
Review Detail of Cloud3886 in I Have A Super USB Drive

Détail de l’examen


I usually don't write reviews, but I desperately hope that this novel is selected, I have read all the available chapters and all I can say they are epic. Mc is smart he writes sensitive information on paper, then burn all evidence then flush it, and then remove all traces. In chapter around 55 he brings a.i from movie, he makes sure that it can't connect to internet and then escape, this point alone prove author knows what he is doing, in contrast there is a novel "I found a planet" whose mc goes in a.i conquered planet, brings a robot to clean his house and leaves it alone in his internet connected house unsupervised, he is dumb beyond belief if there was no author wiping his ass, I'm sure he would bring same end to his home planet. There are many pros to this novel: No romance or unnecessary drama, no nationalism, smart mc, unlike those young master novels mc who are portrayed as intelligent and cunning but in reality are just dumb, He even have choice to bring jewels and gold but he doesn't, unlike those other novels whose mc brings gold then deals with unnecessary consequences. I hope this novel is chosen to be translated.

I Have A Super USB Drive

Darkness Black Bear

Aimé par 121 personnes




Leader my ASS 🤣

Stylistwordl:Sigh can't someone use some common senses? From many meme u can make why looking for trouble ? I'm not living in china but here is sane if u insult leader in any form or way u go strike to the gulag. So just use brain it's easy and I never thing this as a problem in the first place

I will read it in a bit to check how good it is. But honestly if it's as good or better than World of Deities, My Cell Prison, Dawn of a New Era or something then I bet it won't get picked. Like, look at Plague Doctor: he had to be put 6 TIMES INTO TRIAL PICKS to be picked. 6 f** times. Other gems don't have this chance to appear 6 times in a trial novel..


I sincerely hope not. This book is waaaaaaaayyyy too good to dropped over and over again.

GrandpaPeng:I will read it in a bit to check how good it is. But honestly if it's as good or better than World of Deities, My Cell Prison, Dawn of a New Era or something then I bet it won't get picked. Like, look at Plague Doctor: he had to be put 6 TIMES INTO TRIAL PICKS to be picked. 6 f** times. Other gems don't have this chance to appear 6 times in a trial novel..

This novel is a sci-fi gem, truly. Here it comes, we'll all be sad once again when this doesn't get picked... Qidian, why do you cause us such suffering :\

Madking:I sincerely hope not. This book is waaaaaaaayyyy too good to dropped over and over again.

what what


This sounds actually amazing. We need to unite the brosefs to spam the power stones into the qidian decision maker.


What no nationalism he make an anti ageing process then make everyone pay for treatment then become afraid of his country so give them the technology In the story he not afraid of enyone but when his country come to it ,no he cant,he become afraid It is typical racist to any country except the said “country”


when did he give it to his country ? , in these translated chapter it is only shown till where he purchase biotech company and start researching on apes, not developed anything for anti aging.

darksoldier:What no nationalism he make an anti ageing process then make everyone pay for treatment then become afraid of his country so give them the technology In the story he not afraid of enyone but when his country come to it ,no he cant,he become afraid It is typical racist to any country except the said “country”

So is there really no romance?


we'll there is one girl, but mc was quite persistent about his thrist for power, so I think it could go like warlock of magus world's leylin, if some girls are introduced, I don't think they will create drama just like in leylin's case. But I have not read mtl so I'm not sure.

BreeTG:So is there really no romance?

bro no NATIONALISM is enough to make my day


No nationalism is like American nationalism. USA! USA! USA!

Ryomen_Sukuna:bro no NATIONALISM is enough to make my day

Imagine being too much of a baby brain to think the USA is not in any way nationalist. Hello why do ya think the US is full of far right white supremacists nationalists like the KKK and proudboys

NorthernWind:No nationalism is like American nationalism. USA! USA! USA!

Still better than China

CagieWagie:Imagine being too much of a baby brain to think the USA is not in any way nationalist. Hello why do ya think the US is full of far right white supremacists nationalists like the KKK and proudboys

Both have concentration camps for minorities. Both have state sponsored gangs(police) who regularly brutalize citizens(minorities). Both have pseudo-dictators with cult of personalities. Although one is an emerging empire and the other is a falling superpower.

BobKenton:Still better than China

no nationalism, mean more fun to read story


Thank You For Your Honest Opinion On This Brother. 🤩😍🤩


1. I'm talking about the racism and did you know Chinese people are pretty open about their distaste of black people? 2. Wow I can see where you stand on the political spectrum, anyway for the internment camps are you talking about the ones by the Mexican border where they separate kids from families? Not defending that but it is way better than being experimented on and all that other crazy stuff. 3. Atleast you can openly oppose one of those "dictators" the other, the moment you make a meme of pooh bear is the moment the cops come to your house and throw you in jail for "defacing the country"

CagieWagie:Both have concentration camps for minorities. Both have state sponsored gangs(police) who regularly brutalize citizens(minorities). Both have pseudo-dictators with cult of personalities. Although one is an emerging empire and the other is a falling superpower.

Hm I dont think so later on he sell it to his country first cause its he have sentiment/ connection to this country, is this wrong? Second he do this is to get more access or even u can say a previlage to his country market, 3rd his country dont target him when he build business overseas when he already develops more. Also he is gonna sell it to, to another country like North America and European but with different mean

darksoldier:What no nationalism he make an anti ageing process then make everyone pay for treatment then become afraid of his country so give them the technology In the story he not afraid of enyone but when his country come to it ,no he cant,he become afraid It is typical racist to any country except the said “country”

Hardly can say so far only one potential love interest and just tell u its not from earth. So don't expected that xia girl

BreeTG:So is there really no romance?

Sigh can't someone use some common senses? From many meme u can make why looking for trouble ? I'm not living in china but here is sane if u insult leader in any form or way u go strike to the gulag. So just use brain it's easy and I never thing this as a problem in the first place

BobKenton:1. I'm talking about the racism and did you know Chinese people are pretty open about their distaste of black people? 2. Wow I can see where you stand on the political spectrum, anyway for the internment camps are you talking about the ones by the Mexican border where they separate kids from families? Not defending that but it is way better than being experimented on and all that other crazy stuff. 3. Atleast you can openly oppose one of those "dictators" the other, the moment you make a meme of pooh bear is the moment the cops come to your house and throw you in jail for "defacing the country"