

2023-07-28 JointGlobal

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  • Gojo_God
    Répondu à AnotherAtlas

    I agree, it's the same thing as someone copying your memories and putting them in another body, you're already dead, that body will only think it's you, that sucks

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: Escape
    Naruto: Start simulating as Sasuke Uchiha
    Anime et bandes dessinées · MetaQuill
  • Gojo_God

    Why do Chinese people feel this need to show off? It seems like they always want there to be “slaps in the face”. He could have simply made one or two clones to pass calmly, he is very stupid for having made so many clones, for Danzo to catch him and take him to the "root" it is a matter of time (unless the plot armor saves him ). He should have passed the test as if he had barely managed it and when he got a C rank mission act as if he had improved because of the life and death struggle.

    Ch 2 Genin Exam Chapter 2
    Naruto: Rewarding System
    Anime et bandes dessinées · GMC2_GAMING
  • Gojo_God

    Então é só Obito ficar arrancando seus próprios olhos e curando com os feijões que ele terá um exército com Kamui hahaha

    Ch 67 chapter 67 The Biggest Cheat For an Uchiha
    All Hokage in The Chat Group
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Marioni
  • Gojo_God

    Tudo isso me deixou confuso sobre a linha do tempo, Hinata já nasceu? Mas então o que houve para os Uchihas serem mandados para a periferia? Já que Kushina está com Ryan, significa que Naruto não nasceu, então não teria o incidente da Kyuubi, então em que ano exatamente eles estão? Também foi citado que a terceira guerra seria iniciada, mas então não faria sentido as questões dos Uchihas e nem dos Hyugas

    Ch 16 Chapter 16
    All Hokage in The Chat Group
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Marioni
  • Gojo_God
    Répondu à daniel_moreno_6105

    Não é bem assim. Kakashi só estava fraco no início do cânone porque após a morte de Obito e Rin ele já estava em depressão, ainda com um Sharingan sugando todo o chacra dele seria muito difícil ficar mais forte, estava mais atrapalhando do que ajudando, aí seu sensei Minato e Kushina morreram, assim ele perdeu praticamente todos que ele se importava e acabou perdendo muito a motivação de viver, tanto é que Gai ficou muito preocupado com ele pois ele quase nem treinava mais, então no início do cânone ele estava muito enferrujado e não conseguiu acompanhar todos os outros. Mas Kakashi é realmente um gênio, ele apenas desperdiçou seu talento. (Podemos dizer praticamente o mesmo de Sasuke e Naruto, eles tinham talento de sobra, mas no início do cânone ambos eram muito fracos para sua idade comparados à outros gênios, isso decorreu de não terem professores adequados, tanto é que Sasuke no tempo que passou com Orochimaru ficou muito mais forte do que Naruto que passou seu treinamento com Jiraya que praticamente não ensinou nada para ele)

    Ch 4 Ninja academy begins
    Living in the world of Naruto
    Action · Mateusl8
  • Gojo_God

    The Kyuubi incident takes place in the 65th year of Konoha, the first part (beginning of the canon) takes place in the 78th year of Konoha, so this timeline is very confusing. To give you an idea, if mc is 4 years old and in the 36th year of Konoha, it means he was born in the same year as Fugaku (32nd year of Konoha), so when the canon started, mc would have already been over 40 years old.

    Ch 3 Chapter : 3
    Naruto : Transmigrated as an Uchiha
    Anime et bandes dessinées · jp777
  • Gojo_God

    The Kyuubi incident takes place in the 65th year of Konoha, the first part (beginning of the canon) takes place in the 78th year of Konoha, so this timeline is very confusing. To give you an idea, if mc is 4 years old and in the 36th year of Konoha, it means he was born in the same year as Fugaku (32nd year of Konoha), so when the canon started, mc would have already been over 40 years old.

    Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
    Naruto : Transmigrated as an Uchiha
    Anime et bandes dessinées · jp777
  • Gojo_God

    Wow, that really went from 100 to 0 very quickly, all I could think about was how ridiculous the mc is throughout the entire chapter, I prefer the way he was, I hated him becoming a third-rate villain out of nowhere.

