

2024-01-12 JointGlobal

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  • Sonto_Chukwu
    Sonto_Chukwu4 hours ago

    BTW I am confused is Dana and Carl an official couple or are they just hooking up, because although I don't expect them to act all lovey dovey but they don't act like lovers at all

  • Sonto_Chukwu
    Sonto_Chukwua day ago
    Répondu à UltraMarine_Goose

    I think he was always meant to fuse with his master as a shadow

  • Sonto_Chukwu
    Sonto_Chukwu2 days ago

    ohh my bad then sorry, but how long till the sand girl meet helios are we looking at before or after the extreme weather change

  • Sonto_Chukwu
    Sonto_Chukwu2 days ago

    common guilty you are killing me here the cliff hanger is too heart wrenching

  • Sonto_Chukwu
    Sonto_Chukwu3 days ago
    Répondu à Hopehard


  • Sonto_Chukwu
    Sonto_Chukwu3 days ago

    Hopefully that girl meets up with Helios again Hopefully before the extreme weather change because we know foe sure that if they get married she would move to Altera but I don't know her territory tho

  • Sonto_Chukwu
    Sonto_Chukwu3 days ago

    I thought Oslo sister bought alot of cosmetics and clothes from Alterra shouldn't they me rack up serious hard cash by now and be the main talk of the town

  • Sonto_Chukwu
    Sonto_Chukwu4 days ago

    yh orcs and ogre are different races that why I have always imagined commander Syra to be as hot as Shion from Tensura except with green skin and more fangs like that hot girl from warcraft. that why I kept shipping her with Seth because can you imagine a half human and half orc or ogre child who can use raw vilkir and because of that his or her regeneration is next to immortal (skill gotten from his or her mother side since half human don't get gift but have their race ability drastically enhanced and can use pure vilkir energy like full humans)

  • Sonto_Chukwu
    Sonto_Chukwu5 days ago
    Répondu à SilentWode

    I don't think becoming a god is that easy and even if he does he would still be no match for the Divine core talk less of Naka who practically devoted all his existence up to now to either research or strength and practically has an army of Vilkir spawns who should be stronger than all the gods on paradise, truth be told Orion best bet is to not only get stronger but turn Paradise to a force no one dares to challenge because no matter how strong he becomes it's not enough and let's be frank we all know it would take a while before reach anywhere close to divinity so for now I suggest he puts his efforts it to overseeing the growth of paradise before he leaves for the outside world 1.) He should find a way to drastically improve strength of Paradise warriors may be my having Aurora make them all her Vilkir Apostles or create some kind of seal that would act as an additional Vilkir container making 4 star warriors become 5 star and 5 star to 6 Star ( please RoyalP can you leave a small note later of the names of all the present 5 star warriors because I am very sure Zolagar and Seth are not the only 5 star warriors.) 2.) He should ensure that when illse is creating her own Divine apostles out of all the people she chooses she can have 50% of them can be Prismerion race but the remaining 50% should be scattered among the other races in paradise like 15% Pixies, 15% Tree nymph, 10% 4 earred elves and the remaining 10% can the non warrior humans with 1 star or 2 star potential 3.) This should be the most important the research team with the help of the goddesses should find a way to create something that would drastically increase birth rate among different races in paradise this is very important in other to bring them together, this is the best time to increase the relationship between the races in paradise and since the dragon race were able to create offspring with different races it should be possible between the races of paradise because as it is now having different races separated like that for too long would only cause problems in the long run especially with the Supreme leader gone so yes having all races being able to procreate with each other should be Paradise biggest priority right now along with getting stronger

  • Sonto_Chukwu
    Sonto_Chukwu7 days ago
    Répondu à Tim_Schadenberg

    that's my question as well