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Am I the only one that always reads his name as Lilith? Even if he's male... I have to go back and reread name from time to time x.x
*Korean woman never do that. That's your perspective. No wonder he doesn't knoe other languages apart Korean. He just lived all his life in his lil pond - Korea
You mean sorcerers ? God this is getting frustrating
Yeah, progressively worse. He/she mistakes are everywhere. Must be some AI translation or even writing... Person shouldn't make these kind of mistakes...
Unless its fire techniques. Uchihas would f puppets up, but politics n shit so they gonna be (bad)good ol cops...
Iwagakure was involved also
Maybe hes indian lol. Women there have a baaaaad time
Dude from what he says he has from 20 to 100+ women. That's just mental disability