
Review Detail of Garessta in Demonic Devourer's Development

Détail de l’examen


You, reader, must look at my story and think: "Hmm, this looks just like a bazillion of other stories where MC reincarnates into some monster with a system and/or a cheat". And what will I say to you in reply? Yes, on the surface, it is. But! It is my duty as a writer to avoid, at least conciously, all cliches that I could. To play with tropes, think up original ideas and so on and so on. Or maybe you don't care for originality too much. Many don't. Well, one way or another, I hope you will give it a try >:3

Demonic Devourer's Development


Aimé par 41 personnes




Is this really a harem?


what are release times


Every day at 12:00 GMT +5 I will update daily until the WPC is over, and then might switch to updating every other day, depends on how much effort I will have to spare after my other novels.

Daoistivfx9l:what are release times

I recognise that picture from endless legends. Great game.


Pls kill Pest


crimes against animals in the synopsis has me rolling laughing🤣🤣🤣🤣 PSST I think the author might be the opposite of PETA... an animal lover XDDDD


I was gonna ignore this novel until you released over 200chapters... but I can't help myself the synopsis got me interested, Def gonna start reading it today! ♥️ (hopefully you don't have too many inconsistencies or retcons, cause that can always ruin a good story, remember to take notes!!!)


Animals are nice, but the nature is cruel~ And so am I, sometimes.

Dreamstrafe:crimes against animals in the synopsis has me rolling laughing🤣🤣🤣🤣 PSST I think the author might be the opposite of PETA... an animal lover XDDDD

I think most avid readers hate classic tropes at this point, simply because we've seen them way too many times, cliches and lazy tropes are awful. it's always nice to see an author who tries to make their story original rather than using the cookie cutters many others use


yeah, I'm pretty much tired of most of the stuff now... wherever I look, I only find the same setting with different names now. Life's hard, sigh.

Dreamstrafe:I think most avid readers hate classic tropes at this point, simply because we've seen them way too many times, cliches and lazy tropes are awful. it's always nice to see an author who tries to make their story original rather than using the cookie cutters many others use

honestly it's too true. I've read over a thousand fiction novels throughout my short life of 23 years... you gotta do quite a bit of digging to find something unique, especially on an app like this, where using tired tropes and cliches is rewarded, by brain dead readers, or ppl who simply haven't read much except for online novela

SageYash:yeah, I'm pretty much tired of most of the stuff now... wherever I look, I only find the same setting with different names now. Life's hard, sigh.

Well ill give it a try Usually i wouldnt Since i saw the harem tag but the synopsis aroused my interest Enough That ill Ignore the harem tag for at least 5 chapters


to be honest... the ability steal is what is making me hesitate to read this... it is so over done now... :( most of the stories they get the exact ability regardless of anything, if thiey make it so the ability adapted to the user, as a derivation of itself customized for him or something, then it would be much better, but it is so rare :(


does that really make so much difference?

Silkerin:to be honest... the ability steal is what is making me hesitate to read this... it is so over done now... :( most of the stories they get the exact ability regardless of anything, if thiey make it so the ability adapted to the user, as a derivation of itself customized for him or something, then it would be much better, but it is so rare :(

yeah a bit, not really "mechanically" but in a "flavor" more of a way. One gives a feel that the character studied/trained/figured out how to integrate X into his own kit, converting it to something he could use. The other it gives me a vibe of for example, someone killed Y enemy and looted their stuff, found a cool gun and it is using now, but instead of being a weapon, it is usually something non physical like skills, which makes it kinda weird to me. Kinda like how Zero from Megaman X take parts of the boss he defeats and implements in his moveset, and X just straight up copies them. To me, it gives me the "flavor" that a character like Zero is growing/developing more personally, and X is being "handed" the new powerup, which he deserved it since he defeated the boss, but still...

Garessta:does that really make so much difference?

i see, i see well in this story the thing that MC has to worry about more is deciding what abilities to pick and what to leave, and how to combine them, than just "how to steal stuff"

Silkerin:yeah a bit, not really "mechanically" but in a "flavor" more of a way. One gives a feel that the character studied/trained/figured out how to integrate X into his own kit, converting it to something he could use. The other it gives me a vibe of for example, someone killed Y enemy and looted their stuff, found a cool gun and it is using now, but instead of being a weapon, it is usually something non physical like skills, which makes it kinda weird to me. Kinda like how Zero from Megaman X take parts of the boss he defeats and implements in his moveset, and X just straight up copies them. To me, it gives me the "flavor" that a character like Zero is growing/developing more personally, and X is being "handed" the new powerup, which he deserved it since he defeated the boss, but still...

Is the mc going around killing/torturing/raping people or animals for no reason?


I say someone mention harem tag, I have not seen it my self. was it there previously?



God_of_War_Games:I say someone mention harem tag, I have not seen it my self. was it there previously?

what chapter has the first lemon content