an unknown, ordinary reader. Couldn't be more forgettable
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idk if anyone is ever gonna read this but here is an honest post about how this story impacted my life
I never left any real review on a novel, but considering the hundreds of hours I put reading this one and the impact it had on my growth as an individual, I feel obligated to speak about how it changed me. First of all, I need to mention that I started reading this light novel when it had about 100 chapters, soon after I turned 15 (I think?). I initially felt attracted to this novel because I am myself a fan of danmachi, and was looking for good fanfictions to read to pass time. Bit by bit, I felt drawn into this story because of it's depth and the incredible world background the author managed to create . Back then, I felt that Vahn (the MC) was the type of person I'd want to become, a kind and happy but determined individual. In fact, he took the role of a kind of base model in my mind, one that, though I knew it'd change, I thought the core of wouldn't be altered much. It's thanks to this model that I now had a clear idea of my ideals, allowing me to compare them to the real world, changing my views over the years, and starting the building of the personality I have today. At a certain point, about 8 months ago, my views had changed so much that I couldn't compare myself to the caracter Vahn anymore, at which point I temporarily dropped this novel, no longer thinking of it as my "ideal life" 1 month ago, remembering this novel, and also because I hadn't had anything else to read at the time, I binge read the rest of this novel's chapters (which actually accumulated to over 400 o_O), and it helped me solidify my views about the world, some identical and others different from the main caracter of this story. I am now soon turning 18, and though I know my views are obviously going to change again as time goes by, I'll forever be thankfull of Einz for writing this novel that made me so much more mature than I had been 2 years prior. My mind is now more firm, and I try to see thing positively as well as to think ahead, no longer depressing about petty things that happen to everyone, acting irrationally about every little thing that doesn't go my way. As for the story itself, I'd say it's one of the best ones I've ever read, from the world background, to the caracters, the story developpement, grammar, and the insanely high release rate. The only thing I don't like about this novel is that recently, meaning since the start of the Tower ark, by repeatedly mentioning how Vahn can do pretty much everything, has limitless potential, is unkillable and only limited by his morals, the action feels bland, and not nearly as impacting as it felt at the start of the story. After all, if loosing a battle only has no or minute negative impacts, then how can the readers feels engaged by it? To me, it's now more a slice of life story with bits of actions scattered throughout the chapters rather than a real action-based story. Also, please don't mind the grammar mistakes, as english isn't my first language ^^
DEOD is divine emperor of death