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wow the portal-ing was a nice touch there. rune always being direct when in battle
I thought this would happen after I read the last chapter, though I did not know if rune had left yet... Wonder if one has a fragment :-)? this is going to be a gerat dungeon fight with them able to clear and luna to isolate the area, fight great times ahead.
there portals comes in handy I bet
so like you leave us on a cliffhanger anyhow this book has been amazing. I have really enjoyed it. I don't feel bad using coins because I know that this author will finish his books.
hey do what you got to do we will be waiting for each as they come. it's nice to see other adventure groups I guess fighting about.
great set up for the dungeon and what's to come. let's see what the Crimson bulls fight next...
good chapter enjoyed the little bit of family time but I guess the arc has to move on and then we got two things now with the rumbling and maybe some dungeon disappearances or abnormal activity that will be fun the darkness is spreading I'm guessing to the dungeons.
word missing here?
good chapter, Nice to see you everybody working together as a team it'll be interesting to see how the town deals with all the power that's gone out. thanks again dragon.