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big change compared to the beginning, i would say. good
and you know she is carrying his child...
i mean, wtf. complain you have to little resources but these weapons are worth alot. then go break it just because you wanna test your body. like, does the five divine light not work anymore?
read to chapter 400 the first thing to say is that the translation quality drops a bit after chapter 200 i would say. might as well read elsewhere on free sites for the same quality. no idea how to judge character design, but i don't have anything really bad to say about the characters so far. story development is enjoyable, no large time skips, nice tempo for me to just enjoy the life in this other world. but i have never been to fond of the big plot/ big calamity / big enemy coming up too early and the story gets pull/ centered around that, as it kind of takes out the suspens on where the story is going, which i believe is what is happening now closing in on chapter 400. so far the world background is ok. the plot is centered around a small corner of the world as of now, but it is probably gonna start to spread elsewhere closer to chapter 500 (my guess)
so... MC can't bring in items containing oler/other peoples strength as external help, but Wang yu can bring an old ghost in?
think, maybe, it stops here. based on my Google search.
haaa... what various treasures? first one isn't it?
?? why is he becoming so casual?
did he not use it before to teleport himself and xixi to the Monkey temple?...
why is he stuck on using wood? don't they have other special materials also?