
Review Detail of Daoist_Everwind in My Vampire System

Détail de l’examen


After a while I finally decided to rate this novel. It just pains me how this novel is ranked top 1 when it clearly doesn't deserves it and there are other better works worthy of the rank. So why is this on the rank one you ask? Because the author basically buys it by uploading more chapters if people vote for the story. Quite an unfair way to earn top 1 imo, considering this story doesnt even deserve to be in the top 100. Let's get started with the writing. It's mediocre at best, I see my 15y/o sister writing better than how the author tells the story. It get a bit better as the chapter progresses but it's just that, "a bit" but considering how horrible the start was, it certainly aint any good. They simply cant tell the story that the reader would understand well and actually enjoy reading, at some point I'm forced to just skim through the texts as it get incredibly boring. Sometimes I thought this was written by a kid by how cringe a lot of interactions are Plot. Too predictable and unoriginal. School arc with bullying, and you know that other friend who got bullied would eventually betray them. things wouls get introduced randomly and everything seems forced to the point the author would make the characters make idiotic decisions so that a scenario would happen to progress the story. Characters It's always a common rule that an author could only make a character as smart as they are, I agree with this. Characters that shouldnt be making dumb mistakes are making them for no reason just because the author thinks its convenient and progresses the plot. MC is an idiot, makes a lot of bad decisions that makes no sense. Side characters are boring and two-dimensional. World building The world doesnt make sense, lots of bs that shouldn't happen. Also quite unoriginal, just with the introduction of vampires. Author tried to make an interesting world but failed miserably. Reached chapter 500+ before I stopped realizing I wasted my time reading this story. I was tricked into reading further as people said "it gets better". No it doesnt, it just improved from garbage to slightly less garbage.

My Vampire System


Aimé par 7 personnes




i feel your review is a bit harsh. i personally would give it 3 stars at most, my biggest gripe is that is doesnt end. it shouldve ended a while ago, but it keeps getting milked. although, i wonder why this book has so many 'bot' reviews, like i spent 3 mins scrolling to find one negative review. im classifying 'bot' review as a review that only praises the story with 2 sentences, with terrible grammer, and gives it 5 stars.


I read the first 50 chapters and just the overbaked psycopath bullying school arc made tge worldBuilding very questionable. Not to mention the MC’s lack of awareness when it was indirectly stated tgat he has hieghtened vampire senses. Writing is average, nothing special. A somewhat origianl idea done unoriginally and distatsefully. I dont buy ab half of the character behavior.