I like clichés. You might find them often in my writing. . . .
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During his evolution his MP regeneration rate was still 1MP every 5 seconds.
Thank you for the feedback! I'm also aware on just how many times I've switched perspective. Since I've established the main character's goals the perspective change won't be as frequent in the upcoming chapters. I mostly wrote it this way since all of the recent activities have been going on simultaneously. I'll keep this in mind for the future as well, it's truly appreciated!
Nice catch! Fixed :D
Nice catch! Should be fixed now :D
A huge mistake on my behalf, fixing it! Thank you for finding it!!
Normally I’d say nice catch, but in this case it’s intentional! It’s a word mix of collapse and compression, word usage courtesy of Stars’ naming sense (it sounds cool!)
A long time supporter, I recognize your name I really appreciate it! Definitely going to up my game!
Fantastic question regarding the links! Unfortunately no, else Akiol wouldn’t be able to wield a sword outside of the game. While the souls are real, the NPCs (such as the Hydra) have simulated souls and therefor aren’t necessarily “real”. Some chapters I’ve published are too short for me to consider a contract, I’d have to do a rewrite for many chapters and that’d just add to my already inconsistent schedule aha. Thank you for the support though! I’m trying for more chapters