Aburrido de la vida y los sueños sin cumplir, escribo para crear mundos donde perderme. Aquí, cada palabra es una chispa, y cada historia, un refugio para quienes aún sueñan con lo imposible.
de la lecture
Lire des livres
el que se encarga de vodafone leeyendo el historial (Enanas montando a caballo) el de vodafone ( ͡❛ ⏥ ͡❛)
It wasn't my mistake. The site where I got the chapter for translation was messed up.
True, true! I didn't realize it. The website where I got the chapter from was a mess. Thanks for the warning!
Hmmm, I'm sure some lunatics will join. Just think about the parties they throw. Not everyone has cyberimplants.
expansion dlc?
me parece subrealista comparar a un brujo con un ninja de elite
esto es solo para seres incorporeos