
Review Detail of Idyllic_Scribe in Sun & Soda (REWRITING)

Détail de l’examen


I can not even say how I feel without talking about this author. Rainbow Rowell. This book feels like she wrote it. Though the story development is a little off, by like a squint, if you ever wanted a simple read, that is sweet and light-hearted, this is a perfect read. This book reminds me a lot like Eleanor and Park. I think it's the sweet comedy or the light-heartedness in general, but this book, makes you get attached to the characters. Keep up the good work!

Sun & Soda (REWRITING)


Aimé par 1 personnes




i'm kinda curious about rainbow rowell tho, can you tell me more about them?


Thank you! And yes I have to admit it, the development of this story is quite off because to the time gap of my writing. I got really busy this lately and am thinking to put this story on a small hiatus soon to retouch and focus more on my studies.


Rainbow Rowell is a Young Audult author who wrote multiple books, the most important on is Elenor and Park. si said it reminded my of that book because of how lighthearted and sweet it was.

moonmato:i'm kinda curious about rainbow rowell tho, can you tell me more about them?

oh wow! their book sounds like my cup of ☕ i'll check them out sometimes!

Idyllic_Scribe:Rainbow Rowell is a Young Audult author who wrote multiple books, the most important on is Elenor and Park. si said it reminded my of that book because of how lighthearted and sweet it was.