
Review Detail of Chill_Man in Immortal Spider Man: Multiverse Traveller

Détail de l’examen


alright I am going to get something off my chest today. specifically something about the personallity and behaviour of Peter Parker the MC. at first it was quite fine he acted normally. then, I don't know what went wrong, he started acting in...frankly quite an unsettling manner. I know you are trying to portray a carefree op protagonist, one made such because of his immortality and superpowers, but it became quite creepy for me. the way you wrote how he randomly laughs out loud, giggles weirdly, how he walks with a skip. it's like you are writing a weird joker-spiderman character origin. I don't know if I am imagining too much but it's what I think. overall great story though

Immortal Spider Man: Multiverse Traveller


Aimé par 1 personnes




well I guess when you say it like that it makes some sense. it also somewhat explains his behaviour.


Thanks for the review! Your point is great! I was actually thinking the same. You see, my thinking while writing this book has been shaped by how I would react if I was in his place, all the while imagining myself to be a 16 years old. At the start of the book when he just got his powers, I wanted him to be a relateable yet edgy character who is fanboying and trying out the anti-hero way. Now, he has power and has slowly realised that even dying would be advantageous to him. So, I wondered how it would impact his mind. So I included the visit to the orphanage. He is supposed to show through it that he is still human and is trying to calm himself from discovering that he died a lot of times. Now, at the latest chapter he is goofy and is reminiscing about the memes of his old world. He feels alone and disconnected. He also kinda sees he characters as not people but NPCs. So he is playing in the world as a game player would. I want to show development of character as he grows older. This was my portrayal of how a 16 year old me would feel and live in such a situation. I do get that it is a bit creepy sometimes, and I blame it on my poor skills xD I am telling ya, it was much better in my mind xD I will try to improve upon this and show emotions and characters better! I am still learning xD Thanks for reading and writing a descriptive review! I appreciate it ☺️