
Review Detail of WebNovelSins in The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Détail de l’examen


Just read the synopsis, and I have added this story for review under my own collection of criticism. The synopsis has many inconsistencies that hopefully will be addressed in the actual novel, but if not, I shall point them out in my own book.

The Heroes’ Reincarnation


Aimé par 1 personnes




I gave it a read, and honestly I agree with many points. My personal idea of a fully immersive VR game might be different, even false. The reason why the gods and goddesses cannot interfere with the world will be in a future chapter, one of my latest slightly expanding on that. The fate twisting chance will also be explained later, and their previous world and how it works. Your assumption about my identity is off, english is my first language, I just don’t have experience when it comes to writing stories. Perhaps I should change it. Looking forward to the future criticism, after all it’s my first time someone explained the faults and pros of my own novel.