    Ch 14 Chapter-14 : Past
    Naruto : Sensual Adventures
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Imperial_Writer
  • Gojo_God
    Répondu à Sycore_w

    Initially I used the word "coldly", but I ended up saying "rude" in my response because I couldn't find a better word, but what I meant was that it wouldn't have disrupted his life to have talked normally with the children at the orphanage, to talk casually with someone doesn't make you friends, so it would be normal for him to talk to them occasionally and avoid these inconvenient situations

    Ch 6 Academy
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Sycore_w
  • Gojo_God
    Répondu à TheEternalGod

    So will the protagonist's love interest be men? What it is? Because if it's Bakugou I'm going to run away as quickly as possible.

    Ch 1 You Know The Drill, Folks!
    Nine-Tailed Fox In MHA
    Anime et bandes dessinées · ForgeCoffee
  • Gojo_God
    Répondu à Asriel_Zara

    Well, he has a brain and uses it little, what do you expect?

    Ch 15 Back at it
    Gamer in Naruto
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Aronas
  • Gojo_God
    Répondu à DeejaeSutherland

    For the author, a chunin is the sage of the 6 paths hahaha

    Ch 4 C-rank?
    Gamer in Naruto
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Aronas
  • Gojo_God

    His strength and agility is the same as last week, that is, he has 0 talent, or at least the author is nerfing him, because in the first 40 minutes that he was training chakra control he gained strength and agility points without even be an exercise focused on that, but after a week of intense training (since he was supposedly a training maniac) he didn't gain ONE single stat.

    Ch 3 Weapon, training, potential murder of a cat
    Gamer in Naruto
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Aronas
  • Gojo_God
    Répondu à z_vitalikus

    I was reading the story in the anonymous tab, but I had to take the trouble to open a normal tab and log in to like your comment, you commented exactly how I feel sometimes with some of the protagonists here

    Ch 1 Dead and alive
    Gamer in Naruto
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Aronas
  • Gojo_God

    That was too cringe, I won't be able to continue reading with a protagonist like that

    Ch 1 Chapter I: Reincarnator's Ranting
    Naruto: Blood & Pleasure
    Anime et bandes dessinées · NexusPrimodius
  • Gojo_God

    The pace is too slow, not to mention that the guy transmigrated into Sasuke doing a fusion of souls and can't even be more talented than Itachi or Kakashi, really disappointing. Furthermore, he must have already transmigrated over a month ago and hasn't even thought about doing the tree climbing exercises, etc., as chakra control is one of the main skills in Naruto, as well as helping to master jutsus much faster.

    Ch 10 Chapter – 9 Kenjutsu Training: Footwork & Obstacle Course
    Naruto: As Uchiha Sasuke
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Novachrono_Agares
  • Gojo_God

    Haha, Sasuke is the most useless Uchiha in history, he managed to fail twice in a row to awaken his mangekyou

    Ch 5 Chapter – 4 The Uchiha Compound
    Naruto: As Uchiha Sasuke
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Novachrono_Agares
  • Gojo_God

    Nessa Fanfic eu não tenho um quadro geral da personalidade de Danzo, mas não parece uma boa ideia dar tanta autoridade para ele, mas talvez esse Danzo tenha em mente o bem da aldeia antes de seus próprios desejos egoístas e só vai lançar suas garras contra Hiruzen depois disso ser resolvido

    Ch 21 Naruto : Chapter 21
    Naruto : Trickery
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Doppins
  • Gojo_God
    Répondu à Sycore_w

    Ele já tinha passado muitos meses no orfanato, então já deveria ter passado o tempo em que ele ainda estava estressado com a "mudança repentina", os humanos são criaturas que se adaptam muito rápido, no máximo em 2 meses ele já deveria ter aceitado a vida dele, então pra mim ele realmente foi infantil. Pode ser que ele não precise necessariamente ser gentil com as crianças, mas você ser rude com uma pessoa sorridente é realmente uma atitude que um adulto não tomaria. Mas como o personagem é seu ele pode apenas ter sido um filho da puta mal educado em sua vida anterior, então não faz diferença o jeito que ele trata os outros já que não temos uma noção anterior de sua personalidade.

    Ch 6 Academy
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Sycore_w
  • Gojo_God

    I don't have many problems with this, but it was very tiring to read 5 chapters where not even two hours had passed, if all the chapters were like this the mc would only graduate from the academy in 2938388282848292991388383 chapters

    Ch 5 Getting the Cursed Seal Use Command
    A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Hanma_Jack