
Naruto : Sensual Adventures

let's do this shit huh, MC gets transmigrated into the world of Naruto. Now, he fucks arounds and find out how to get strong Expect the unexpected. Tags : Naruto Small Harem Smut R-18 Action Rich MC Advise : hold your undies tight.

Imperial_Writer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter-14 : Past

Hiro exited the Hokage tower with a new determination in his eyes.

Till now, he had been playing the good guy, the ignorant guy, but now he knew he won't be able to continue like that.

As if a weight had been lifted off of him, Hiro felt that the restriction that he had cast over himself after his transmigration had now been destroyed.

Hiro was never the good guy in his previous life.

Contrary to that, he had been someone rotten with aim of doing absolutely anything to achieve a goal he set his mind on.

In his previous life, he used to be an Elite special operations soldier with a speciality of Explosive Ordnance Disposal and the correct use to explosives to take down enemy structures.

But at a young age of 22, just 5 months into his deployment, he got in a heated argument with his superior, the result was not good and he knocked out a few teeth and broke the nose of the said superior.

Since the guy pulled some strings, Hiro was dishonerably discharged from the Army.

Since then, Hiro then realised the that only power and money mattered in the world.

He quickly got into the mercenary business, and after a few special international 'hits', he was almost 3 million dollars richer.

Using the money, he created his own Gang, used the said money to make even more money, and finally delved into depths of the political world.

Using his talents at being really despicable and really smart in deceiving people, Hiro became a formidable enough political figure that not even the president of the country he lived in could do anything to him.

Since then, he used corruption, bribes, Intimidation, blackmail, and every trick in the book to accumulate power and get even richer.

His companies scored one government contract after another, netting him alot of money.

One could say he was the prime definition of how people imagined politician to be.

Slick tongued, two faced, corrupt son of bitch who would do anything to keep power and money.

Hiro, considering his transmigration as a chance to change that, Hiro suppressed his inner self that longed for power and domination.

He tried to stop himself at just money and had decided to use that for a comfortable and Easygoing lifestyle, but now that people had bought his inner self out, he could no longer restrain himself.

He knew that if he so much as dipped a pinky back into this pond of treachery, greed and hunger for power, he would be dragged back into it's depth.

And now that people seem to force that side out of him, he would show that he was not an easy taget, he was the apex predator, he would get back at them, and when he will, they won't have anything that could save them.

Right now, Hiro had set his plan into motion.

He would use all the classic techniques to bring down his opponents.

Starting with them and their family, he would bring out their deepest and darkest secrets through all means possible, and in a world where people can literally force themselves inside a person head to seek things out, it wouldn't be a natter of how or if, it's a matter of how long it takes to do it.

He had just used 5 millions Ryo for clandestine Missions of konoha to dig every dirty little secret the Daimyo council members, their family, their relatives and friends were harboring.

Hiro was 80% sure konoha already had insights on the matter and he just needed to make the payment to create an equal exchange.

From whom they went school with to whom they sleep with and everyone in between, Hiro requested information on everyone.

Alot of which Konoha did not have and thus he payed 3 more million for gathering of the data.

Their corruption logs, times they have violated the law, times of them commiting crimes, everything, Hiro wanted to bring their reputations in the general public so down that they would lose all the support, since all the members of Daimyo Council were ministers and elected people, their future as a politician would be ended.

Then he would start to really attack them and tear them apart.

He'll sow seeds of discontent, suspicion and possible betrayals in their hearts so that they'll start doubting everyone.

He'll destroy their relationships.

He'll hire mercenaries to strike their businesses and cripple their profits.

He'll make sure 'thieves' steal their money and they are left penniless.

He'll make sure that they go bankrupt and have to sell their everything, even themselves.

And at that moment, when they are at their absolute bottom, He'll give them hope, only to crush it even harder.

Only then would he be truly satisfied.

This was a tried and tested method that he had implemented in his life many times.

Hiro was a very Selfish, very Greedy and extremely petty man.

He'll go to any lengths to exact his vengeance.

Hiro walked all the way back to his mansion, slowly, modifying and updating the plan in his head, thinking about unaccounted variables and other things at play.

He wanted to make sure that his path to his goal was clear of any and all obstacles.

Hiro, lost in his thoughts opened the door as he saw Hinata and Ino, both sitting face to face talking to each other as they both turned their heads to welcome his arrival.

Shaking his head, Hiro changed his expression as he turned away the scheming thoughts in his mind.

With his signature smile back on his face, he moved ahead amd sat beside Hinata to clear any misunderstanding that may have been created.

A/N : Pheww, Midsems are over, I'll update regularly from now, about 5-6 chaps a week.

PS : Quite a lot of you guys have asked for how MC looks, so I'll be posting a seperate Auxiliary chapter explaining it along with many things like power level, skill level, world background and many more things.