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the same trope over and over
wow already? and here I was under the impression that this was a one piece fiction.
but think of the fun he could have orbiting it next to his satellites while fury and hydra panic
the interactions with some of the closer family members is very well done. It's when the random ones kick in that they're basically the same polite standardized template feel. Like when you did the interactions of pierce and sitwell, you made sitwell come off as vengeful ass. this fit his character and was really well done. take the interactions of the beast people that just had their crappy life overturned; there was no shock or awe, panic or relief of what transpired. small excerpts at times like that would show the progress of the protang or give feeling to what hes actually doing or how he's influencing the world around him with his actions.
kind of? they both derive their power from different sources and have control over different things, ie oblivion and the mundas or, physical reality.(like how the Akatosh is time and controls it) she's the same as as Akatosh but she also chose to become a daedre. so it's she's basically superpowered if she's able to get out of her realm.
Reading this literally turned into a chore. I finally have to tap out around chapter 80. It's not a bad story or idea, per say... however it's this weird twist between the author reconstructing a bible Sunday school class and countless dribbles of theorycrafting and info dumping. The marvel world itself is based on earth. It's really not some new or magical thing that includes the other pantheons anda Christianity. It is however boring AF to have someone using the Bible as a plot outline for the vast majority of content that isn't straight theorycrafting info dumps.. I'm honestly a little miffed and baffled at how one can take scf-fi and magical fantasy with gods and overpowered characters and still make it that boring. I assume the reason the titles are labeled with numbers and having the title in the content is so you can't easily skip over the vast majority of the chapters that have literally nothing moving forward or progressing. The story itself is clearly well thought out, and researched incredibly well; but the execution destroyed it. If you read this, expect an overpowered protagonist that bullys the weak, and gets his ass handed to him by anything above him. Don't expect relationships or interactions with other characters beyond some bland ones that are either overshadowed by his arrogance or him treating things more like one would interact with a pet animal. Ugh, I usually don't like to knock stories that are well written.. but this is like putting a nice paint job on a dumpster. You really need to throw up some warning somewhere that it's 90% self insert into the bible as opposed to starting your readers in marvel, and then dip feeding small amounts of progress in-between massive info dumps of theory and bible content; leading us to think and hope it's somehow the story is actually going to start. So much development, theorycrafting, info dumps, random self progress, etc... yet at chapter 80ish, I still question if the story has started or if there's any plot beyond all that.
it's marvel right?...not Sunday school?
for an overpowered protag,.. he sure gets helplessly pushed around alot
what an odd and annoying way to add filler text to 80% of a chapter...
so many Star wars ships. when does he get his own death star?