of a "I'm gonna sell my organs" kinda crazy. The kid never liked his family since they were all in his face, though most of them were down from his face (since they are short). And he's always been scared of murdering someone. Till chapter 1 that is! (how stupid :P) The fool is scared of blood, but he loves seeing death and torture. What a creep! The worst part is, the kid is nuts. The guy has literally no morals but still thinks of public opinion. What a cunning fox! And since all the people he knows are stupid and have like 3 iq, he doesn't even get in trouble for mentally harassing those stupid 3 iq fools! So unfair! Why can't we away with mental abuse?! (he didn't get in trouble since none of them don't realized they were being harassed). But unlike most other everyday Joe's, this Joe-seph (a pun) is a murderer! a serial killer to be exact. After murdering his family, the guy burnt down his house and played the victim, but got caught in the end. Damn you, police and your investigations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello. Tis me, (read author name)! Today, I'm here to tell you to remove this from your collection, because it's completed with this super short 2 chapter thing... Kinda disappointing, but this is to support Alex in his life which came out of a recycled name.

CatHam · Fantastique
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2 Chs